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It is with fear and trembling in my spirit that finally sit down and write this article for our last issue of THE DOVE in 1990. World events and personal problems in my life have made it impossible to produce two more issues of the this year, so this will be a double edition.
As you read you will find that it is packed with knowledge and confirming information of events that will shortly come to pass on this earth. There is no doubt that Satan is now making an all out effort to bring his man on the scene: the man the Bible calls the Beast, the Man of Sin, Antichrist himself. Instead of trying to digest all the material that has come to us in the last few months and weeks, I will use this article to point out what I see and understand. Then you can read the different reports yourself following this text.

Dalai Lama & Pope


Let me begin by discussing the subject of the False Prophet who, the Bible tells us, will come and lead the world in worship of the Antichrist. The key man at this point is John Paul ll, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. This man has been able to do what no other man has ever done, and that is to begin a merger dialogue with the Buddhists, the Moslems, the Hindus, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Church of England, other Protestant denominations and the New Agers. Meetings are held regularly all over the world in which theologians and leaders from the different religions hammer out a New Faith for The New World Order. Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush both use this new term in their speeches – The New World Order. In the following article called World Religious Leaders Seek New Faith, the Korean religious leader Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church is one of the strong leaders under the direction of John Paul ll. In a meeting at Burlingame, California during the month of August 1990 the forces of the Antichrist were brought together in the worst possible mishmash that has ever been seen.

To our Roman Catholic Readers, I am not trying to attack your faith just pointing out that the institution you belong to is changing without telling you.


No one will be spared from this unification effort. This was seen when Pastor/Evangelist Benny Hinn was requested in 1989 to go to Rome and have a personal meeting with Pope John Paul II. At this meeting, according to Pastor Hinn, the leader in Rome asked if Hinn would become the liaison between the Pentecostals and the Roman Catholic Church which had previously been held by Mr. DuPlessis of South Africa. Benny Hinn gladly accepted this honor and is doing the best he can to promote unity between the Pentecostals and the Roman Catholic Church. Hinn is now traveling to a number of nations all over the world and is one of the hottest preachers on the market and has TV programs that go into all the world via satellite. On one of his Television programs dated September 26, 1990, Benny Hinn wore a tie with the Vatican Dome and Cross on the center of it. (I want to refer the readers to my article on the theology of Benny Hinn that we ran in our last Issue of THE DOVE, Summer 1990). The sad thing is that many Spirit-filled Christians are having a difficult time accepting the fact that some of their beloved radio and television preachers have changed and are not preaching the same Gospel that they used to preach. The pressure from John Paul II is felt for example by the Full Gospel Business Men's International Fellowship, who are now filled with Roman Catholics and their influence can be seen in their Voice Magazine and their conventions where many of the speakers come from the Roman Catholic Church. Christian TV, local and bigger ones, are catering to the demands of the Pope by airing more and more of their programming. The Spirit of Antichrist in this realm is very strong.


In order to topple the Church of Jesus Christ, the Devil must destroy it from the inside. This can be recognized in The Two-covenant Theology that we have been fighting for years. In one of the articles that follows on this subject you can see for yourself that a number of main denominations within the Protestant movement has succumbed to this assault by the Jewish lobby. If the Church of Jesus Christ can be persuaded to abandon the evangelization of the Jews and teach that they will be saved by a special gospel, then the step is not far behind to do the same for the Hindus the Buddhists, the Moslems and the people in the occult. Much of what we have been saying in THE DOVE for years is coming out in the open. The time of the Antichrist is now so near that the World Government has let some of the truth out hoping that most Christians would not understand, and would just accept it.


In order for you to understand the breadth and strength of this Antichrist scheme, let me briefly comment on the Fatima Crusader Movement. It is gaining popularity among the Roman Catholic Church and making their already darkened understanding of the Gospel totally black. In the July 13, 1990 Issue of the Fatima Crusader Magazine, the Roman Catholic priest, Nicholas Gruner, states in the beginning of his opening editorial letter:

"To save them (sinners) God wishes to establish in the world Devotion to My Immaculate heart.

. . . Our Lady of Fatima"

They have made Mary, the mother of Jesus into a goddess, who they proclaim is sinless and has the power to save sinners. Jesus is out. They do not need him. They have the mother. What some do not understand is that this is the religion of Babylon, the worship of the Queen of Heaven, Semiramis (whose husband was Nimrod) and her son Tammuz.


To add to the total confusion" we have Mr. Benjamin Creme running around and telling the world that Christ has returned and is living on the earth. In the article from Special Reports you will be able to connect this man back to Pope John Paul II. Hasn't it amazed you that world leaders like Gorbachev, Reagan, Bush and the rest of them have all at one time or another been in Rome and talked with John Paul II? The leader of the Roman Catholic Church does not need to travel to world leaders any more, they are coming to him. If this was the only thing you knew about the matter, it should tell you the whole story.


At the end of October, information from Mastermedia reached my desk. When I read this article my blood pressure went way up. I recalled hearing about the meeting of 1980 in Arizona when more than 10,000 witches and satanists met for a world conference. I recalled the goals that they had set: to destroy and bring down all major Christian leaders in the world and to pray for divorce and destruction of all Christian families. When we brought this out to the Christian community in the early '80s, I was laughed at and people were amused. No one is laughing nowt ten years later. I cannot understand me stupidity of some Christians! It is almost Impossible to wake up the Church of Jesus Christ; it seems as though no one wants to wake up and face reality. As I have said so many times before, if I should meet you in a concentration camp for Christians and you tell me that you had read THE DOVE, but just could not believe those things were true, what do you think I could tell you then? Please read the ensuing Mastermedia letter and its information, and then start to pray and fast in the name of Jesus Christ. What you learn in that article is reality and happening right now and you are the target for the demons. Don't wait for them to kill you. Get them first in prayer and have God's angels wipe out the demons and their plans.


Cabalistic Statue

During the past 12 years, going on 13, that THE DOVE has been flying, we have told you over and over about the World Government. One of the higher leaders in this governing body over the political arena m the world is the Swedish Jew, Per Gyllenhammar, Chairman of the Swedish Volvo Corporation. He is also the leader for the Round Table, a group of industrial leaders in Europe, who are doing much the same thing that the group did before World War II when they helped arm Germany. He is also connected with the Aspen Institute in Colorado and an associate member of Kissinger Consultants, Inc. Some five years ago I was told mat this man had a cabalistic statue in his headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden. A short time ago I received a picture of the man and his statue. We have run it for you in this issue of THE DOVE.

Please look closely at this statue, because in years to come you will find this image erected all over the world. The three expressions of the serpent point to the unholy trinity: Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan. Some day a face of a man will be placed on this type of statue, the man's head will be that of the Antichrist. Then the False Prophet will begin to direct worship to Satan.


For years I have been telling you about The Mossad, the secret police of the World Government and the master of the CIA as well as the KGB. During the month of October it was made public for the first time that a man had defected from the organization and lived to tell about it. There is a book that is a must for all people today. It is not a Christian book, but it will give you information that will be valuable to have in order to survive. It will also give you understanding in how to pray. When you can, get it from your nearest secular bookstore. Much of what this man reveals, I had learned from other sources. Now it is being forced out into the open in Europe, but we are not being told in the American media. And as I read the material from Europe, the facts are there and the story is true.


By the time you read this we may be at war in the Middle East. Gorbachev has accomplished what no one else has ever been able to do, and that is to move the bulk of the American Armed Forces to the desert in Saudi Arabia where our men and equipment could be destroyed. Almost five years ago I wrote in THE DOVE about the surrender of President Reagan to Gorbachev and how the USA had five years to dismantle its military forces. Germany is now one nation, but the Soviets have not moved out. And at the invasion of Kuwait, the top commander of tank warfare in the Soviet Army) plus 9,000 Soviet advisors lead the Iraqi attack. By the way, they are still in Iraq while the Americans go to the slaughter house in the desert. Our Constitution states that Congress and Congress only can declare war! Bush has single handedly been able to move, by now, perhaps 300,000 men and women to a war front and our Representatives on the Hill are saying very little. As you can tell, the World Government now rules in the political arena and are trying to destroy the Body of Christ, and we are asleep. Remember this, Jesus is coming back for a remnant of His church, but before that happens the Antichrist will come on the scene and you and I may see and face him. (See Larry Abraham s article)


I want to give an update on Dr. Rebecca Brown and her new husband, Daniel Yoder. Something has gone terribly wrong with Rebecca that Christians should be aware of. Pray for them, but at this time keep your distance. After our last issue of THE DOVE in which we informed you about the marriage of Rebecca and Daniel, and the split with Elaine, I received a telephone call from Rebecca. She scolded me for printing such a thing and told me that her husband had not been trained as a Jesuit to become a future Black Pope (leader of the Jesuits), or a taker of 13 Satanic vows or being of Rothschild ancestry, etc. Rebecca told me that these were all lies and the only truth was that Daniel had come out of witchcraft. What really hurts here is that Rebecca Brown openly and willingly lied to me. Yet, from several secure sources outside Elaine and Jack Chick, these are the very things that Daniel and Rebecca have told people either in private or in public meetings that they have been holding in the Midwest this year. Why would the Yoder's try to silence me and have me retract in THE DOVE what I had previously written when they themselves gave out the very same information in their meetings?

Here is my opinion of the whole matter. Rebecca has lied to me personally which cannot be denied. She would not have done this before she met and married Daniel Yoder. I believe that we have here another infiltration and destruction of a ministry that in years past set many people free. Pray for Rebecca and her life; I feel she is in danger.


In closing, you may wonder what to do with this massive amount of information. Number one is to learn to pray and fast. Get close to God and let the let the Holy Spirit lead you at all times. Draw near to bona fide believers in Christ and support your local Christian Church and guard it from infiltration. Pray for your pastor and the leaders in the church and watch over them, care for them, protect them spiritually and physically.

Number two, let us flood the world with THE DOVE magazine. You are the key to all of this. We are willing to send copies of THE DOVE to anyone you would desire. Take 30 minutes, get out the Yellow Pages from the telephone directory in your area and as the Holy Spirit leads, write down the names and addresses of pastors and churches who are evangelical and preach the Bible, people in the church or friends who you think would enjoy THE DOVE and Its information. Then send us your list and we will put them on our mailing list. We do not sell this list nor do we loan it to anyone. It is used only for and by us and when the Antichrist comes on the scene all our records will be destroyed at once, so that your name will not be found here. Please take time today and send this information from your community. We will mail THE DOVE at our expense to them because God will help us. Thank you for waking up and doing something constructive.



Back to THE DOVE Autumn/Winter 1990


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