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I've never known a religion to be pure and undefiled
or a philosophy to follow for more than just a while;

I've never known a drug that could change the heart of man
and I've never known a cause for which I felt could stand.

I've never known a friend to be totally forgiving
and I've never known a hope to make life seem much worth living;

I've never known a love unconditionally bestowed
and I've never known a map to show a never ending road.

I've never known a sunset to be totally fulfilling
and I've never known a man to be always kind and willing;

I've never known a promise I believed could not be broken
and I've  never known a word of wisdom confidently spoken.

I've never known a power that could make a person whole
and I've never known a comfort that could calm a restless soul;

I've never known a freedom beyond a mere sensation
or someone I could trust without a moment's hesitation.

I've never known a happiness I felt could always last
and I've never known a future to not slip into the past.

I've never known a reason for why I came to be
and I've never known an answer to the questions haunting me;

But then I looked to Jesus and He proved that He alone
is sufficient in Himself to be the things I'd never known.



Listen to God's Plan of Salvation  

An intimate Love Letter from Father God to you.

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