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Christian Dynamics Course 1: Salvation, Deliverance and Healing - John S. Torell
Christian Dynamics
Course 1

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CHAOS ENGINEERING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SHAKING HAS BEGUN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RESTORING THE EARTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT SPACE WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE REALITY OF THE SPIRIT WORLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JUDGMENT FROM GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Part 66: As the Days of Noah

In this message we are going to utilize three verses from Matthew chapter 24 in which Jesus talked about the days of Noah. I have not found any pastors who dare to examine them and explain their meaning.

The first thing we are going to investigate is the mingling of fallen angels with human women. This hybrid procreation as recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis opens up a can of worms for theologians who question the existence of angels and the reality of the spirit world.

In order to get more information on this time before the flood, it is necessary to turn to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, whom the Bible refers to as a man of God. The Book of Enoch states there were 200 fallen angels who took up dwelling on Mount Hermon. They created a physical body used to impregnate human women.

Before these fallen angels began to mingle with the human race, the earth was agrarian and mankind did not possess any tools made by metals. Satan used the fallen angels to teach about mining and metallurgy. They taught mankind to make swords, spears, axes which were used in warfare. Plants and animals were genetically modified and this is why the Bible described the earth as corrupted.

Jesus stated that the earth would revert back to the way it was in the days of Noah prior to His second return. Genetic modification of plants is commonplace today. Animals are being cloned. The technology transfer during the time of Noah took place again in 1947 when Lucifer allowed the military to retrieve a crashed UFO.

Reverse engineering has produced a significant boost in technology when it comes to transistors, semiconductors, microchips, fiber optics, lasers, super tenacity fibers, etc. The human race has experienced an evolutionary leap that led to the internet and the devices we have today.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it is again today. We are living in the time Jesus described and close to the second coming of Christ.

Print out the sermon outline and let's examine the Scriptures together Sunday morning at 9:00 AM PST.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor John S. Torell



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Pastor Charles M. Thorelll - sermon on THE HEART OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church




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