Where is the Bible? How did we get it? These questions, though
simple, have baffled the mind of man for years. Even Christians today
wonder if they really have the Word of God. Most Christians are
interested in how the Bible came to us through history.
Many authors, in an attempt to explain how we got our Bible,
have clouded the issue in the gray language of the scholar's union,
causing more puzzled looks than answered questions.
You will find that this book is, as its name implies,
Understandable History of the Bible. For seven years it has been
"field tested" in the hands of the common man. From steel worker to Greek
scholar, from housewife to missionary, all have been impressed by its
easily understood style.
You, dear reader, may find the answer to many of the questions
you have about the word of God. You will certainly find it educational.
After all, it was written for you.
Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D.