
You are looking at the possibility of getting married. This is an important step
in your life, second only to salvation through Christ, which is the foremost
decision a person must make on this earth.
Marriage was instituted by God. It is a covenant between a man and a woman.
(Genesis 2:20-25)
God never intended for a marriage to end in divorce. (Matthew 19:1-9)
God never intended for a believer to marry an unbeliever. (Exodus 34:12-17;
Deuteronomy 7:1-5; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; 7:1)
Thus, a born again believer in Christ should not even consider dating someone
who is not born again.
Examine the following questions and answer them truthfully:
- Is it God’s will for you to
marry this person? Is it for sentimental reasons?
- If there is no marriage, what
will that do to your life?
- Do you believe that you will
be happy if you marry this person?
- Do you argue often with your
future spouse? How do you settle arguments?
- What is the vision that God
has given you for your life?
- What is the vision that God
has given you for a future marriage? How does your calling from God fit into
your marriage?
If your spouse is called by
God into some kind of full-time ministry, will you support them in that
- List in order the priority
that you feel is correct: You, Spouse, Children, Relatives, Friends, Others,
Church, God.
- List all the positive things
of your future spouse.
- List all the negative things
of your future spouse.
- What do you plan to give to
your future spouse?
- What do you expect to receive
from your future spouse?
- What is your view on sexual
- Are you willing to become one
flesh with this person and submit to each another in Christ?
- Do you plan on using birth
- What is your position on
children? Are you planning on having children?
- If the wife becomes pregnant
and she does not want the child, are you in favor of an abortion?
- Who will be responsible for
raising the children?
- How will your children be
- If you are told that the
unborn child is going to be deformed, are you in favor of killing the child?
- What is the role of the wife?
Should she be a homemaker and take care of the children? Should she work and
put the children in a day care center?
- Who will be in charge of the
checkbook and the finances of the family?
- Will the family be involved
in church activities?
- What is your view on divorce?
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