
May 11, 2011
Driving home from church
after prayer meeting on May 10th, I listened to Family Radio,
since they play music at that time of the evening. I was extremely
surprised when Craig Hulsebos came on with his usual pitch for money at
the hour break with since it was only 11 days before “Jesus comes back,”
and he was asking listeners of Family Radio to send in more money! If the
world is truly coming to an end on May 21st, why does Family
Radio need more money? Does Harold Camping plan to take some money with
him to heaven? If the time is up as Harold Camping believes and the end of
the world is here, then Camping and his devotees should not need any more
money given to them.
again decided to call Family Radio and speak with Craig Hulsebos. As
usual, I was routed to his secretary, Judy, who told me that “Mr. Hulsebos
was not available.” That has been her standard answer every time I try to
call and try to talk to him. I asked if he would return a call and she was
not sure he would call me back. When she asked the reason for me calling,
I told her that I have been a Family Radio listener since 1969 and I like
the music and some of the other programs. I shared my concern about Family
Radio due to the prediction that the world is coming to an end on May 21,
2011. If that is true, and we are now down to ten days, why does Mr.
Hulsebos still ask for money? If the world is coming to an end, why does
Family Radio need more money? She replied that Family Radio has ongoing
bills and therefore cannot stop asking for money. I then changed the
subject and asked her what Family Radio was going to do May 22, 2011. She
refused to answer the question and asked for my name and number to give to
Mr. Hulsebos, and after that the conversation was over and she hung up.
1. As
I have stated before in my earlier reports, Harold Camping has a
contingency plan ready. It is obvious that not even he believes that the
world is coming to an end on May 21, 2011. Part of the contingency plan is
to have Craig Hulsebos “clean” and not talk about the end of the world. In
my last conversation with his secretary, she told me that “Mr. Hulsebos is
walking a fine line and cannot comment on the event of May 21st.”
2. Harold
Camping has given Hulsebos orders to continue pitching for money and act
like the world is not coming to an end.
3. Programming
has been prepared to be aired after May 21st. Conferences and
other special meetings have not been canceled.
4. On
May 22, 2011, Harold Camping is going to come on the air in a special
pre-recorded program to tell the listeners that God in his mercy has
postponed the judgment day and that, he (Harold) is working to calculate
how long the extension will last. He is going to state that God is in
control, he is just a man, and if God wants to give mankind more time,
there is nothing Harold can do about it. It will be a very convincing
presentation. I believe that not only has Harold worked on this speech, he
has already recorded it and ordered it to be aired one minute past
midnight on May 22nd. Then Harold will state that it is more
important than ever that the listeners continue to give money to Family
Radio so that the extension time can be used to win more people for
5. Craig
Hulsebos will give daily pep talks and try to undo the damage Harold has
done and try to convince the listeners to stay with them, to have faith in
Family Radio, because Harold Camping is studying very hard to find out how
much time there is left before the next prediction of the end of the
Harold Camping and Craig
Hulsebos are being extremely dishonest! They are vigorously continuing to
perpetuate the lie that the end is coming on May 21st and yet
they have made contingency plans to continue like nothing has happened
after the fact.
Come clean before May 21st
and confess that you do not believe in the prediction of Harold Camping.
Ask the people listening to Family Radio to forgive you for going along
with the false teachings of Harold Camping.
Unite and force Harold
Camping off of Family Radio and the Board of Directors. You cannot rebuild
Family Radio until you remove him from having anything to do with the
Renounce the heresy that
the church age is over and that the Holy Spirit has left all Christian
churches. Ask all pastors to forgive you for the insults on their
ministries. Destroy all of Camping's writings and bring in some
fundamentally anchored ministers who can begin to teach sound doctrine on
Family Radio.
These are some difficult
questions that need to be answered:
are you going to compensate all of the people who sold their homes, quit
their jobs and joined your “caravan outreach?” What are you going to
tell them?
What are you going to
tell all of the people who refinanced their homes and used all the money
because they didn’t think they would have to pay it back?
What are you going to
tell all of the people who maxed out their credit cards so that they
could give to Family Radio for a final push on this earth?
Avoiding these questions
will only delay the inevitable when you have to stand before God and
answer them at the Great White Throne Judgment. There you will not be able
to wiggle out of responsibility and you will get the justice that was
withheld on earth.
If you have been
following my writings on Harold Camping and Family Radio, you know that
Camping does not take advice; he is the only wise and knowledgeable person
and all pastors are from the Devil. He only respects one thing, money! If
all the listeners who support Family Radio would withhold their support
and write letters stating, “There will be no more financial support as
long as Harold Camping is in charge of Family Radio and allowed to be on
the air,” then we could have an effect on getting him off the air. If
thousands of supporters took this action, Harold Camping would be gone in
just a matter of days. Pray for this to happen before God shuts down the
radio network for good and we lose all of that good music and Bible
reading forever. You, the listeners are the key!
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