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The Fatah, Gasoline Rationing in Iran, & The LOST Treaty

by John S. Torell


As we look upon the political development in the world, it is like watching a chess game. A skilled chess player does not react to the moves of his opponent, but tries to outsmart the other player by planning his moves in advance.

Regardless what nation a person lives in; most people in the world today have been “dumbed” down by the public school system. Public education in the political field is teaching the students that “events just happen.” If it is pointed out that something was planned, public educators immediately bring out their “big gun” and write them off as just another conspiracy theorist.

During the month of June, the Bilderbergers met in Istanbul, Turkey, to hold their annual meeting (each year the annual meeting is held in a different nation). Among the major points discussed at the meeting, which the attendants were to implement when they returned to their own nations, was for the United States to ratify the World Sea Treaty. The American delegates were told to put pressure on President Bush to force him to submit this environmental and sovereignty surrendering “Law of the Sea Treaty” (LOST) to the U.S. Senate.  It is the only legislative body that can ratify treaties.

This treaty is old business and dates back to 1982, when President Reagan rejected it and refused to submit it to the Senate for a vote. When George H. W. Bush was elected president, he also did not submit the treaty for a vote. President Clinton signed the treaty but did not submit it to the Senate when he found out that 95 out of the 100 senators opposed it. The American Bilderbergers have now applied so much pressure on President Bush that he is going to submit it to the Senate for a vote.

LOST took effect in 1994 and has been ratified by 153 nations. Very few people have ever heard of this treaty and I was one of them. The treaty created the International Seabed Authority (ISA) with full jurisdiction over 70% of the oceans in the world, controlling fishing, drilling for oil, mining, etc.

The ISA currently has its headquarters in Jamaica and has the power to levy taxes on fishing, oil pumping and natural gas extraction. For a long time, the World Government leaders have wanted to levy taxes in order to strengthen the United Nations without the knowledge of the people in the United States. So far, oil and gas fields in U.S. waters are off limits for the ISA, but if the Senate ratifies LOST, it will mean that oil and natural gas prices would increase in the United States.

The Bilderberger members have been told that the goal is to raise the gasoline price in the United States above $6.00 per gallon to match the price paid by Europeans and put more cash into the United Nations. 

Another Bilderberger point was to change the dynamics in the Middle East and it has not taken long to put this plan into action. The defeat of the PLO (Fatah) in the Gaza strip during the month of June was a direct order implemented by the lackeys of the World Government. In less than a week, the Fatah collapsed in Gaza and Hamas took over. The upper and middle leadership in the Fatah organization were told to get out of Gaza via Egypt and abandoned thousands of its loyal fighters. Once the rank and file members of the Fatah organization realized that they had been abandoned, they refused to put up any resistance, but most of them were unable to flee. Hamas death squads using laptops rounded up all known Fatah fighters. With names, addresses and pictures, each Fatah fighter had been marked for execution on the spot, knee capping (a bullet fired from behind the knee and shattering the knee ball) or a severe beating. Suddenly the dynamics changed and now the United States, Israel and moderate Arab states are backing PLO president Abbas and building up Fatah into a strong military force in the West Bank.

It is important to remember, that Yasser Arafat, the founder of the PLO and the Fatah organization, was a paid agent by the Israeli Mossad, and that Hamas was organized and paid by the Mossad to counter Fatah. In order for Israel to survive, they need to create strife among the Palestinians to be able to control them. 1

There is another dynamic change taking place. Iran signed a mutual defense pact with Syria in 2005, giving the Iranians permission to base missiles in Syria, and as a result, they are able to strike Israel with a deadly reign of fire with only a few minutes warning for the Israelis. UN officials in the region are reporting that the Iranian military is now implementing this by transferring medium range Shahab 3 and Russian made Scud-C and Scud-B missiles. Most of these missiles are launched from mobile launchers; hence, they can be moved around making if difficult for the Israeli Air Force to keep track of their locations. These missiles are not like the ones used by Hezbollah in 2006 when they reigned terror on Israel. The Iranian missiles can hit any location in Israel and have a more sophisticated guidance system.  

For Israeli military planners, Iranian missiles in Syria are totally unacceptable since it could do massive damage to the infrastructure and population centers. If the deployment takes place, Israel would have no choice but to invade Syria and drive out the Iranians if it wants to survive as a Jewish state. This would create a terrible situation for the United States, since Syria has more than one million Iraqi refugees and they have no place to go.

According to information given to me, the World Government leaders have decided that the only way to keep the Middle East under control is to have a major war ravage the region and bomb Iran and Syria back to the Stone Age; similar to what has been done to Iraq, which cannot even feed itself. The war has been planned for 2008 but could come sooner.

A major war in the Middle East would drive the price of gasoline up above $6.00 per gallon. For the Bilderbergers and their superiors, it is a win-win situation, as the world population will be decreased, factory orders for military hardware will increase, destroyed infrastructure means huge profits in rebuilding, and they will be able to get the price of oil raised.

Can this be stopped? Only if Christians repent of their sins, the great sin of idolatry, pray, fast and seek the Lord. We in our ministry will do what we can to hold back a catastrophic war in the Middle East which might spill over to larger portions of the world.

1."Speaking in Jerusalem Dec. 20, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer made the connection between the growth of the Islamic fundamentalist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and Israel's promotion of the Islamic movement as a counter to the Palestinian nationalist movement. Kurtzer's comments come very close to EIR's own presentation of the evidence of Israel's instrumental role in establishing Hamas, and its ongoing control of that organization." (Israeli Roots of Hamas Are Being Exposed, EIR, January 18, 2002)

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