Volume 11,
2008 |
European American
Evangelistic Crusades |
The Flaming Sword
Contending For The Faith – Jude 3 |
The Corner -
This was the year that God’s patience ran
out and the great financial judgment on the world began. I repeatedly
warned that all the natural catastrophic events taking place in the United
States were warnings from God. But very few people heeded the warning. The
response was, “Federal aid is on the way; we will rebuild, because the
American people are strong.” Well now there is no more money to throw
around when more national disasters occur in 2009. |
Genetically Modified Organisms - Part
3: Vaccines and Pharmaceutical Drugs - Did you know that Ronald
Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush all pushed hard
for American biotech firms to develop their products with very little
control and regulation from the government? The food that you and I have
been eating for the last 20 years comes from genetically modified farm
animals laced with growth hormones. Additionally, the milk that you have
been drinking is one of the largest cancer causing elements in our food
chain. As the rate of cancer, obesity and diabetes climbs very
quickly, few people have given much thought to why this is so. This third
report on GMO, Vaccine and Pharmaceutical drugs brings out the terrible
truth that the many diseases affecting the people in the world are caused
by the food we eat. |
Infiltration of Christian Churches
Every move of God on earth, with one exception, has been infiltrated
by the Devil. The only move which the Devil could not defeat was the
mission of Jesus to be born, live, minister, die for our sins and be
resurrected on the third day. Whether you realize it or not, mankind is
locked in a legal battle between God and Satan. Every human being on earth
is dragged into this whether they like it or not. Most Christians have
read 1 Peter 5:8 many times but never understood or reflected that the
words are literally true. The Devil really is walking around like a
roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
Click here to listen
to these messages. |
Weighed and Found Wanting -
On January 20th upwards of four million Americans are expected to gather
in the nation’s capitol to celebrate the swearing in to Presidential
Office of the one that they have anointed as their savior, and to drink of
the golden vessels containing the fruits of the victory of their exalted
elect and praise the secular gods of this nation in adulation to the
greatest con man to grace the political scene in the history of the
nation. |
Unamerican Jesus |
American Suspicious of Big Media, ADL
Disturbed - A recent ADL poll found that 61 percent of Americans
believe their religious values are “under attack” by media. To Abraham
Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, this is heresy. He says these
erroneous beliefs come from people who “want to incorporate more religion
in American life,” a Christian/conservative agenda ADL vehemently opposes.
Foxman says ADL must calm these disturbing levels of suspicion. |
Maitreya Rising? -
There was a very strange announcement made recently in the form of a press
release posted on the Dow Jones & Company’s Market Watch website dated
December 12, 2008, that bears mentioning, if for no other reason, because
it reads like something from a supermarket tabloid. It is clearly another
ominous sign of the desperate times in which we live. |
Resurrection Life of Jesus
If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in
the midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to have no
answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the answer. God will touch
you; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! |

The Long Road Home - Pablo Yoder
Sanford and Martha Yoder had little idea what awaited them
when they left their home in Virginia to move their large family to Costa Rica.
Though they knew they would have to learn a new language and a different
culture, they did not anticipate such primitive housing, drenching rains, or
daunting mud holes. And they certainly were not expecting active volcanoes or
earthquakes...To ten-year-old Pablo, it was all one big adventure. Rushing rivers, picturesque
lakes, undiscovered islands, secret canyons, secluded banana groves, gigantic
tropical trees, exotic birds, mischievous monkeys... a whole new world was
waiting to be explored just outside his door.
But inside, another Voice was calling. Pablo, hungry for excitement, wasn't
ready to listen. Instead, his innocent adventures took a darker turn, and his
parents' concern changed to alarm as they watched him choose his own lonely and
increasingly wicked path. |

Warren Smith
speaks at Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
Warren sounded the alarm of how the New Age teachings have been repackaged and
presented as something new. He shares how he got involved in the New Age after consulting a
psychic, jumping thru all kinds of spiritual hoops and how everything
seemed to fall naturally into place. Warren also takes the time to
show how the very same New Age counterfeits, with which he was involved,
are making deep inroads into the Christian community and the spiritual
deception that is taking place in churches. He also spoke about signs of the end times and what the Bible has
predicted will happen in the days before Christ’s return. Because of his
past involvement with the New Age, Warren shared how it is rearing its
ugly head within the Church masked as a "New Spirituality. and slowly
being brought into the Church of Jesus Christ.
Click here to
listen to these messages.
of India - Caryl Matrisciana
Born and
raised in India, Caryl saw firsthand the effects that Hinduism had on the people
of that nation. After leaving India as a young adult, she became involved in the
counter-culture New Age movement, only to find that the elements of Hinduism and
the New Age were very much the same. Later as a Christian, Caryl discovered that
this same spirituality had entered the Christian church through various avenues
unbeknownst to most people. Caryl shows the underlying beliefs of the
New Spirituality and the move toward an interspiritual world "peace"
brought through mystical practices.
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