On July 4, 1947, a giant technological transfer
took place when Satan and his fallen angels presented hidden technology to
the American government and catapulted the human race into a colossal stage
of advancement which had been hidden from mankind since the days of
I know that many of my brothers and sisters in Christ
will have some difficulty reading and disseminating the information
presented, but I pray that you will bear with me and look upon the evidence.
After World War II, the sightings of unidentified
flying objects became more and more frequent. These sightings took place
around the world and were seen by all types of people, including airline
pilots, military air force crews, personnel on navy ships, farmers,
ranchers, people traveling on roads in rural areas, and people living in
cities. The national governments insisted that these sightings were not
“alien spacecraft,” but falling meteors, weather balloons, or just plain
imagination. Documents now released from previous secret government files
show that American presidents and military commanders were in a panic. They
knew that the sightings were real and that some kinds of entities from
another civilization had invaded the earth and was playing a game of “cat
and mouse” with the different air forces around the world.
The name that people placed on these flying discs was
“flying saucers,” and because of the propaganda and denials from government
sources, anyone talking about flying saucers was considered to be more or
less insane. But the truth would eventually be revealed to the general
public and I want to share how it was covered up.
Our editor, Lois Amacher, shared that as a young
woman living in the State of Washington, she saw a formation of flying discs
maneuvering in the air. She emphatically stated that this was not merely her
imagination and it certainly was not a weather balloon or falling meteor.
I can tell you that I did not initially believe the
stories I heard of people claiming to have been abducted, taken onboard a
craft, and exposed to some kind of medical examination by some beings that
were not human. There is an emotional barrier that will stops a person from
perceiving truth, even if it is documented with evidence which cannot be
refuted. Why? Because we are being presented with an event that upsets
grounded beliefs of what we perceive to be true.
This is what happened when I was presented with
information about alien spacecraft. Emotionally, I was appalled that the
science fiction books I had engrossed myself in as a teenager during the
1950’s were not total fantasies, but a reality.
I remember reading about cattle having been killed
and mutilated, with different body parts removed, and that the extraction of
organs was done with some kind of surgical precision tool. When I heard it
on the radio or on television, I just turned it off and did not want to
think about it.
I have been aware of the almost “cult movement” of
people who investigate UFO’s and others who started UFO clubs, occult
societies and UFO religions. Since I felt that people reading and
investigating UFO’s always seemed to end up in some kind of occult
involvement, I decided to stay clear and ignore it.
It is also important for you to understand that as an
engineer, I worked with computers in the 1960’s, but these were not like the
personal computers we have today. They were bulky mainframe computers for
which we would write down our mathematical requests and hand them over to
technicians, who then fed them into the computer and returned the printed
solutions. In 1972 as I worked in a small engineering office, I was given a
small crude computer to calculate distances and acreage for site plans and
building layouts. I did not purchase my first computer until around 1993 and
was not connected to the Internet until around 2001. As I looked on the
internet on the subject of UFO’s, there was so much material that it could
take months to sift through the data. To give my readers just a sample of
the crazy people out there, look at this write-up from the UFO group
“Heaven’s Gate.” This is not a laughing matter as 39 individuals committed
suicide hoping to be picked up by a UFO.
Marshall H. Applewhite (1932-1997, right) and Bonnie Nettles (1927-1985) met
in 1972 and soon became convinced that they were the two “end time”
witnesses mentioned in Revelation chapter 11. They held gatherings in
California and Oregon in 1975 that attracted initial followers. Those who
attached themselves to “The Two” dropped out of society and prepared for the
“transition” to a new life on a spaceship.
When the expected transition did not occur, the group
settled in Texas and lived a quiet communal existence, practicing
disciplines they believed would prepare them for the eventual movement to a
“higher level” of existence. They had little contact with outsiders until
1994 when their expectation of the imminent transition was again heightened
and they began a new round of proselytizing. They also divested themselves
of most of their possessions and began a pilgrimage which culminated in
Settling in the San Diego area in 1996, they supported
themselves by creating websites and established their own website to offer
readers a gate to heaven, hence the name by which they would become known. A
rumor began circulating among the New Age community in 1997 of an artificial
object or spaceship that was following the recently discovered Hale-Bopp
comet and was supposed to approach the earth around the time of the spring
equinox. As the comet approached, the Heaven’s Gate group which had shrunk
to only 39 members, took poison in three waves of 15, 15, and 9 in the
belief that the spaceship would arrive to take them to a better place. Prior
to the event, the group members made a video explaining their individual
reasons for their chosen path. (Written by John Gordon Melton, Encyclopaedia
Brittannica, 2004)
When I arrived in Mill Valley in September of 1969 to
start my seminary training, I was confronted with the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit. I studied the Bible until I was convinced that it was still possible
today. The Holy Spirit baptism was something that Jesus told the disciples
to wait for in Jerusalem. They were not to begin any sort of ministry
without it because of the supernatural power it would bring. I started on my
journey to learn more about it and have this experience myself.
As I was seeking and waiting for the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit to happen, I was confronted with another reality – the
existence of demons. Another student at the seminary who had been
baptized in the Holy Spirit and had the gift of discernment, told me that
the reason I had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit was that I was full of
My initial reaction was rage against this man who
dared to say something like this to me. But the Holy Spirit convicted me,
and when I addressed the problem, evil spirits began to manifest and I
realized that even though I had been saved and walking with God since 1966,
there was evil in me. Once I cast out these demons, a great load left me and
the torment I experienced for years lifted, and I was gloriously baptized in
the Holy Spirit.
It became obvious that I needed to become educated in
these two areas and my wife and I purchased all of the books we could find
on these two subjects, reading them cover to cover and taking copious notes.
We became aware of Devil worship, witchcraft, false religions, freemasonry,
and that the spirit world is just as real as our physical world. As a
minister I did not seek out people who in these activities, but God brought
demon-infested people to us who were tormented and crying out for help.
From 1970 until now, we have prayed for thousands of
people who were tormented by evil spirits, including pastors, elders,
deacons, Sunday school teachers, married couples, single people and
children. In the process, there were men and women who told us about being
abducted and taken on board alien spacecraft, where they received medical
checkups and were also sexually molested by non-human beings. Others told us
about being molested in their own bedrooms by aliens, while the spouse was
put in a deep sleep and not able to come to their defense.
At first, I dismissed these stories with the idea
that these were demonic illusions that only existed in their heads. But as I
read up on this information, I became convinced that it was impossible for
all of these people to fabricate such stories. Each victim had no access to
the other victims, but they all told the same story. Once we understood
this, we were able to break the curses, cast out the demons, and help the
people retake control over their minds. It was tedious work helping someone
heal from the variety of traumas to which they had been exposed as many of
these victims were under psychiatric care and given tranquilizers to cope
with their fears and anxieties. Yet they went from being a zombie bound by
Prozac and other killer drugs to entering the world of the living again and
resuming a normal life.
There was one commonality amongst these victims, at
the time of their affliction, they were either unsaved or backslidden. I
have never encountered a strong Spirit-filled Christian being attacked by
aliens and subdued by them.
A number of years ago, a copy of a document codenamed
“Majestic Twelve,” was sent to the British researcher Antony C. Sutton
(1925-2002) who lived and worked in California. Our ministry received his
newsletter, “The Phoenix Letter,” since around 1970. In a cover letter to
his subscribers in June of 1988, Sutton wrote that someone had given him a
copy of a briefing paper, dated September 24, 1947, which had been presented
to President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) by Secretary of Defense James V.
Forrestal (1892-1949) and Dr. Vannevar Bush (1890-1974), scientific adviser
to President Truman.
In this briefing paper President Truman was told that
an alien flying disc had been recovered by the Air Force on July 4, 1947 in
New Mexico and that some of the alien crew had been captured and taken
alive. The military stated that the technology of the aliens was far
superior to the United States and that there was no defense available should
the aliens decide to launch an attack on the nation.
In June of 1988, I had little understanding of aliens
and UFO’s; as a result, I sat on this information until the fall when I
decided to publish the document in The Dove magazine.
I wrote an introduction to the document and told the readers that I wasn’t
sure if it was genuine or a forgery, but to pray over it and have the Holy
Spirit confirm or reject it. The confirmation came nine years later when
Col. Philip J. Corso (1915-1998) of the U.S. Army released a confession of
the government cover up and lies for the last 50 years.
The same year another book came out written by Michael Hesemann and Philip
Mantle entitled, “Beyond Roswell.” These two publications firmly establish
that the Majestic 12 document was indeed real and that the American people
had been repeatedly lied to by our elected leaders and military
Harry S. Truman |
James V. Forrestal |
Dr. Vannevar Bush |
Michael Hesemann |
Philip Mantle |
Philip Corso was a military officer during World War
II and worked with Army intelligence on General Douglas MacArthur’s staff
during the Korean War. He was a member of President Eisenhower’s National
Security Council as a Lt. Colonel for four years; head of Foreign Technology
in Army Research and Development at the Pentagon in the early 1960s, where
he was in charge of the Roswell files, the cache of UFO parts and
information which an Army retrieval team had pulled out of the wreckage of
the flying disk that crashed outside the town of Roswell in the New Mexico
desert in the early morning darkness during the first week of July 1947. He
retired from the Army in 1963 with nineteen medals and ribbons, served on
staff as a National Security specialist to U.S. Senators James Eastland and
Strom Thurmond, and subsequently worked as a consultant and contracts
administrator in the private sector.
Corso said there were five extraterrestrials, 4-1/2 feet tall with greyish-brown
skin, four-fingered hands and oversized hairless heads, found at the Roswell
UFO crash site. Two of them were still alive, one of which tried to run away
and was shot by nervous soldiers. The other was still alive but dying when
it arrived in the back of an Army truck at Roswell Army Air Field. Corso was
Post Duty Officer at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1947, the night a shipment of
Roswell artifacts arrived from Fort Bliss. Colonel Corso examined the
shipment, which included one of the dead extraterrestrials preserved in a
thick light-blue liquid. The shipment was destined for what is now called
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. He spoke about serving in President
Eisenhower’s National Security Council, and seeing the memos about the
Roswell incident and the “goods” retrieved from it.
Colonel Corso divulges how he spearheaded the Army’s
secret reverse-engineering project that “seeded” extraterrestrial technology
at American corporations such as IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, and Dow
Corning – all without their knowledge. He describes the devices found aboard
the Roswell craf, and how they became the precursors for today’s integrated
circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers, night-vision equipment, super-tenacity
fibers (i.e. Kevlar), and classified discoveries, such as psychotronic
devices that can translate human thoughts into signals to control machinery,
aircraft technology, and particle-beam devices. He also discussed the role
that extraterrestrial technology played in shaping geopolitical policy and
events. How it helped the United States surpass the Russians in space,
spurred elaborate Army initiatives such as SDI (Star Wars Projects), Project
Horizon (to place a military base on the Moon), HAARP; and ultimately
brought about the end of the Cold War.
Colonel Corso also said that captured UFO’s were/are
kept at Norton, Edwards and Nellis (Area 51) Air Force Bases. He said a UFO
Working Group was set up by President Truman in September of 1947, a group
some call MJ-12, and has functioned ever since. In the 1950’s, two crude
prototypes of antigravity craft were constructed, powered by crude human
nuclear fission generators which were inefficient and leaked radiation. He
says that the Star Wars program was always primarily to prepare for war
against the extraterrestrials in case of invasion.
Corso suffered a massive heart attack in early June
of 1998, but made a remarkable recovery. He was at home on July 16th
and feeling fine when he apparently suffered a second heart attack.
According to a family source, he died at or enroute to a hospital in Palm
Beach, Florida.
Philip Corso published his book in July of 1997 and
died a year later. Many such persons who have worked in intelligence
services, sensitive military positions, or held political offices are
assassinated by FBI, CIA, Mossad or KGB agents. If a suicide cannot be
arranged through a medical kill like heart attack, stroke or cancer, they
will often resort to shooting, drowning or poisoning. I believe that Col.
Corso was given some kind of chemical agent that induced a heart attack. He
did not reveal all that he knew in his book. His son, Philip Corso Jr., gave
the following statement the day he died:
“He really wanted to
stay. The last three weeks since the first heart attack have been very
productive. I knew he had more to say, and he told me a great deal about the
Roswell UFO incident. Unpublished manuscripts and other UFO related
information left by Col. Corso will be protected and made available in due
course to researchers and the public. This is what my father lived for.”
There has been no further information released by the
Corso family as of December 2004. Will there be a release like they
I have been sitting on the information shared thus
far for some time and the Holy Spirit has given me permission to release
what I now know about this subject to the Christian community. Before I go
any further into the alien program, I want to examine the Book of Enoch
It is clear to me that aliens are connected with the
Devil. They are not sent by God. In my article entitled, “As the Days of
Noah,” I laid out a short teaching on what really took place before Noah’s
flood and how fallen angels infiltrated the earth. They transferred
technology and became sexually involved with women, creating a hybrid race
that was half-human/half-demon.
In Enoch, Book 1, chapter 6, the following details
are provided about the fallen angels that took human form and produced
hybrid children with human women:
The leader of this
group of Satanic angels is Semyaz, and his group of fallen angels consisted
of 200. When this group of fallen angels saw how beautiful were the women
born on earth, they decided to take some of these women as wives and produce
children by them.
My personal understanding is that this group of 200
angels prior to the war in heaven had been working with God in the creation
of human beings. They knew how the human body was engineered and used this
knowledge for their own purposes. They were able to create what was needed
to have some kind of a physical body, through which they could have sexual
intercourse with human women.
Semyaz did not
trust the fallen angels under his command. He made them swear an oath with a
curse, which bound them altogether before they started this project.
I believe that this type of oath with a curse is the
same kind of oath that is practiced by Satanists, witches, Baal worshipers,
Freemasons, Mormons etc. This should not come as a surprise to Christians
since Paul tells us that demons do in fact seduce and teach doctrine.
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in
the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to
seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils…” (1 Timothy 4:1)
They descended
upon mount Hermon (9,101 ft. above sea level) and located in what is today
Syria. This mountain became their headquarters.
Now I understand where the Baal worship came from.
After the flood, demons seduced people to idol worship and Mount Hermon
became a center in the Middle East, where altars were built and human
sacrifices were carried out. Compare this with the religion of the Greek
people, who claimed that the gods lived on mount Olympus, led by Zeus, who
was known for his enormous sexual appetite. In Rome he was known as
“Jupiter” and the Vikings called him “Thor.” The Aztec empire in central
Mexico worshiped a cluster of demon gods, with high pyramid temples; humans
were cut open at the top and their still throbbing hearts were sacrificed to
the sun god. The Olympic Games are in reality a revival of the old Zeus
worship as the Olympic fire is lit on top of mount Olympus by female
priests, carried to the game location by torch, and the Olympic altar is lit
prior to the start of the games. There are songs and dances at the opening
and closing ceremonies in honor of the Greek gods. Is it a coincidence that
the Roman emperor Theodosius abolished the games in 393 A.D. because of
their ties to demon worship? Was it a coincidence that the games were
reinstated in 1894?
The 200 fallen
angels were divided into groups of ten, each group having a leader. Enoch
gives the names of each of these sub leaders.
Each one of the
200 fallen angels took a woman as a wife, and made them pregnant.
The children born to these women grew to an amazing
height of 300 cubits (450 ft.)! They consumed so much food that humanity
hated them since they were forced to feed these giants. This hybrid race
turned their wrath upon mankind and began to kill and eat humans. They also
ate birds, fish, animals, reptiles, and drank blood.
One of the fallen
angels taught technology to mankind. He taught them how to mine ore, melt
it, and extract different metals. He then taught them how to fashion the
metals into swords, knives, shields and breastplates.
Those who became initiated into this demon religion
were educated in the making of bracelets, decorations (shadowing of the
eye); making medication (pharmakia), ornamentation, all kind of precious
stones, and all coloring tinctures and alchemy.
Other fallen angels taught humanity how to do
incantations and the cutting of roots, how to resolve incantations,
astrology, and how to deceive people.
These fallen
angels educated the people not only in technology, which was used to make
war, but also in occult practices, releasing more demon power on the earth.
This is why the prophet Elijah became petrified with
fear right after he experienced a great victory on Mount Carmel. (1Kings
18:22-46) When Jezebel sent a death threat to Eliajah, she did not send it
as the queen, but the high priestess of Baal.
“And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had
done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then
Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me,
and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to
morrow about this time. And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his
life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his
servant there.” (1 Kings 19:1-3)
Jezebel was a woman, who from her childhood had been
initiated into Satanic worship:
“And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the
sight of the LORD above all that were before him. And it came to pass,
as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam
the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal
king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And
he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built
in Samaria.” (1 Kings 16:30-32)
When Jehu came to confront
Jezebel, she went into her chambers and painted herself as a Baal priestess,
put on head gear and went to the window, hoping to scare Jehu into
submission. But Jehu was not intimidated and had her killed on the spot. Now
you know why Jezebel put on her makeup before she went to the window.
“And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel
heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked
out at a window. And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri
peace, who slew his master?
And he lifted up his face to the window, and
said, Who is on my side? who? And there looked out to him two or three
eunuchs. And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some
of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode
her under foot.
And when he was come in, he did eat and
drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed woman, and bury her: for she is
a king’s daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found no more of
her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore
they came again, and told him.
And he said, This is the word of the LORD,
which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the
portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: And the carcase
of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of
Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel.” (2 Kings
Is it a coincidence that when the great revivals and
awakenings began with the Wesley brothers in 18th century,
followed by Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney in the 19th
century, and the Pentecostal revival in the early 20th century,
the Holy Spirit spoke through all these men and women that it was a sin for
women to wear makeup? God’s Word is true, holy and powerful and we really
should take heed to what God said:
“My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject
thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the
law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6)
The fallen angels
also introduced writing and the use of ink and paper. This was used to
record false doctrine and preserve the incantations and ceremonies taught by
the fallen angels.
The murder of
babies was shown to women, where the child was murdered in the womb and then
lifelessly extracted.
It is devastating to realize that killing babies in
the womb is as old as the beginning of mankind. No wonder the feminist
movement is so militant! These women are being driven by powerful demonic
princes who have been killing babies for the last 8,000 years. With the
current technology, their lust for killing babies has now gone into the
millions per year worldwide.
The fallen angels
also introduced flagellation, which today is known as “kinky sex” or “sado-masochism,”
or “S&M,” where sexual pleasure is derived from being tied up, beaten, and
dominated in some form or other by the other sexual partner.
city of Roswell is the county seat of Chaves County and was founded in 1871
by Van C. Smith, who named it after his father. The city is located in the
southeast portion of New Mexico. In 1941, the U.S. Army Air Force – the Air
Force of today did not come into existence as an independent organization
until July 26, 1947 – established Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF), which later
was changed to Walker Air Force Base, and was located just outside the city.
The 509th bomber group was stationed
there. In 1945, members from this unit dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, and in 1947, they were turned into the first Strategic Air Command
(SAC) unit with the most modern military aircraft. Because of the atomic
ordinance, the air base in Roswell was the most important base for the Army
Air Force.
In 1947 this area of New Mexico was bristling with
military activity, including top secret research centers. Alamogordo is 117
miles southwest of Roswell, and the county seat of Otero County. Almost a
third of this county was under the control of the military. To the north was
White Sands Missile Range, some 166 miles west of Roswell, and to the south
of Alamogordo was Holloman Army Air Field, which was 126 miles southwest of
Roswell. Fort Bliss Military Reservation extended some 50 miles into Texas.
Sandwiched in between White Sands Missile Range and Fort Bliss Military
Reservation is White Sands Guided Missile Base, where test launches of
German V2 rockets had been taking place since 1945.
Almost due north Alamogordo was a huge military
defense laboratory, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, later renamed Los
Alamos National Laboratory (228 miles northwest of Roswell) covering a 77
square mile area, with more than 300 buildings. It was at this laboratory
that the military scientists and engineers designed and built the first
atomic bomb (codename: Manhattan Project), which was detonated in an area
called “Trinity Site,” 60 miles northwest of the Holloman Army Air Base. A
hydrogen bomb was also designed at this laboratory.
Thousands of the brightest American scientists,
augmented with German rocket scientists and other highly trained German
scientists and engineers who just two years prior had been working for the
Nazi regime resided on these military installations in New Mexico. Included
in this group of Germans were mathematicians, chemists and engineers trained
in designing new alloys to be used in rocket engines. Since the Germans had
previously encountered “aliens” and there had been a technology transfer of
UFO design before and during World War II, these same Germans were also in
New Mexico aiding the buildup of new weapon systems for the United States.
In our previous newsletter. I documented how the occult had been merged with
science in Nazi Germany, and this practice continued on the military
installations in New Mexico.
The military installations in New Mexico were
protected by a number of air bases and radar system which continually
scanned the skies. The Army maintained a large force in the area, spread out
over the different military installations. Security was high and the housing
area at Los Alamos Laboratory was closed to the civilian population; only
people working on the bases or the laboratory and their families could enter
the housing area. The army air base at Roswell became known as the Army’s
509th airfield and it had a special attachment of the Army’s
Intelligence Unit to decipher the frequent flyovers of UFO’s.
Despite public denial that UFO’s existed, the military was well aware of
their existence and considered them a threat to national security.
For several days, beginning on July 1, UFO’s had been
flying over the secret military installations in New Mexico and the American
military command came to the conclusion that whomever was sending these
crafts, did not have friendly intentions. These UFO’s showed up on the radar
screens on all the bases in New Mexico and fighters were scrambled, but when
they showed up, the unknown craft just flew away at speeds which could not
be matched by combat aircraft.
The Pentagon responded by sending out more personnel
from the Army Counterintelligence (CIC), which at the time was a highly
secret department of the U.S. Army. They arrived dressed in civilian
clothing and spread out to determine if foreign units or agents had landed
on the ground and were trying to penetrate the most secret military bases
existing at that time. Roswell was the only operating nuclear bomber base at
this time.
During the evening of July 4th, the
different radar installations around Roswell saw a UFO flying at speeds over
1,000 miles per hour. It was almost as if this craft was teasing the radar
operators as they followed its maneuvering on radar. Suddenly the craft
arched to the lower left hand quadrant of the radar screens, then exploded
with a brilliant white light and disappeared. There was a consensus among
the radar operators and the intelligence officers from the CIC that the
craft must had crashed out in the desert. The officer in charge of the CIC
detachment immediately made the decision to locate and retrieve the UFO
before any locals could announce that an alien space ship had crashed.
The military did not know that hundreds of people
living in and around Roswell had seen the UFO flying in the air, the
explosion and the craft falling to the ground. It was not long before
Sheriff George Wilcox of Chavez County began to receive calls about some
kind of aircraft that had crashed in the desert. Since no one could give him
a location, he refused to send out a fire truck or police unit. There was a
group of archeologists from Texas Technical University who were out in the
area and had seen the UFO fly over them and crash. It did not take long for
them to find the location and radio it in as 37 miles northwest of Roswell.
It was the military unit from the 509th that reached the crash
site before the police and fire units from Roswell. The group from Texas
Technical University was threatened and sent away and told not to speak
about what they had seen.
As military police secured the area and set up a
perimeter, it did not take long before generators and a string of flood
lights lit up the crash area. According to military personnel present, the
craft looked like nothing they had seen before. It had the form of a flying
wing with two tail top fins. The craft seemed to be intact, except a long
ripped seam on the side. The front of the craft was buried in the ground.
The crew was humanoid; three were dead, one tried to escape and was fatally
shot, while the injured fifth one was loaded on a stretcher and taken back
to the base at Roswell.
a side note, I would describe these beings as some kind of humanoids,
created from some kind of living cells, and through genetic engineering,
formed to a desired shape of their superiors. From a biblical viewpoint, I
would classify these beings as creatures from the satanic kingdom.
As soon as the fire truck and police cruiser arrived
on the scene, the CIC officer in charge, Major Jesse Marcel, ordered the
MP’s to prevent the fire truck and police officers from entering the area.
Just like the archeologist’s, they were told to leave with a strong warning
that they had seen nothing; there had been no UFO crash. Once the craft had
been loaded on a flatbed truck, all the debris were picked up and the ground
was swept clean and brushed so there was no trace of a crash.
Some of the civilians working at the 509th
air base saw the craft as it was brought onto the base and the aliens on
stretchers as they were carried into the base hospital. Angry CIC officers
had them held by MP’s and threatened to kill them and their families if they
ever spoke about what they had seen.
In the morning, the base commander, Col. William
Blanchard authorized a press release that a “flying saucer” had crashed and
been retrieved. This was picked up by the news services, broadcast on the
radio, and printed by newspapers in the U.S. and abroad.
Later in the day, General Roger Ramey of the 8th
Army Air Force Headquarters in Texas ordered Major Jesse Marcel to retract
the flying saucer story. He was ordered to tell the journalists that he had
made a mistake and had realized that the debris had actually come from a
weather balloon. Knowing that he was lying on a grand scale, he showed the
press corps some debris from an old weather balloon. This American army
officer who took an oath to uphold the Constitution and defend the nation
was forced to become a boldfaced liar for political reasons. This would
haunt him for the rest of his life, and before he died in 1986, he
repeatedly made public statements that he had indeed retrieved an alien
William Blanchard |
Roger Ramey |
Jesse Marcel |
For the next few weeks after the crash, CIC teams
fanned out into Roswell and the surrounding areas to subdue the people into
silence. They accomplished this with threats of violence, physical
intimidation and one murder. The local people feared for their lives and it
would take years before some of them started to talk about what they had
Officers from the Sheriff’s department and Roswell
Police Department were told that due to “National Security,” they could not
reveal what they had seen and heard, and that they were to deny the crash
ever happened. Local radio stations with interviews from eyewitnesses were
told that these recording could never be broadcast.
The debris retrieved from the crash site was shipped
to the headquarters of the 8th Army Air Force at Fort Bliss,
Texas, where it was sorted and cataloged. The UFO with the bodies of the
dead aliens preserved in formaldehyde, along with the rest of the debris
were loaded on army trucks and taken to Fort Riley in Kansas, and then Air
Material Command at Wright Airfield.
Wright-Patterson Army Air Base located outside
Dayton, Ohio became a center for alien technology for the Air Force. The Air
Force Institute of Technology was created and housed on this base the same
year. Some of the personnel who have been stationed at this base indicated
that secret projects are being worked on at the base and that aliens have
been kept at the base from time to time.
Sometime after the crash in Roswell, contact was
established between the aliens and American military personnel, and some
kind of agreement was reached between the superiors of the aliens and the
U.S. government.
Is it a coincidence that the government under
President Clinton sponsored a peace conference for the warring parties in
the Balkan conflict in November 1995 and that the belligerent delegates were
taken to Wright-Patterson air base? In just a short time the delegates from
Serbia, Bosnia and other provinces of the former Yugoslavia agreed to a
peace agreement and when they left the base they seemed shaken. What were
they shown and who did they meet in these secret meetings?
The version of the crash I have described to you is
the one told by Colonel Philip Corso, who saw the wreckage for himself at
Fort Riley, where he was stationed at that time. However in the book “Beyond
Roswell,” the description of the crash is dated to July 7, 1947, indicating
there might have been two different crashes, with different debris fields.
Nevertheless, the same people involved in the discovery and cover-up are
listed in both books, which were published in 1997. It is obvious that the
different authors worked independently of each other, and by having two
different sources, details that one book leaves out is found in the other.
Jesse A. Marcel Jr., a medical doctor and son of Major Jesse Marcel, wrote
an introduction in the book “Beyond Roswell,” where he recounted his
encounter as an eleven year old boy and what his father later told him. Both
books agree on this point, an alien flying disc had been recovered,
including a crew of five. Four humanoids died, but one lived and was taken
by the military to the air base of the 509th.
According to official records on July 7, 1947, at
1.55 P.M. EST, there was a meeting at the Pentagon between General Curtis
LeMay, the vice-chief of staff of the Air Force for Research and Development
and General Hoyt Vandenberg, Chief of Staff and Vice-Commander of the Army
Air Force. The subject of the meeting was “Flying Saucers.” At the same time
General Nathan Twining, Commanding General of the Air Technical Intelligence
Corps (ATIC) at Wright Field, cancelled his scheduled departure to the West
Coast on July 10th and flew unannounced to the Kirtland Air Base
at Albuquerque, New Mexico. From here he flew to Alamogordo Field and then
back to Kirtland again. On July 16th he flew into RAAF outside
Roswell and then to Wright Field.
Curtis LeMay |
Hoyt Vandenburg |
Nathan Twining |
Leslie Groves |
Robert Montague |
On July 9th an aircraft left RAAF with
alien bodies and flew to Andrews Air Field outside Washington D.C. The same
day General Leslie Groves, commander of the Weapons Development Project at
Los Alamos and General Robert Montague, commander of the Remote-Controlled
Rockets School of the U.S. Army at Fort Bliss, flew unannounced to the U.S.
Capitol where they were called in as experts for the team that was going to
brief President Truman.
It is important to understand Harry Truman was not
elected president. He was Vice President under Franklin D. Roosevelt
(1882-1945), and became president on April 12, 1945. He was never his own
man but was controlled and operated by
Freemasonic leaders.
The official biography of Truman tells us that he was
born in Lamar, Missouri and that his father was a mule trader and farmer.
After graduating high school in 1901from Independence, Missouri, he went to
work as a bank clerk in Kansas City. In 1906 he moved back to the family
farm and took over after the death of his father in 1914. Prior to this, he
served two tours in the National Guard from 1905-1911. When the United
States entered World War I, in 1917, he volunteered to join the army at age
32 and was sent to France where he served as a captain of a field artillery
unit which saw heavy combat. Returning to the U.S. he joined the reserves
and rose to the rank of colonel. In 1919, he married his childhood
sweetheart, Elisabeth Wallace. He then went into business with an army buddy
and opened a haberdashery store which failed in a recession of the early
At that time, another army friend introduced him to
Thomas Pendergast (1872-1945), the democratic political boss of Kansas City,
who ran a dirty political machine which brought all kinds of vice and crime
to the city. Pendergast not only dominated Kansas City for more than 25
years, but he had great influence in the national Democratic Conventions. He
was later arrested for tax evasion; this came in the form of bribes and
failing to report them as income. Pendergast was sentenced to prison in May
of 1939 and served 366 days in a federal prison.
It was Thomas Pendergast who accepted the young
Truman in 1922 and successfully ran him for a county judge seat. When his
first term was up four years later, he ran a second time and won. In 1934
Truman was out of a job because he could only serve two terms and Pendergast
(like a boxing promoter) decided to run him for a senate seat in Missouri.
Since this was a democratic state, Truman won by a majority of 40,000 votes.
When Harry Truman arrived and took his office as a
senator, he was frowned upon by other senators, who considered him to be a
puppet of Pendergast and took some time to overcome this stigma. He won a
second term as senator in 1940, and in 1944, he was asked to be vice
president for Franklin Roosevelt, who was running for a third term.
The book “Architects
of Deception” chronicles freemasonry and provides more information about
Harry Truman. It is written by an Estonian/Swedish investigative writer
named Juri Linna. Truman’s deep involvement in the occult was going to have
a major impact regarding the crisis with alien spacecraft and the command
center behind these flying discs.
Freemason Franklin Roosevelt |
Freemason Harry Truman |
Harry Truman became inducted on February 9, 1909 (at age
25) as an “Apprentice” (first degree in Masonry) in the 450th Masonic Lodge
Belton in Fulton, Missouri. By March 18, 1909, he had advanced to the degree
of Master (also known as third degree in the Blue Lodge). In 1911, he became
a member in the 615th lodge Grandview. The same year he also became a member
of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. January 1, 1912, he joined another
Masonic Lodge, called “Perfection.” March 29, 1917, he became a member of
the Knights of Kadosh (30th degree in the Scottish Rite) just eight days
before the United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.
On March 31, 1919, he had advanced to the 32nd degree in
the Scottish Rite, known as “The Master of the Royal Secret.” Truman was not
satisfied with belonging to only one branch in the masonic system; in 1919,
he joined the Oriental Charter 102 in the York Rite, which has 13 degrees.
In December 1919 he became a member of the “12th Shekina Council.” In the
month of June 1928 he became a member of Knights Templar Lodge number 17
(Palestinian Command). During the years of 1925 through 1930 he was a member
in the Grand Lodge in Missouri. Later he was elected Vice Grandmaster and in
1940 he became the Grandmaster of this lodge. In 1941, he was appointed
honorary master of symbolic Freemasonry.
Harry Truman was a serious student of the occult to
advance through the different branches of the Masonic labyrinth. He rejected
Jesus Christ as the Son of God and became a devoted Luciferian. As President
of the United States, he was promoted to the 33rd degree of the
Scottish Rite on October 19, 1945. On February 22, 1946, Truman traveled to
Alexandria, Virginia and the United Lodges headquarters named George
Washington Memorial Lodge where he took an oath stating that he would govern
the United States according to the principles of freemasonry.
At a speech in 1948 at the Masonic Lodge number 694
in Beach Grove, Truman said:
“My activity as a
statesman is built upon the principles of freemasonry. I believe that
these principles must be spread over the whole world, and upon these
principles must all civilization be built upon.”
Truman ordered the atomic bombs to be dropped on
Japan. Fifty nine years later, documents from both Japan and the United
States dating back to 1945 state that Japan was ready to surrender and
several attempts had been made to make a deal which Truman rejected. Instead
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were selected even though they had no military
significance. Previously on March 10, 1945, some 300 B-29 bombers had
targeted Tokyo and dropped 1,700 tons of napalm and other incendiary bombs.
The firestorm that broke out in the city killed 100,000 Japanese civilians,
and with continued daily bombings over Japan, the nation’s military
resistance was broken.
On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped over
Hiroshima, killing 70,000 to 80,000 persons. Three days later a second
atomic bomb was dropped over Nagasaki, killing 35,000 to 40,000 persons.
Japan is mostly Buddhist, and knowing Truman’s background as a Luciferian,
was it a coincidence that the two strongest Christian centers in Japan were
On July 9, 1947, between 10:30 and 11:00 A.M.,
President Truman received a visit from Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico.
While these two men were meeting, Lt. General James Doolittle (1896-1993)
and the Vice Commander of the Army Air Force, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg
were in conference with Army Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington
(1901-1988), in a Pentagon office. At 10:48 A.M. while Hatch was still at
the White House, General Vandenberg called President Truman. A few minutes
later the group in Pentagon went to the office of the Chief of Staff of the
Army, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. This was followed by a series of meeting
at the top level in the Pentagon, culminating with a meeting of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. All these meetings are recorded in the U.S. National
Archives, but the subject discussed has been stricken from the records.
James Doolittle |
Stuart Symington |
J. Edgar Hoover |
On July 10th there were more high level
meetings and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) was briefed on the
alien crisis. On July 26, 1947, President Truman signed a sweeping change in
the nation’s structure called “The National Security Act.”
By this time, President Truman, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and
General Eisenhower had seen the alien bodies brought to Washington D.C.
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from the King James Bible.
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