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Why is Camping not held accountable for the heresy he is teaching?

He wouldn't repent about his prediction in 1994, so it's natural that he would change from it being the "end of the world" to the "end of the church age".

I still listen to the music, the bible reading, and a select few echoes programs as I see sound preachers on. I ignore everything else, and should it come on in my car when the false prophet is on, I immediately turn the  radio off or select another radio station.

While I have a great deal of sympathy for the FR employees who do not agree with Camping, and are struggling with "what to do", deep down I think they really know what they have to do. Leaving a ministry under unpleasant circumstances is never easy, but to remain with one that you are convinced is teaching heresy is to enable the further teaching of that heresy and to participate in it. Waiting for "things to get better" may be no more than wishful thinking.

It's hard to turn your back on a ministry that in the past has done so much good, but sometimes you have no other choice.

Mr. Camping states that no one can surely know that he is saved; how then can we know that Mr. Camping is actually saved. His fruit is the bitterness of gall. We know him by his fruits and his fruits are evil.

I attended the Lake Yale Conference in Florida last year.

An interesting exchange happened between Mr. Camping and an exceptionally gifted young bible student. The event was played out in front of the whole gathered assembly where the student began to take apart the teachings of Mr. Camping by using the Greek translations and showing clear errors in Mr. Camping's 'depart out' teachings.

At one point Mr. Camping became speechless, struggled to answer and then made a motion to the congregation to discontinue the conversation. The student persisted however to the point that Mr. Camping began to plead for the discussion to end.

I remember how two ladies sitting in back of me whispered loud enough for me to hear, that the student should leave him alone. There was a general feeling that Mr. Camping was being 'harassed' and also bullied although only direct and honest Bible references were the student's only source. I would have loved to learn more, but the exchange was terminated.

It occurred to me that Mr. Camping's word had become in many thoughts the final say.

Although Mr. Camping says the Gospel is being preached first and foremost over Family Radio - almost all of His teachings are currently about 'God's judgment on the Church' - not the Gospel. I have to ask myself if this is really what Jesus meant when He said 'Occupy Till Come' There's a real danger concerning the times we live, and it's showing up in some unlikely places.

It's easy to be taken when a station like Family Radio has so many other sound Bible Teachers and Preachers - the delusion is that if most of what is being taught is of the Lord - all is of the Lord.

K Lee
Grace Emmanuel

John Calvin in his commentary on 1 Corinthians 1:2 particularly where God through Paul says about the church at Corinth,  "Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints...."  Calvin writes,  "It is a dangerous temptation to think that there is no church at all where perfect purity is not seen" and as Calvin went on to say - "the man that is possessed with this notion, must necessarily in the end withdraw from all others, and look upon himself as the only saint in the world, or set up a peculiar sect in company with a few hypocrites".




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