In October 1943, Hubbard was sent for a six-week course at the
Naval Small Craft Training Center on Terminal Island, San Pedro, California.
In December 1943, Hubbard received orders to go to Portland, Oregon, where
he was given the assignment as Navigating Officer on the USS Algol, an
amphibious attack cargo ship which was still being built. From January
through July, Hubbard was stationed in Portland, waiting for the ship to be
finished. In July, the ship was commissioned and was put to sea for trials.
For the next two months the ship and its crew exercised in the Pacific
Ocean. Hubbard at that time had enough of sea duty, and put in a request for
a transfer to the School of Military Government. His commanding officer
approved his request, and made the remark, “Even if Lt. Hubbard was
capable and energetic, he was very temperamental and often had his feelings
When the ship sailed toward the Marshall Islands to later take part in the
invasion of Luzon in the Philippines and the landing on Okinawa, Hubbard
attended a four-month course in Military Government at the Naval Training
School at Princeton. In January 1945, Hubbard was transferred to the Naval
Civil Affairs Staging Area in Monterey, California. In April he again
complained about being sick and was diagnosed with a possible ulcer. On
September 5, 1945, three days after World War II officially ended, Hubbard
was re-admitted to Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland, California to be
treated for "epigastric distress."
Hubbard told his wife and other people that he had been blinded with injured
optic nerves and made lame with injuries to his hip and back as a result of
having seen combat. He later claimed that his faith in the supernatural had
healed him completely. Hubbard was really setting up a case for himself so
that he could draw disability pay from the Navy for the rest of his life.
This conclusion can be drawn from the extensive paper trail that he left
behind, in filing strong claims that he was severely disabled due to his
service in the navy.
NOTE: Hubbard never saw combat during the entire World War II. As far as the
Navy was concerned, he was a total failure, and spent most of his time in
some kind of training program from which the Navy received no benefits. He
had wasted the American taxpayers' money. But once out of the Navy, he told
big lies about seeing much action and his great contribution to the war
We are now coming to an intersection that will show the link between
Scientology, Satanism, the American Space Program and Freemasonry.
Jack Parsons |
JACK PARSONS (1914-1952)
His given name was John Whiteside Parsons but he became known as Jack
Parsons. He was born on October 2, 1914 to a wealthy family in Los Angeles,
California. At one time, his father had worked for President Woodrow Wilson.
The older Parsons was a womanizer and committed adultery resulting in his
wife telling him to leave the home. The divorce took place when Jack was
very young. In his writing, he stated that the abandonment by his father
left him with a hatred of authority and a spirit of revolution, as well as
an oedipal1 attachment to his mother. He grew up
as an insecure child, being withdrawn and isolated from other children, and
he was bullied by his peers.2 When Jack was
around 13 years old, he had his first encounter with the Devil, which at
that time frightened him. But the attraction to Satan was strong, and Jack
was successful in calling upon Satan to comfort him and give him power.
Checking the Encyclopaedia Britannica, there is no information to be found
on him in the 2005 and 2004 editions, despite the fact that he played a
major role in the U.S. Rocket industry and the American Space Program. Young
people in high schools and colleges are not even told that the man existed,
let alone what he did. Why? It was because he was also a Satan worshiper.
But the people running NASA did not forget Parsons. A large crater on the
"dark side" of the Moon was named after Parsons and is known as "Crater
During his high school years Jack developed a deep interest in physics and
chemistry. But his hopes of attending college only materialized for a short
time, while he attended the University of Southern California. Parsons had
to suspend his studies at the University when the family lost most of its
wealth during the early years of the depression era. But one thing happened
during that time, Parsons became acquainted with the writings of Aleister
Crowley, the English sorcerer and Satanist known as "The Beast 666."
Looking at his achievements and his devotion to Satan there is no doubt that
the Devil gave him supernatural insight into chemistry, and particularly in
the area of building rockets driven by engines using hot gases derived from
solid fuel.
Frank Malina |
It was in 1935 that three young men teamed up to develop and test rocket
engines. They were Jack Parsons, Edward Forman and Frank
Malina. Malina at this time was a 22-year-old graduate student at the
California Institute of Technology, a private college founded in 1891 and
located in Pasadena, California. Parsons was the chemist, Forman was the
machinist and Malina was the mathematician and the theoretician.3
Jack and Edward had been friends during their high school years.
Theodore von Karman |
It was Malina, the student, who approached professor and aerodynamicist
Theodore von Karman4 to approve a thesis in
rocket design at the GUGGENHEIM AERONAUTICAL LABORATORIES of Caltech. The
thesis was approved, and at a public lecture on rocket technology, at
Caltech, Parsons and Forman came, enticed by an ad in the paper advertising
the lecture. They met Malina and through Malina, Parsons and Forman gained
access to Caltech, despite the fact that their highest education was high
school and some college classes.
Parsons and Forman had worked in an explosives manufacturing plant, Halifax
Powder Company in the Mojave Desert, where Parsons learned about the mixing
of explosives. As a self taught chemist, he had experimented with Forman in
building small rockets and sending them off into the air.
As they began to work to develop a solid rocket fuel, there were many
explosions and mishaps and the group was named "the Suicide Squad."
By this time the group had grown and a Chinese national had been added,
Hsue-Shen Tsien5, A.M. O’Smith, and
Weld Arnold. Eventually they were told that they had to move their
testing to the "Arroyo Seco Canyon" near the Devil's Gate Dam. It was not
far from this site that a few years later the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was
Caltech refused to fund the research work and the trio had to find their own
financing. The group received a donation of $1,000.00 from Arnold, which in
today's money would be worth around $50,000.00. The group visited junk yards
looking for any type of scrap, which could be used in building their
In 1938 the leadership of the U.S. Army started to plan for war with Germany
and Japan. The satanic leadership controlling the American government had
already planned out World War II, and the military leaders in Pentagon were
told to get ready. American military intelligence had found out about the
rocket research at Caltech and this information was passed on to the
military staff at Pentagon. Officers from the U.S. Army Air Corps and the
Navy contacted Caltech and told Professor von Karman that they were
extremely interested in the rocket research being undertaken by Jack Parsons
and his group. The military was looking for "jet-assisted takeoff (JATO) to
be used for heavy bombers and aircraft taking off from navy carriers. Jack
Parsons was able to produce a solid rocket fuel, which could be loaded into
a small rocket and fastened to the wings of military aircraft and thus give
them an extra boost to shorten the take off distance before the aircraft was
air born.
Early JATO |
Suddenly the poor "the Suicide Squad" was being funded by they U.S. Army and
money was no longer an issue. The first contract with the Army was for
$1,000.00 and a year later there was a contract for $10,000.00. The group
obtained a number of JATO patents, most of them under Parsons' name and
formed a company in 1941 named, "Aerojet Engineering Corporation."
The newly formed corporation was designed to build and sell JATO units to
the U.S.military. The founding members were Parsons, Forman, Malina, von
Karman, Andrew Haley and Martin Summerfield.
By August 1941, Parsons and his group had successfully developed the first
practical solid propellant and the first successful JATO tests were made.
The takeoff distance on small aircraft was shortened by 50%.
In 1942, Parsons left his position as head of solid fuel rocket research at
the Army Air Corp at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and devoted his time to
Aerojet, with the same kind of research.
Modern JATO |
To assist a person who has no experience with explosives, let me clarify the
tremendous difficulty that Parsons and his group faced. To produce a solid
castable rocket fuel that would be able to burn very hot, and yet not
explode was not easy. Black powder had been used in the past to propel small
rockets, but black powder does not have the necessary horse power needed to
launch an airplane off a runway. Thus Parsons was a key person in the rocket
group with the most importance..
The solid propellant that Parsons designed made it possible to build a
rocket engine that would burn in a stable condition and for a long-duration.
Parsons' propellant was to be used in the nation's first rocket "WAC
Corporal" to enter extra terrestrial space (47 miles) in 1945. Later
Parsons' invention was used in rocket engines for long range missiles like
Polaris, Minuteman and Poseidon.
By 1944, Aerojet had run into financial trouble, despite its successful work
with the Army. The company had obtained a number of Navy contracts, but did
not have the funds to finish the work. A decision was made to offer 50% of
the stocks of the company to General Tire and Rubber Company. Aerojet
had tried to borrow money from a number of banks, but had been turned down.
The owners of Aerojet asked for $225,000.00, but the CEO of General Tire
offered $50,000.00. In 1945 a price was negotiated, and General Tire bought
into Aerojet for $75,000.00
The corporate leaders of General Tire knew that Aerojet was going to become
"a gold mine" so in 1953 a corporate war ensued to oust the rest of the
original owners and take over all the patents. They wanted the rocket group
to work for them, but to "steal" the corporation from them. It offered the
founders $350 per share, and when this was refused the management of General
Tire threatened to pay out $300 in dividends on each share, which would
deplete the cash of the corporation and load the share holders with extra
taxes. Furthermore, General Tire would convert Aerojet shares to General
Tire shares, but at a very unfavorable rate. Von Karman was pressured to
sell. Malina took the $300 dividend and converted his shares to Aerojet-General
Tire and moved to Paris, France, where he opened an art studio. As Aerojet
turned into a billion dollar corporation, Malina was able to make a nice
living. Seven years after Karman sold his shares, they were worth 12 million
Parsons and Foreman had been aced out of Aerojet shortly after General Tire
took over in 1944, and received a very low payout for their shares. Parsons
received $11,000.00 for his shares, which in 1965 were worth more than 12
million dollars.
Parsons went to work for other aerospace firms and in the late 1940's he was
working for Hughes Aircraft. He carried a high security clearance
from the U.S. Government, but because he had become involved spying for the
government of Israel he lost his security clearance. He had been under
surveillance for some time by the FBI and was caught removing classified
documents from Hughes Aircraft and trying to pass them on to the State of
Israel. Thus Parsons was unable to continue to work for defense contractors
and during his last years, his works consisted of making small explosive
devices for movie studios in Hollywood, who used them as sound effects when
people were "shot" in the movies. In 1952, Parsons got an offer from the
Mexican government to set up an explosives factory in Mexico and as he was
packing up his belonging and getting ready to move to Mexico, he was killed
in an explosion in his own private laboratory. The police ruled it an
accident, but looking at the reports from that time it becomes clear that
Parsons was murdered.
Willy Ley |
Parsons was tied in with an international network of scientists, who were
either doing research or working on rockets and future space travel. The
German rocket specialist, Willy Ley (1906-1969) was one of them and
Parsons also was in contact with Russian scientists prior to World War II.
Ley worked in Germany until 1935, when he immigrated to the United States to
escape the Nazi regime.
Wernher von Braun |
Ley was a teacher for the German rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun
(1912-1977), who became the master designer of missiles for the Hitler Nazi
regime, producing the V1 and V2 rockets that rained hellfire on British
civilians. More than 5000 V-2 rockets were launched killing some 2,724 Brits
and badly injuring some 6,000. In 1945 von Braun and his design team were
brought to the United States, despite the fact that von Braun had used slave
labor in the production of his missiles. His move to the United States was
done in secret under “Project Paper Clip," which included some 10,000 Nazi
scientists, intelligence operators and medical doctors, who had worked in
the mind control and death operations in Nazi Germany.6
It is documented that Parsons had frequent telephone contacts with von
Braun, once the latter had been brought to the United States. In 1952 Braun
became technical director of the U.S. Army's Ballistic Missile Agency at
Huntsville, Alabama and was the primary manager for the production and
launching of missiles like Redstone, Jupiter-C, Juno and Pershing missiles.
In an interview with von Braun in later years in the United States, von
Braun stated that Parsons, not himself, should be regarded as the father of
the American space program.
I have briefly laid out the beginning of the American space program and who
the people were. The chief player in the early stages was a young
self-taught chemical scientist by the name of John Whiteside Parsons, a.k.a.
Jack Parsons.
For some reason the establishment has removed almost all references to
Parsons and unless a person knows what to look for, they will never find out
about Parsons. Students educated in the American educational system are not
told that the man existed, despite the fact that he was a cofounder of the
most well known aerospace corporations in the United States: Jet Propulsion
Laboratory and Aerojet.
The project Jack Parsons had been involved in was called the "GALCIT ROCKET
RESEARCH PROJECT.” Later it became the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. There were
two documents that survived the purge, one from 1940 and another from 1954.
The first was, “The Daniel Guggenheim Graduate School Of Aeronautics Of The
California Institute Of Technology: A history of the first ten years,
Bulletin of the California Institute of Technology, Volume 49, No. 2,
Pasadena, California, May 1940.” In this report it stated that in 1936 at
the private initiative of a group composed of Frank Malina, Hsue-Shen Tsien,
A.M.O. Smith John W. Parsons, Edward S. Forman and Weld Arnold the GALCIT
Rocket Research Project had begun, and that the key players in this project
had been Malina, Parsons and Forman.
There were references listed to two papers written by Parsons, one had been
published and the other was unpublished. The first one was published in
Astronautics, No. 43 (1939), 4 under the title: "Experiments with Powder
Motors for Rocket Propulsion by Successive Impulses." Forman was a coauthor
on this paper. The second paper that was never published was titled, "A
consideration of the Practicality of Various Substances as Fuels for Jet
There were also references to other reports prepared for manufacturing
concerns and government agencies by F. J. Malina, with the assistance of J.
W. Parsons and E. S. Forman.
In the report from 1940, it was stated that the GALCIT program had recently
(in 1940) been expanded under the sponsorship of the Committee of the
National Academy of Sciences for Air Corps Research. The program was
directed by von Karman, who was chairman of the subcommittee on jet
propulsion. The experimental part of the program was being carried out by F.
J. Malina, J. W. Parsons and E. S. Forman.
In 1954, another report was issued, entitled, "The Guggenheim Aeronautical
Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology: The First Twenty-Five
Years, Cal Tech, Pasadena, June 1954.” In this report there is no reference
to Parsons, and most of the rocket group have had their names deleted. Von
Karman survived the purge and is given credit for something other people
did. The scientific papers listed in the 1940 report have been taken out,
and Parsons had by 1954 ceased to exist as an American rocket scientist.
Someone has something they want to hide. What they want to hide from the
public is that the entire rocket research program and its development had
its roots in the occult, which leads me to proclaim the following:
If we take the Bible at face value and that it is the Word of God, this is
the only conclusion we can reach. As we have learned from the Bible, Satan
and his fallen angels were banished from the heavens (space) and confined to
the earth. This followed a devastating space war. God's holy angels are
using the planet earth as a giant "prisoner of war" camp and detaining Satan
and his fallen angels from once again getting back out into space.
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was
their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with
him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and
strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the
accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day
and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word
of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore
rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the
earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great
wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation
Like human P.O.W.’s, the Devil and his angels are trying to escape back into
space, but despite the fact that they have possession of space craft that
can swiftly fly them into outer space, God's holy angels are patrolling
around the earth and making sure that there are no escapes. The only hope
the inhabitants in the satanic kingdom have, is to use humans as proxies for
their escape. The Bible tells us of the first attempt, when Satan tried to
rally people and have them develop a desire to be able to leave the earth
and travel into space. By possessing human beings, the evil spirits can ride
piggy back on human beings and not be stopped by God's holy angels. Look at
this passage in the Bible:
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came
to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the
land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to,
let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone,
and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city
and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name,
lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD
came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one
language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from
them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there
confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the
earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it
called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the
earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all
the earth. Genesis 11:1-9
This prophecy of Jesus is now being fulfilled:
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man
be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered
into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37-39
As it was in the days of Noah, so it is today. The earth now has ENGLISH as
the dominant language that is being taught in the educational systems of all
nations. English is the language of the world when it comes to computers,
the Internet, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, etc. If a person does not
know English, he is handicapped. Business, banking, and satellite systems
are also all in English. The Global market is run in the English language.
There is even a global currency system; all currencies are set and regulated
by the American dollar.
Flying in the air, or orbiting around the earth is allowed by God, but when
the humans try to leave the earth and move out into space, they are in
rebellion and trespassing. Listen to what God originally said to Adam:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God
blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth
upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing
seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which
is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to
every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing
that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every
green herb for meat: and it was so. And God saw every thing that he had
made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were
the sixth day. Genesis 1:26-31
God gave man the earth, not the commission to travel out into space.
Aleister Crowley |
Enter now into the equation, the British Devil worshiper, Aleister
Crowley, born in England 1875. Few Christians have the knowledge that
this "obscure misfit" has impacted politics, business transactions, the
current space industry, and worst of all millions of people listening to
music from the Beatles and on.
As I dug into the information, I myself was astonished at the influence
of this man who rejected Christ and became the leading occultist of the 20th
century. Therefore I am detailing the life of Crowley. I believe that he
was possessed and led by high powered demonic principalities, which used him
to pave the way for the coming of the Antichrist reign on earth. The
phenomena of the success of the Harry Potter books and the devotion to
witchcraft of children in 2005 can be laid at the feet of Aleister Crowley.
L. Ron Hubbard |
Just like Ron Hubbard, Crowley traveled for a number of years to different
nations in the world, particularly to Egypt and Italy, moved to New York
in1914, and later he left the United States and lived for some time in
Italy, and then moved back to England where he died in 1947.
It is important that future Christian generations understand, that the
satanic groups have been and are tied together in networks, not just in the
demonic world, but also in the physical world. Thus a man born in 1875
yielded a tremendous influence on the American space program, and what is
happening in 2005 has its roots hundreds of years ago.
Cyrus Scofield |
Crowley was born to a Christian family, his parents belonged to the Plymouth
Brethren. His father, Edward Crowley had retired from a brewery
business (alcohol) and became a fiery lay preacher in the congregation.
Looking at this denomination, there are two prominent things which warrant
that I include a description of the denomination from Encyclopaedia
The first is that the denomination does not recognize proper leadership, and
thus is more like an anarchist group, which influenced Aleister. The second
is that John Nelson Darby was instrumental in introducing a strong
teaching on the Rapture, and was instrumental in convincing Cyrus
Ingerson Scofield to be the man that sold this teaching to the American
fundamental churches and produced the Schofield Bible, which is causing
havoc to biblical Christian doctrine.
John Darby |
A community of Christians whose first congregation
was established in Plymouth, Devon, Eng., in 1831. The movement
originated in Ireland and England a few years earlier with groups of
Christians who met for prayer and fellowship. Biblical prophecy and
the Second Coming of Christ were emphasized. John Nelson Darby, a
former clergyman in the Church of Ireland (Anglican), soon became the
dominant personality in the movement. He founded groups of Brethren in
many parts of the British Isles and in continental Europe, especially
in French Switzerland, where he spent the greater part of the period
After Darby returned to England in 1845, disputes
over doctrine and church government split the Brethren. Darby's
followers formed a closely knit federation of churches and were known
as Exclusive Brethren; the others, called Open Brethren, maintained a
congregational form of church government and less rigorous standards
for membership. Exclusive Brethren have suffered further divisions.
Brethren of all parties recognize no order of
clergy or ministers as distinct from the laity. A communion service is
celebrated every Sunday. Practically all groups practice believer's
Baptism, although some Exclusives, following Darby's practice, baptize
children of members.
The Plymouth Brethren have been active in foreign
missionary work, principally in Central Africa, India, and Latin
America. Brethren are found throughout the English-speaking world and
in most European countries. In the U.S., which they reached in the
early 1860s, there are eight groups, distinguished for statistical
purposes by roman numerals I through VIII.
Aleister was raised in a very strict environment with daily Bible studies
and private tutoring in Biblical doctrine. As a child, Aleister rebelled
against the teaching and his strict environment. According to Aleister, his
mother would call him "The Beast," which is the Biblical name for the
Antichrist found in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation. The boy also
objected because the activities he considered fun, were labeled "sinful." In
his adulthood he would call himself, "The Beast," and was proud of this
label. Despite his distaste for Christianity, Aleister idolized his father,
the lay preacher, and when his father died before Aleister had become a
teenager, he became very disturbed.
Aleister broke with his Christian upbringing through a ritual in which he
baptized a frog, which he said represented Jesus Christ, and then he
crucified the frog. He also began to proclaim that he was a reincarnation of
the French Roman Catholic priest Eliphas Levi (born 1810) who had renounced
his Christian faith and became a follower of the Jewish Cabala and an expert
on black magic.
As a young man, Aleister attended Cambridge College (a very prestigious
British learning institution). In his youth he created his own philosophical
system, which he called "Occult Science." This was a mixture from different
pagan religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Tantra (the predecessor to Western
Sex magick), Zoroastrianism (the ancient pre-Islamic religion of Persia
[Iran], which was invented by Zoroaster in the 6th century before Christ),
different systems of Yoga, Western occult sciences of the Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn and a number of rituals from Freemasonry. It is interesting
to note, that Aleister studied chemistry in his undergraduate studies, which
was the field of expertise for Jack Parsons.
As a young person Aleister, in 1898, became a member of "The Golden Dawn," a
well known Wicca (witchcraft) group active in the latter part of the 19th
century. It is obvious to any born again Christian that Aleister Crowley
never accepted Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour and that he became
possessed by demons at an early age. Two years after he joined The Golden
Dawn, Crowley was expelled after having become involved in a conflict with
MacGregor Mathers.
While Aleister attended Cambridge, he discovered that he was drawn to
homosexuality, but for some time he tried to keep this a secret. In 1898,
Aleister had written poetry called "White Stains" (referring to male sperm)
and published it under a pseudonym. It did not take long for the British
authorities to ban the odes and ordered any copies destroyed. The content
included odes to homosexuality, pedophilia (child molestation), bestiality
(sex between humans and animals) and necrophiliac cannibalism (sexual
intercourse with a corps and eating the flesh of the dead person).
Aleister was an extremely talented person, very intelligent, but totally
debased as a human being. In his youth he was an accomplished mountain
climber, a homoerotic poet (pornographic poetry) and an avid chess player.
He became a womanizer, using his sexual rituals to seduce women, playing out
his homosexuality in group sex and becoming a heroin addict. During his last
years his mental capacity had diminished and he became more or less a mental
basket case, just like Parsons and Hubbard.
Aleister did not get along well with other people and he did not like to
submit himself to others, instead he always wanted to be the leader, not a
follower. Because of this characteristic, many of his friends eventually
turned into his enemies and became very angry with him.
In October 1901, after practicing Raja Yoga for some time, he proclaimed
that he had reached a state he called "dhyana," which he described as one of
many states of unification in thoughts, which he described in his book "Magick
Book IV.” In 1902 he wrote the essay "Berashith," in which he gave
meditation as the means of attaining his goal. The writing is heavily
occultic and describes ceremonial magic as a means of training the will and
constantly directing one's thoughts to a given object through ritual. In
1903, he wrote an essay, "Science and Buddhism," in which he urged an
empirical (practical) approach to Buddhist teachings.
In 1893, Aleister married Rose Kelly, who was a sister of one of his
friends. She would accompany him in his travels to different nations. The
question I cannot answer is this, how was Crowley able to finance these
travels? From time to time he engaged in mountaineering expeditions, but I
cannot find any information on who paid for these expeditions. It seems that
just as with Ron Hubbard, there was some secret financing from someone who
was pleased with the occult work these two men were doing.
I now quote from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on the Internet:
"Over the next several years, Crowley continued his spiritual
explorations while traveling the world and engaging in the occasional
mountaineering expedition. His ideas about magic and mysticism began to
congeal. He married Rose Kelly, the sister of a friend, in 1893, and the two
traveled together.
With Rose in tow, the most significant period of Crowley's life was upon
him. During a museum visit in Egypt in April 1904, Rose found herself drawn
to an ancient Egyptian artifact with the exhibit number 666, which depicted
the Eygptian deities Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Shortly after this encounter,
Rose was overcome by the spirit of an entity known as Aiwass, who dictated
"The Book of the Law" to Crowley over the course of three days.
Whether mystically transmitted or an act of creative excess, the Book of
the Law is a remarkable document. In cryptic and poetic terms, the book lays
out a kind of scriptural framework for a spiritual path called Thelema, the
Greek word for "will." The most famous line in the book, while derivative of
previous spiritual writings, would forever be associated with Crowley: "Do
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. With these 11 words, the
course of Crowley's life was set."
The voice that Rose claimed she heard was by a spirit being called Aiwass
(the minister of "Hoor-paar-kraat" or Horus, the god of force and fire,
child of Isis and Osiris and self appointed conquering lord of the New Aeon
(eternity), and announced through his chosen scribe, the prince-priest – the
Beast, who must have been a powerful evil principality. In clear text the
demonic Aiwass claimed that he was Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
The Book of the Law contains much poetry and generally encourages a
libertine (morally unrestrained) approach to life and the usage of drugs.
Crowley was convinced that the demonic spiritual teaching he had received
was a reality and that the god, “Horus," had real power and could deliver
power from the spirit world to the physical world. The people he converted
to his occult system fell under the same spell and would have faith in the
teachings of Crowley (just as the converts to Mormonism and Jehovah's
witnesses). Aleister then began to proclaim that the Aeon (eternity) of
Horus was imminent and that there would be a new era in the evolution of man
and religion, and that it would be governed by the law of "Thelema" (Do what
you want).
Having an occult belief system does not bring in any cash, and a few years
later Crowley founded a new magical order, based upon the Book of the Law
and his Thelema teaching. He called his new order Astrum Argentium
(Silver Star) with the acronym "A.A." Crowley attracted some paying
customers and to support the growth of AA, he produced periodicals called
“Equinox” which were published irregularly over the years. But after some
time, Crowley lost interest in the AA, its publication and his wife, Rose,
whom he divorced.
Aleister then began a period of traveling to different nations and studying
esoteric systems.7 He wrote analyses and
translations of ancient texts about yoga, meditation and the I-Ching.8
Crowley also studied magical and spiritual systems in different nations, and
compiled them into a doctrinal teaching for his new religion "Thelema." As
the doctrine developed, it included rituals, astral projection, in which a
soul leaves the physical body and is able to travel to any place on the
earth, casting of spells to advance the caster's true will and the
invocation of spirits, angels, demons and any other entities in the spirit
Crowley's rituals were not different from other decadent occult orders: sex,
drugs and the worship of spirits from the kingdom of Darkness.
Karl Kellner |
As we continue to expose the workings of Satan, we are now going to
establish a link between the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, and
the Knights Templar. In 1895, the German freemason, Karl Kellner,
founded the secret society, "Ordo Templi Orientis, (OTO) Kellner claimed to
incorporate the teaching and practices of the above mentioned groups.
Theodore Reuss |
In 1902, Kellner also founded the German section of the "Memphis Misraim
Rite together with the theosopher, Franz Hartman, and the occultist
Heinrich Klein. (Theosophical Society founded in 1875 by Helena P.
Blavatsky from Russia). But Kellner did not last very long. In 1905, he died and
the new leader of the OTO was the german newspaper magnate Theodore Reuss,
a former Freemason and Illuminati member. When
members of the OTO reached the 9th degree, they were introduced to practice
ritual magic orgies. It is noteworthy to mention, that there have been a
number of well known people, who were members of the OTO. One was Rudolf
Steiner (1861-1925), the founder of the Anthroposophical Society, which
is the parent organization to the Waldorf School System. Another well
known member was Adolf Hitler, who later left the order and in 1937,
he put a ban on OTO in Germany. (To show the influence of Crowley, Hitler's
manifesto "Mein Kampf" includes many ideas and thoughts taken from
Crowley's "Book of the Law.")
Rudolf Steiner |
It is important that the reader understand that in order to belong to occult
organizations the member must pay hefty fees, which are used to pay for
administration costs and salaries of the top leadership. Thus a person who
is able to start a secret society will in time become very wealthy.
Theodor Reuss wanted to spread his order to gain more power and also to make
more money; in 1910 he had recruited Aleister Crowley to become a member of
the OTO. Crowley took the name of "BAPHOMET," which is the spiritual deity
worshipped by the Knights Templar and the Illuminati. Crowley was also known
at this time as "The Beast 666." In 1912, Grand Master Theodor Reuss granted
Crowley a charter to launch a British branch of OTO. At this time Crowley
had also become the leader of the British lodge "Mysteria Mystica Maxima."
As I stated before, in 1914 Crowley moved to New York and began recruiting
members for OTO. There was much money to make in the United States and
Crowley began to rewrite the charter of the OTO to suit his own developed
occult system. OTO's base structure was similar to freemasonry; he made it
legal for women to hold membership, the rituals were re-written in modern
English, initiation and degrees were streamlined to more quickly advance
members through its ranks which increased the financial profits and
intergrated his Thelema doctrine into OTO's core mission and placed the Book
of the Law at the center of the teaching of OTO.
OTO was by now an international occult society generating large revenues and
by 1920 Crowley wrestled control of the organization (through deceit and
political infighting). It was said that Reuss suffered a stroke in 1920, so
was not capable to run the organization. When Theodor Reuss died in 1922,
Crowley named himself Grand Master. Then a number of members and even entire
lodges left the OTO in protest, but Crowley was in firm control of what was
left of the organization.
Crowley had many projects going at the same time. In 1920 he moved to Cefalu
on the Italian island of Sicily, where he acquired a house which he named,
"The Abbey of Thelema." He was hoping that this branch of his secret
societies would take off and become a world wide movement. In this house he
lived with his mistress of that time. For the next three years there would
be steady streams of visitors who would come and live there for a while,
being initiated into the higher knowledge of the occult. His mode of
operation was a forerunner to the methods used by Parsons and Hubbard,
seducing women of moderate to substantial means, while at the same time
recruiting young male students who could do the actual work of promoting
Crowley's occult aspirations.
Dietrich Eckardt |
Since Crowley was bisexual, he would abuse both men and women in sexual
rituals. According to written accounts by people who had visited Crowley's
house, it was a horrible place, stinking of feces and urine from the people
living there. Many of Crowley's rites involved drinking of urine and eating
feces so to call the house unsanitary is too mild a term. One of the most
prominent occultists to visit the colony and learn from Crowley was the
German, Dietrich Eckardt, who became Adolf Hitler's teacher and
mentor in black magic.
In 1923, the British citizen, Raoul Loveday, died in the colony. It was told
that he died of "food poisoning." Somehow the British press got a hold of
the story and began to expose the orgies in the colony. Prior to Loveday's
death, in a ritual, a cat had been sacrificed and the blood of the cat drunk
by the group. As details of homosexual rituals, child rituals and other
bizarre activities were published in the press, the Italian leader at that
time, Benito Mussolini, ordered Crowley and his foreign guests
expelled from Italy and the colony was closed down.
In statements later given by Crowley, he bragged that he had sacrificed and
killed some 150 boys between 1912 and 1928, and that he had also practiced
drug magic (using opium, cocaine, cannabis and heroin).
As the Grand Master of OTO, Crowley encouraged human sacrifices,
particularly of children. The British press labeled him "as the most
wicked man on earth."
On December 1, 1947, God pulled the plug on Crowley and he died of
respiratory infection. At the time of his death he had lost all his money
and lived in a boarding house in total poverty.
Wilfred T. Smith |
Through another Englishman, Wilfred T. Smith, Crowley had managed to
establish an OTO branch in the Los Angeles area in the midst 1920s. The
local lodge was called "The Agape Lodge," with a membership of eight people.
The West Coast lodge was run as a strong dictatorship with Smith and his
mistress Regina Kahl. At the weekly Gnostic mass, Smith was the high
priest and Regina Kahl was the priestess.
In the late 1930's, there was a weekly Gnostic Catholic Mass at the Agape
Lodge, which was also used in recruiting new members. Visitors would be
invited to observe the performance of the mass. Regina would climb out of a
coffin to perform mystic blasphemous rites, as she was swathed in diaphanous
(transparent) gauze. Smith would then have sexual intercourse with as many
different women visitors as possible. During the intercourse he would
concentrate on the idea that he was transmitting into them a psychic force
of attraction to the OTO. His recruiting method paid off and within one year
after the lodge was formed, it had grown to 85 members.
The debauchery was no different on the West Coast than in the other OTO
centers around the world: sex, drugs, homosexuality in ritual orgies. In the
beginning Crowley had high regards for Smith, particularly for the dollars
collected and paid to Crowley. The OTO group in Los Angeles was run and
controlled by Crowley, who corresponded back and forth, not only with the
leadership but also with various members. Smith was not only an occultist;
he was also a whoremonger, who recruited many women through sexual rituals
in which he took control over the emotions of the women. Many of the women
in the lodge were severely disturbed when they realized that Smith
considered all the female members as his personal "harem."
By 1939, Jack Parsons was married to Helen Northrup, and through another
scientist, Jack and Helen were invited to a Gnostic mass of the OTO. Both of
them liked what they experienced and joined the lodge and were initiated.
It did not bother Jack that he had to turn over his wife to be sexually
molested by Smith in public rituals and in turn Jack was turned loose on
other women in the lodge. At this time Jack became bisexual, since this was
part of the rituals. Jack and his wife also became members of the ASTRUM
Already a Satanist, Jack wasted no time in advancing in the lodge. He bonded
to Smith as a father figure and was glad to share his wife with him. Jack
was able through demon power to begin astral travels, where he was able to
leave his body and with his soul travel to different places on the earth.
At the same time that Jack was getting heavily into the occult, he was given
top security clearance from the United States government and was traveling
under sealed orders, working for the U.S. Armed forces.
In a letter from Smith to Crowley, written in March 1941, Smith wrote the
"I think I have at long last a really excellent man, John
Parsons. And starting next Tuesday he begins a course of talks with a view
to enlarging our scope. He has an excellent mind and much better intellect
than me…."
By 1943, Crowley was unhappy with Smith and wanted to remove him as leader
for the Agape Lodge. By 1944, Smith was ousted from the Lodge, who, when he
left, took Jack's wife, Helen, who was pregnant by Smith. Jack was then
given the leadership of the lodge.
Around this time Parsons' father had died and Jack inherited a huge mansion
and an adjoining coach house on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena. To
the horror of his neighbors in this upscale neighborhood, Parsons turned the
three story home into a boarding house, and started renting out rooms. He
published ads in the paper stating the following: "Rooms for rent. Only
atheists and those of a Bohemian disposition need to apply."
The mansion also became the headquarters for the OTO lodge and two rooms
were dedicated for this purpose. In Jack's bedroom there was an altar,
flanked by pyramidal pillars and hung with occult symbols. The other room
was a wood-paneled library lined with books devoted to the occult and
dominated by a huge signed portrait of Crowley hanging over the fire place.
Parsons was in regular contact with Crowley, who guided the young scientist
deeper and deeper into the black hole of Satanism.
Parsons was able to seduce his wife's younger sister, Sara Elizabeth
Northrup, but who was known for her nickname, "Betty." She was a beautiful
18 year-old student at the University of Southern California, but in a few
months she dropped out of school and moved in with Jack and became his
mistress and co-worker in OTO. At that time, Parsons had become as immoral
as his mentors and told Betty that she could have sex with any man she
wanted, who were members of the lodge. She would still be Jack's
In August 1945, Lou Goldstone, at that time a well-known science -fiction
illustrator and a frequent visitor to the Parsons mansion, showed up with a
guest, L. Ron Hubbard, who at that time was on leave from the Navy. Jack
liked Ron from the moment they met; both were demon possessed men and
addicted to sex. Parsons thought that Hubbard had great magical potential
and took the risk of breaking his solemn oath of secrecy to teach Hubbard
some of the OTO's rituals. In a short time, Hubbard started to have sex with
Betty, who had been taken in by the unscrupulous and vile navy officer.
Parsons stated that it did not bother him, but other people in the house
noted that it started to eat on Parsons that Betty more or less had been
taken over by Ron Hubbard, who was still married, but that did not stop him.
To be continued. . .
I am now going to show the tremendous influence Satan has had in the last
few hundred years, using people in the occult to convey, teach and carry out
his orders:

After the death of Crowley, the demons kept his writings alive so that he
has influenced the entire secular rock and roll industry from the Beatles
on. Thus most people born after 1950 have, with or without knowledge, been
subjected to the teachings of Crowley. The result can be seen in the world
2005: Violence, immorality, pornography, drugs, etc.
Crowley and Rock & Roll
A number of rock musicians have been fascinated by the persona and ideas of
Aleister Crowley, and several have made reference to him or his work in
their own.
Popular music groups who have made passing references to Crowley include:
"The Beatles, who placed him among dozens of other influential figures on
the cover of their concept album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
"Graham Bond, keyboard player and leader of the Graham Bond Organisation
recorded Holy Magick, a "Thelemic Mass" drawn from Crowley's writings.
"Iconic pop star Michael Jackson, whose 1991 album Dangerous featured a
drawing of Crowley on the cover.
"David Bowie, whose song "Quicksand", featured on his album Hunky Dory,
makes the reference "I'm closer to the Golden Dawn, immersed in Crowley's
uniform of imagery..."
"Numerous heavy metal rockers have incorporated Crowley in their lyrics,
though their interpretations more often follow the tabloid "Satanist" image
of Crowley and not his actual writings. Such lyrics dwell on Crowley's
sometime use of Christian eschatological imagery such as the number 666.
Ozzy Osbourne in his solo album Blizzard of Oz released the song Mr. Crowley
which was about Crowley's struggles and beliefs and had an impressive guitar
solo done by Randy Rhoads, also Ministry have referred to Crowley in lyrics.
Legendary British heavy metal band, Iron Maiden, also made references to
Crowley in many of their songs (most obviously "Moonchild", on the "Seventh
Son of a Seventh Son" album); Bruce Dickinson, their lead singer, who is an
ardent folower of mystical teachings, also frequently refers to Crowley's
work in his solo projects.
"Entertainer and rock star Marilyn Manson, who once stated that Crowley was
one of his favourite authors. On his album Antichrist Superstar, the
sentence "When you are suffering, know that I have betrayed you" supposedly
rephrases a line from Liber AL vel Legis: "Begone! ye mocker; even though ye
laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when you are sad know that
I have forsaken you." The line from Disposable Teens "I never really hated a
one true god but the god of the people I hated" is believed to be a
rephrased version of the line from Confessions "I did not hate God or
Christ, but merely the God and Christ of the people whom I hated." Also, in
the song Misery Machine the chorus goes, 'We've gotta ride to the Abbey of
"British music group Current 93, fronted by a former member of the OTO,
takes their name from a mystical term referring to Thelema itself, and has
drawn extensive inspiration from Crowley's writings and works.
"Polish death metal band Behemoth: a record of theirs is entitled Thelema 6.
"The British gothic rock band Fields of the Nephilim, who make numerous
indirect references to Crowley and to Thelema in their works, with the songs
"Moonchild" and "Love Under Will" being more obvious examples.
"German pop group Alphaville, noted for mystical references of various
sorts, who penned a song about Crowley's wife Rose, entitled "Red Rose",
which makes coded reference to a number of Thelemic and otherwise occult
"The San Francisco-based Folk-Rock band Annwn, who have performed a
similarly themed song, "The Scarlet Muse", about Leila Waddell, one of
Crowley's mistresses. Some of the same performers, under the band name Nuit,
have produced an album, Mother Night, based in part on Thelemic mystical
"There is a reference to the Diaries of Crowley in the song "Liezah" by The
"The American new metal quartet Mudvayne references one of Crowley's books in
their song "Mercy, Severity". On their album The End of All Things to Come,
the sentence "Pain of division is nothing, joy of dissolution is
everything." rephrases a line from the Liber AL vel Legis: "This is the
creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy
of dissolution all."
"British rock band Manic Street Preachers feature Crowley in the video for
their song You Love Us.
"American rock band Murder City Devils titled their last album "Thelema" and
featured the phrase "Do what thou wilt" on the back cover of the CD case.
Also, several bands have used samples of Crowley reading his own works,
including British band Paradise Lost, Costa Rican band, Dreams of Decadence
and Finnish band, Babylon Whores.
Perhaps most curiously, Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, owned Crowley's
Loch Ness estate, "Boleskine House," from 1971 to 1992. It is also said that
on some pressings of the Led Zeppelin III album, one or more Aleister
Crowley quotes are inscribed into the runoff matrix of the vinyl (the space
between the last groove and the label).
An unhealthy sexual clinging to the mother.
This has been the trade-mark of young killers, like the ones
at Columbine high school in Colorado, when they brought guns to their school
and killed a number of people before they turned their guns on themselves.
Most killers also have embraced the worship of Satan.
Malina was the son of a couple from the Czech province of
what was then the Austrian Empire, who had fled to the United States to
escape repression. Frank Malina is mentioned as a small footnote in
Karman, born in Budapest 1881 to Jewish parents, died 1963
in Aachen, West Germany.
Hsue-Shen Tsien later moved back to China and became the
founder of the Chinese Missile Program which is now a great threat to the
United States
For an in depth study on Operation Paper Clip, see The Dove,
Summer 1944, pages 20-22. The Dove is a magazine produced by us. Back orders
are available upon request. We do not have a set price, but ask for a love
offering to cover our expenses.
Information known and understood of certain elect people,
but not known to the masses of people.
A Chinese system of divination written around 12th century
B.C. and very occult.
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All Scripture references are taken from the King
James Bible.
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