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We need repented, converted, Holy Ghost filled hearts for real praise and worship! You have a wonderful pianist. I have been some places where the drums are so loud you go out with your ears hurting! Do we need drums? I just want to stay on track in everything. The Lord used you in ministering to me and many others. May we all have oil in our lamps as He cometh quickly! Sincerely in Christ, Marky O.

It looks like God is judging the whole world. Food, water and gas shortages. I wonder how soon till the stock market crashes and everything falls apart? Its all working so people will want God’s Kingdom when they see man doesn’t have a solution. It looks like most of the world will follow the devil but there will be a multitude no man can number that will come out of the great tribulation and be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Rev. 7:9,14 We just have to trust in God every day to keep us. Sincerely, Barbara B.

Volume 5, 2008




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An intimate Love Letter from Father God to you.

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