Using the Bible as a timeline, we can know exactly what
transpired during the Passover Week and follow Jesus as He rode into
Jerusalem on Sunday until His crucifixion on Wednesday and subsequent
resurrection three days later.
The Jewish day starts and ends at six o'clock in the
evening, while our day starts and ends at midnight; their daytime begins
at six o'clock in the morning and it was referred to as the "first hour."
Jesus rides into Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-11
He cleansed the temple. verses 12-13
He healed the sick. verses 14-16
In the evening He went back to Bethany (2 miles east
of Jerusalem on the east slope of Olivet)
The authority of Jesus Matthew 21:23-27
The two sons verses 28-32
The wicked tenants verses 33-46
The marriage feast Matthew 22:1-14
The tax question verses 15-22
The resurrection verses 23-33
The great commandment verses 34-40
About David's son verses 41-46
Woes against the Pharisees Matthew 23:1-36
The ten virgins Matthew 25:1-13
The talents verses 14-30
The coming judgment verses 31-46
Discovery of the withered fig tree. Mark 11:20-26
Back to Jerusalem and the Passover meal. Matthew
Jesus did not do any public teaching this day.
In the evening, the Passover meal. Luke 22:13-20
Jesus exposed Judas. Matthew 26:21-25
Late that night, they went to Gethsemane. verses
The battle intensified for Jesus. verses 37-46
During the night Jesus was arrested. verses 47-56
Jesus was taken to the court of the Jews. verses
The denial of Peter. verses 69-75
At 6:00 A.M. Jesus was taken to Pilate. Matthew
Judas commits suicide. verses 3-10
That morning Jesus is tried in the Roman court.
verses 11-25
Mid-morning Jesus was sentenced and whipped. verses
At 12:00 P.M. He was crucified. verses 33-45
At 3:00 P.M. Jesus died on the cross. verses 46-51
Jesus declares, "It is finished!" John 19:30
Jesus was buried. Matthew 27:57-60
By His stripes, sickness was dealt with. Isaiah
By His blood, sin was dealt with. Hebrews 9:11-15
Jesus was faithful. Hebrews 2:9-18, 3:1-2
Then Jesus went to paradise. Luke 23:39-46
Jesus stayed here for 3 days & nights. Matthew 12:40
The Hebrew word for the place of the dead is "sheol,"
it consisted of two compartments. Luke 16:19-26
Jesus was not tormented; He was preaching! I Peter
3:18-20, 4:6
The body of Jesus was in the grave from Wednesday night
through Saturday. Remember, a Hebrew day runs from 6 P.M. - 6 P.M. (24
Sometime early Sunday morning, He arose! Matthew
The same Spirit that raised up Christ also dwells in
us. Romans 8:11
That day Jesus went to heaven to present His blood.
John 20:11-17; Hebrews 9:11-14
Jesus returned to the earth (John 20:18-31) to deal
with the devils. Colossians 2:14-15
Jesus stayed on the earth for 40 days. Acts 1:1-3
What Jesus told Peter, He is telling us too. John
Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days later! Acts 1:9-11
Jesus took all the Old Testament saints out of
paradise. Ephesians 4:8-10
Seven days later the Holy Ghost came. Acts 2:1-4

An examination of the Jewish calendar that proves
Jesus was crucified on a
Wednesday, not on a Friday as some most would suppose.
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