Swine Flu & Treason
1: From the Lusitania to Vietnam
John S. Torell
of April 2009, there aren’t many reports available for who is responsible
for this Swine Flu outbreak. Nevertheless, it will leak out in due time as
people working within the pharmaceutical industry feel convicted over what
has been done and decide to tell the true story. In the meantime, we must
educate people of what has happened in the past in order to protect them
from taking different harmful vaccines that are being offered.
number of nations have been researching and developing biological warfare
for the last 60 years or so. No government will admit that they have been
working on an attack program; instead, they all claim to be researching
the subject in order to protect their own population.
Researchers who have been tracking different diseases like small pox, have
found that whenever there has been a nationwide inoculation program
against small pox, such as in Africa, it did not take long for people in
that nation to come down with the AIDS virus. According to leaked
documents from organizations working for the World Government, the purpose
of contaminating our vaccines is to reduce the world population, which
according to the World Government is too large to control and needs to be
decreased. For the last 20 years, the population in Africa has been
targeted, and no one knows how many millions of people in Africa have died
because of biological warfare.
am going to take you back to the 1970’s and trace the military biological
buildup in the United States and how these biological weapons have been
tested. Most likely, the Swine flu outbreak in 2009 can be traced to a
contaminated vaccine. Read this information carefully and decide for
yourself what is the real truth. If you know that vaccines will
“occasionally” be contaminated, having the ability to make an informed
choice will give you the preference of saying no to future vaccine
programs, thereby saving your own life. You have read what I wrote in the
last newsletter during the month of April, 2009 and as I have continued to
write on this subject, it is now mid September, 2009. Much material is now
available and I want to bring you a summary of what we have.
asking questions, we’ll be able to look for some trails that will lead us
to the truth. Here are the questions:
Why did the current swine flu epidemic start in Mexico? Why was the
initial outbreak happening in Mexico which does not have a cold winter
climate? And why did it start after the regular flu season was over?
Why did four different varieties of swine, avian and human flu viruses,
from four different parts of the world, Asia, Europe and North America,
end up in Mexico and unnaturally reassert their genetic sequences into the
mysterious recombinant new virus combination?
a CNN interview, retired Army General Russel Honoré made the following
“How did
it start in Mexico, where did it emanate from? We’ve been able to find
that out in all previous pandemics. The question now is to get at the
heart of how this started -- did it start from the occasion of viruses
coming together or did it come out of a lab? All those questions have to
be answered.”
Why does the H1N1 virus subtype – in nature a benign commonplace virus
which most birds carry with no harm to themselves or humans – suddenly
become a virulent killer?
Why does this so-called “swine virus” primarily kill young, healthy adults
– much like the deadly “Spanish flu” of 1918, with the unnatural
phenomenon known as cytokine storm?
Why do natural influenza strains produce the worst symptoms in young
children, the elderly and people with a weak immune system?
Why has Baxter International Inc. been chosen to head up efforts to
produce a vaccine for the current outbreak of the swine flu? The
Deerfield, Illinois pharmaceutical company was caught in 2008 shipping
live avian flu virus mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors
in eighteen nations. Was this a big mistake or was it part of a plan to
contaminate vaccines?
Many well known officials like former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
and many other persons from the federal government or from the business
world have huge investments in the pharmaceutical company Roche, which is
the producer of the Tamiflu vaccine, which the medical authorities with
the help of the American media is pushing as the only solution for anyone
who has been infected by the swine flu virus. Did these investors know
something the rest of us did not know as they make millions of dollars
profit on their investments?
Why have some 80 of the top microbiologists become so “depressed” in the
last few years that they committed suicide? Did they know something evil
that made all of them “depressed” or did they know about an evil that
someone was afraid could be told to the public? Is it possible that they
were all eliminated in order to keep the lies about vaccine a secret? One
of the top agents in the Soviet Union’s KGB (now known as the FSB) said
the following after he retired and was interviewed by a journalist:
“Assassination is an art, just like painting a beautiful oil painting or
playing a musical piece. Every assassination that the police will classify
as suicide is an act of true art in this business.”
The virus that caused the deadly “Spanish flu” in 1918 has been extinct
for some 85 years. Why did Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger of the Armed Forces
Institute of Pathology work to reconstruct this virus? In 1997 in Brevig,
Alaska, a woman who died of the Spanish flu in 1918 was exhumed. Her body
had been buried under the permafrost and so both her lungs along with
other samples were taken and brought to a lab where Dr. Taubenberger was
able to reconstruct the virus. Why would anyone want to reconstruct a
virus which killed millions of people? Why should this reconstructed
material be given to military germ warfare specialists, who could use
recombinant DNA techniques to insert the lethal genome into countless
mixes of viruses?
looking at these questions I have come to the following conclusion: The
H1N1 virus, also known as the Swine Flu virus, is a result of virus
warfare research and has been released on the world’s population in order
to test its power. This article is part of a larger write-up in which we
propose that the AIDS virus was a result of biological warfare research in
American military laboratories and then used by political leaders to
reduce the world’s population. Normal people do not have a criminal mind
and cannot even imagine such a diabolic plan, but there are people with
criminal minds, and they are the ones who make up the “World Government.”
am sure you have heard the expression, “Truth is stranger than fiction.”
As I started to investigate the World Government in 1975, I believed that
much written material about espionage, sabotage, mass killings and
starting of wars was nothing but pure fiction, written by people who
wanted to publish books and make money. But some 34 years later, I know
that intelligence services cannot be trusted and are extremely evil, but
also that they are linked together in a world wide web, directed by a
group of wicked and demented persons who constitute the World Government.
Since the scheming has gone on for hundreds of years, the current people
in charge have been given their powers from a previous generation and know
that they in turn must train young people from their own cadres to one day
take over the positions of the World Government. All of these people have
one thing in common: they have given their lives to the Devil, they
worship and love the Devil and they are willing to die for him. These
people have no conscience; they do not know love, honesty and grace; they
are beasts in human form, blood thirsty predators who privately enjoy
raping men and women, killing just for the fun of it, and eating dinner
with their comrades while human beings on a stage are brutally tortured
and killed.
Let’s begin by looking at the Jewish leadership with families like
Rothschild, Warburg, Bronfman, Murdoch, Maxwell, etc. who have people
serving in the top leadership of the Jewish World Government and do not
send their children to public schools. Their children are educated in
expensive private schools and their religious education is done by rabbis
and Jewish educators, who are well educated in the Talmud as well as the
Cabala. In their early childhood years they are exposed to alcohol and
sexual activities and are encouraged to develop an immoral sexual
lifestyle. They are told that only Jews are humans, all other beings on
this planet are animals and they learn to despise and look down upon
Gentiles. They develop a superior feeling that comes from having two sets
of laws, one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles.
Just like the royal families groom their children to become heirs in the
future, so these men and women are groomed to someday become rulers and to
make sure that the tradition of the elders will be followed with no
deviation from the policies set thousands of years ago toward the drive of
a world government under the leadership of Jews. From childhood they have
lived a life in luxury, and as they grow older, they expect nothing less
for themselves. Money is never an issue as long as they toe the line and
do what they are told to do. If a child or an adult becomes rebellious and
a liability for the family, they are eliminated either by sickness,
suicide or plain murder. Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was murdered in
1986, British newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell was murdered in 1991 and
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. There have been a number of
other prominent Jews taken out by their fellow Jews because they did not
toe the line.
Palme |
Robert Maxwell |
Yitzhak Rabin |
The majority of Jewish people in the world are not part of this elite and
have no knowledge of what is going on except that they know powerful Jews
are in charge of banks, industry and politics. Most of them are hard
working people who struggle to make a living just like Gentiles.
Then there is the gentile leadership with families like Kennedy, Bush,
Hearst, Rockefeller, etc. doing the same thing as their Jewish
counterparts with private education and personal grooming of the children.
Their children grow up in luxury and at an early age get a taste of what
it is like to join the rich and famous. They are only allowed to rise as
high in political offices or in other areas as the Jewish leadership
Gentile children are recruited in colleges and groomed for a life of
leadership under the Jewish World Government. All colleges and
universities have fraternities and it is here that the morality of the
young people is first broken down through alcohol and sexual promiscuity.
The young people who seem to be team players and have low moral values are
selected for Fulbright or Rhodes scholarships. Others who are less
promising are nourished to enter universities after their college years
and further led into immorality and a decadent lifestyle.
After graduation they seek jobs in business, politics, military, law
enforcement or health professions and the men are invited to join
Freemasonry or other occult secret societies. These are the men and the
women who fill the lower echelons in the World Government in the different
nations. Gentiles who are given different scholarships, often end up in
the top echelon leadership but are always controlled by their Jewish
The children of the Jewish and Gentile leadership will emerge as clones of
the people who held the positions prior to them. They will be just as
corrupt, lawless, selfish and hungry for more power and a lavish
Look at the example of Bernie Madoff who was born in 1938. He was a Jewish
financial investor who was an “obedient dog” for the Mossad and channeled
billions of dollars to Israeli projects and perfectly fits the profile I
have just described. After finishing high school in New York City in 1956,
he enrolled at the University of Alabama and only spent one year there
where he became a member of the Tau chapter of Sigma Alpha fraternity in
1957. He then transferred to Hofstra College, a private education
institution, and upon graduation spent a year at a law school and then
entered business. In time he became a respected investor and eventually
became the chairman for the NASDAQ stock market.
Madoff had a great appetite for women and wine and lived such an
extravagant lifestyle that most people cannot even imagine paying $2,500
for a dinner at a restaurant. He was a loyal team player, whose job was to
funnel cash by the billions from Wall Street to different Israeli
projects, including the Mossad and some of its “black budget projects.”
But when he became careless and bilked a number of Jewish charities, the
cry was raised by Jewish leaders that Madoff had wrecked their
foundations. In order to quiet the Jewish outrage, the FBI was told to go
after him and he was sacrificed. He knew better than to threaten to tell
it all like Robert Maxwell had done, because he knew that if he was going
to be allowed to live, he would have to shut his mouth, take the blame and
go to prison for the rest of his life. And that is exactly what happened.
Everybody was wondering how Bernie Madoff continued so long without being
detected? Now you know why.
The evil spirits that possessed the world leaders of the past transfer
themselves to the new leaders coming up. With rigid training and destroyed
moral values, these men and women are easily possessed by evil spirits and
then molded into the same ruthless people as their predecessors.
You must remember that fallen angels and evil spirits never die. The evil
spirits that once possessed the kings of the past are still around and
today possessing current world leaders. The same evil spirits that
possessed men like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, etc.
have not left the world but are very active in human leaders today. That
is the reason that mass killings like the Armenian slaughter in Turkey in
1915, when millions were butchered, was repeated in Russia during the
reign of the Communists; mass killings were repeated by the Nazis during
WWII, and were also repeated in China as the Communists took over in 1948.
Then there were the killing fields in Cambodia in 1975, Bosnia in the
1990’s and in Rwanda in 1994.
Are you beginning to understand why I have
listed these historical facts? I am trying to warn you that what was done
in the past is now being done today and will continue in the future. There
is no change; the Devil only has one program: to steal, kill and destroy.
(John 10:10)
After studying the subject of a World Government for 34 years I have come
to the conclusion that it has been able to infiltrate every national
intelligence service, controlling the directors and top supervisors. These
men and women are not loyal to the nation in which they live in and work,
they are only loyal to the World Government and its bidding. Let me give
you some examples.
The sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 dragged America into WWI. It was
blamed on the Germans but in reality it was executed by British
intelligence operators. The German government had warned all nations that
any ship carrying war supplies to England and France would be attacked by
German U-boats. The British government with the approval of the President
Woodrow Wilson kept sending ships to the U.S. to pick up war supplies and
allowed passengers to ride on the ships. The American people were totally
against entering the war and Wilson had been elected on the slogan “to
keep America out of the war” but in reality was doing the opposite.
During the month of May, 1915, the British ship Lusitania was loaded with
war material in New York and sailed for England with 1,198 civilian
passengers onboard. British intelligence made sure that the Germans knew
in advance that the ship carried a military cargo. On May 7, 1915, a
German U-boat attacked the ship and sank it quickly with just one torpedo,
which hit explosives that had been loaded on the ship. There were only 128
American among the 1,959 passengers who died and a case for war was made
but it was rejected by the American people and Congress. The status quo
remained unchanged for a year and a half as more ships from the U.S. were
sunk by German U-boats.
Again the rulers of the World Government turned to intelligence operations
and rumors were spread that Germany was secretly negotiating with the
Mexican government of signing a pact that Mexico with the help of Japan
would attack the U.S. if they declared war on Germany. British
intelligence agents conveniently produced documents which President Wilson
took to Congress and demanded a declaration of war on Germany. The scare
tactic worked and the United States declared war on Germany on April 6,
didn’t take long before the United States had drafted millions of young
men, and in the summer of 1918, ten thousand American soldiers per day
arrived in France to join in the trench warfare of being gassed and shot.
President Wilson had prepared the military in advance so young men could
be sent speedily to their deaths in the trenches on the Western front. A
total of two million American men were sent to Europe to fight in a war
that didn’t change anything, and 100,000 were left behind in the graves.
Hundreds of thousands were wounded with some maimed for life.
December 7, 1941, British intelligence instigated and lured the Japanese
to attack
Harbor in order to force the U.S. into WWII. When a Dutch submarine
sighted the Japanese fleet on its way to Hawaii, nine days before the
attack on Pearl Harbor, the captain sent a message to the British fleet
command and warned about an upcoming attack on Hawaii. Prime Minister
Winston Churchill (right) was the key man in getting the United States to
enter the war and secretly worked with President Roosevelt to find an
excuse for the U.S. to declare war on Germany. Both Churchill and
Roosevelt went to great lengths to suppress any news leak before the
Japanese could attack.
intelligence operators were ordered to board the Dutch submarine under the
pretense of refueling and restocking of food and water and install
explosive devices. In order that no Dutch sailor would survive and later
tell the truth, two small cylinders filled with cyanide were inserted in
the oxygen supply on the sub, and timed to be released in conjunction with
the explosives. There would be no survivors as the crew of 36 Dutch navy
personnel had to die to protect the treasonous secret of Churchill and
Roosevelt. The sub was blown up once the British intelligence operators
left the sub and all men on board were killed. The secret was hid for 55
years until 1996 when it was revealed by British intelligence operator
Christopher Creighton.[1]
Sadly, the newly installed radar system on Hawaii picked up the Japanese
fleet and sent an urgent warning to the American military command which
stonewalled the warning. Prior to the attack, the U.S. Navy had moved all
aircraft carriers from Pearl Harbor and hid them around the Hawaiian
islands. The harbor was then stacked with battleships which military
command knew would be less useful in the coming war. The Japanese were
baited and lured to attack, with the result that 1,282 were wounded and
2,402 were killed while the Japanese losses were 65 killed.
am aware that this raid took place 67 years ago and the men that ordered
this raid on the coast of France are now dead but the current World
Government generation in charge of events in the world has been trained to
think like these men did. This invasion of German held France in 1942 was
more than criminal; it was the greatest form of betrayal and the worst
evil that only devils can design.
1942, the German armies were making rapid advances against the Soviets and
had taken more than a million Russian soldiers captive. Leningrad (now St.
Petersburg) was encircled by German troops and their army units had
advanced to the outskirts of Moscow; Ukraine had fallen to the Germans and
it looked like the Soviets under Joseph Stalin were about to be defeated.
Stalin had signed a military pact in 1938 with Germany and in 1939 invaded
Poland from the east while the Germans had smashed the Poles from the
West. But in 1941, Stalin had changed and made an alliance with England
and France after Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union.
Stalin demanded a second front be opened up in France to relieve the
massive pressure on the Soviet army. The people running the war and
controlling the United States and England gave the order to study the
feasibility of invading France. Military planners told the political
leaders that it was not possible since American war production was not up
to its capacity and its troops were still being trained and too green to
take on the Germans. On November 8, 1942 American and British troops
invaded Algeria and Morocco to drive out the Germans. In the Battle of the
Kasserine Pass, the American force was badly beaten by the Germans and had
to retreat. It took battle hardened British soldiers to stop the Germans
and rescue the Americans. One thousand American soldiers were killed,
hundreds were taken captive and most of the American tanks, artillery and
trucks were lost. In this chess game, the military leaders wanted to test
the German defenses in France for a dress rehearsal before the large
invasion would be launched two years later in June of 1944. Let me now
quote the official American version of the reason for the attack on the
French port city of Dieppe:
had several advantages over other possible targets. It was near enough to
be reached by ship under the cover of darkness, it was well within the
operating of RAF fighter planes (the British Royal Air Force), and its
defenses were strong enough to ensure a major German reaction, from which
the invasion planners hoped to learn much." (My emphasis)
Specifically, the Dieppe raid would afford practice in handling an assault
fleet off an enemy coast, in trying out new kinds of assault craft and
equipment, in capturing and holding an enemy port…”[2]
The raid on Dieppe was codenamed “Jubilee.” The men to be sacrificed came
from the 2nd Canadian Division, which had been stationed in
England since 1939. During the night of August 18th, the Allied
strike force crossed the English Channel toward Dieppe and consisted of
237 ships of different sizes: destroyers, troop carriers, tank landing
craft, assault boats and anti-aircraft gun barges. More than 5,000
Canadian infantry men were part of the invasion force, augmented with
1,100 British commandos, five German interpreters and 50 U.S. rangers.
What these men didn’t know was that they had been betrayed and were
sailing into a deathtrap set by their own leaders.
This is where British intelligence officer Christopher Creighton enters
the picture. He went public in 1996 with his book, OPJB, confessed to the
terrible crimes he had committed as an intelligence agent. Working as John
Davis, he had established himself as a double agent that the German
intelligence thought was a traitor and hungry for money.
Prime Minister Churchill and the Allied Supreme Command under the General
Dwight Eisenhower (right) wanted to make sure that the Germans would put up
the best fight possible as the Allied troops invaded Dieppe. So John Davis
made contact with the German Embassy in Ireland (a neutral nation during
the war) and was taken by a German U-boat to Germany in the early part of
1942. He then told the German Intelligence chief Admiral Canaris detailed
plans about the attack on Dieppe. He was sent back to Germany a second
time in July to inform the Germans about changed dates and a different
attack plan.
Thus, the German military command knew of the coming attack, the size of
the force, that the attack would span an area of 11 miles of the coast,
what units were involved and what kind of support was coming from navy
ships. The Germans were ready when the allied forces began landing on the
beaches and it was nothing but slaughter as the brave Canadians tried to
storm the beaches and make headway inland. The Royal Regiment of Canada
lost 94.5% of its men in death and the rest were taken captive.
the 5,100 soldiers who actually landed on the different beaches, 3,648
were killed or captured. The British commandos had fewer losses, since
they controlled their own assault boats and were able to retreat faster.
Their losses were 247 dead or captured out of 1,100. All of the equipment
put on the beaches was lost and the British navy lost one destroyer, 33
landing craft and 550 sailors were killed; the RAF lost 153 airmen and the
German losses were 591 dead or captured.
wave after wave of Canadian soldiers came ashore, the surviving soldiers
from previous waves tried to get into the assault boats and be taken back
to the ships but were beaten or shot at by navy personnel and driven back
to the slaughter on the beaches. There were 4,598 men, fathers or sons
from Canada, England and the United States who died in the prime of their
lives on beaches that had no value for the outcome of the war. They were
sacrificed just like at Pearl Harbor. As these men were executed in cold
blooded murder and died on the beaches, so did their future children who
never had the chance to live.
You would think that a person like General Dwight Eisenhower had learned a
lesson with the Dieppe raid but that was not the case. When Eisenhower
became president of the United States on January 1, 1953, the Korean War
was still going strong. While negotiations were going on to get a cease
fire, trouble was brewing in Cuba as its dictator Fulgencio Batista had
lined himself up with the Jewish Mafia, which at that time was led by the
Russian born Jew, Meyer Lansky, and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel. The Jewish
Mafia in the United States had been working with the Zionist World
Federation prior to WWII, and after 1948 with the foundation of Israel,
the Mossad picked up the relationship with Lansky and his gangsters.
Fulgencio Batista |
Meyer Lansky |
Benjamin Siegel |
Vito Genovese |
Frank Costello |
Santo Trafficante |
Frank Sinatra |
Lansky and his Jewish mafia had gotten free hands to work the Cuban
gambling industry and Havana became known as “East Las Vegas.” They teamed
up with Italian mobsters like Vito Genovese, Frank Costello and Santo
Trafficante. Frank Sinatra was deeply involved with the mob and a frequent
guest in Havana. There were some 11,500 prostitutes working in Havana in
Eisenhower’s vice president was Richard Nixon
(right), who for many years had been
hostile to American Jews and wanted to destroy the Jewish network in Cuba.
Fidel Castro was a Cuban who started an uprising against the Batista
regime on July 26, 1953. The next day a cease fire was signed in Korea,
which took a lot of pressure off the White House. Secretly, Castro began
receiving some help from the United States.
But the uprising on July 26, 1953 was put down and Fidel Castro
(left) and his
brother Raul (below right) ended up in a Cuban prison. Pressure from the U.S. was
brought to bear on Batista to free his political prisoners and the Castro
brothers were set free and immediately started to work on a second attempt
to overthrow the Cuban government. On December 2, 1956, a second uprising
started against the Cuban government and was brutally suppressed by
Batista forces. The White House recalled their Cuban ambassador and
launched an arms embargo on March 14, 1958 so that in time the Cuban
military aircraft, tanks and trucks were unusable due to lack of spare
The Castro brothers joined forces with other opposition forces in Cuba and
a joint military campaign began that had the government forces slowly
retreating towards Havana. On January 1, 1959, Batista realized that the
war against the rebels was lost and fled to Spain where he lived as a rich
man until his death of a heart attack on August 6, 1973. A possible
assassination? A week later when Havana fell to the rebel army the Jewish
and American gangsters had already left for the U.S. The Castro brothers
then consolidated their control by killing or imprisoning all groups that
had aided them and turned Cuba into a communist dictatorship.
Since the Zionist World Federation controlled the communists in the Soviet
Union, they were not opposed to the idea of a communist Cuba. After all,
it could be used as a threat to America and make sure that the American
government was willing to support Israel at any cost.
Lansky and his mobster friends had lost their income from Cuba, but were
compensated and given control of Las Vegas, and Bugsy Siegel became the
mob boss in Las Vegas. The only people who were steamed about the whole
thing were Eisenhower and Nixon since they thought that Fidel and Raul
Castro were “their boys.” On March 17, 1960, President Eisenhower approved
a CIA plan titled, “A Program of Covert Action against the Castro Regime.”
plan included: 1) the creation of a responsible and unified Cuban
opposition to the Castro regime located outside of Cuba, 2) the
development of a means for mass communication to the Cuban people as part
of a powerful propaganda offensive, 3) the creation and development of a
covert intelligence and action organization within Cuba which would
respond to the orders and directions of the exile opposition, and 4) the
development of a paramilitary force outside of Cuba for future guerrilla
action. These goals were to be achieved “in such a manner as to avoid the
appearance of U.S. intervention.”[3]
budget of $4.4 million was approved from a “black budget” controlled by
the CIA and concealed from Congress.
the month of April, 1960, the CIA began recruiting anti-Castro Cubans
living in Florida. The training initially took place on the Useppa Island
and a number of American military bases, including Homestead AFB. Special
guerilla training took place in Panama at Fort Gulick and Fort Clayton. As
the forces started to number in the thousands, they were sent to a CIA
base codenamed “JMTrax,” near Retalhuleu in the Sierra Madre on the
pacific coast of Guatemala. The force became known as “Brigade 2506.”
Later in the summer of 1960, an airbase was constructed near Retalhuleu
and codenamed “JMMadd.” More than 30 B-26 bombers that were upgraded and
equipped with offensive weapons were secured from the United States Air
Force and marked as Guatemalan air force bombers. Paratroop training took
place at another base in Guatemala and boat handling and amphibious
landing took place in Puerto Rico. Tank training was done at Fort Knox,
Kentucky and at Fort Benning, Georgia.
The CIA operated in the same mode as later in the 1980’s with the
“Iran/Contra” project, using American made Douglas C-54 and Curtiss C-46
cargo planes to transport people and material to the different CIA bases
in Central America. The CIA also had a base in Puerto Cabezas in Nicaragua
codenamed “JMTide.”
April 9, 1961, Brigade 2506 personnel, ships and aircraft started to
assemble at the CIA base of Puerto Cabezas, a city on the east coast of
Nicaragua and not too far from the border of Honduras.
With elaborate military training in several Central American nations as
well as in the U.S., the Soviet KGB kept a close eye on the operation just
like the Dieppe raid where plans were given to the Germans, moles within
the CIA made sure that the Cuban military command was updated continually.
The men that the CIA had trained were going to be sent to their deaths
just like at Dieppe some 19 years earlier. President Eisenhower set in
motion the invasion of Cuba but it was carried out during the first few
months of President Kennedy’s term.
Early in the morning on April 15, 1961, eight B-26B bombers attacked three
Cuban airfields. These were American planes with Cuban crews which had
taken off from an airfield in Puerto Cabezas. Against all international
rules of war, the CIA painted the bombers as Cuban air force bombers in
order to deceive the defenders. At 10:30 A.M., Raul Roa the Cuban Foreign
Minister had lodged a complaint with the United Nations that his country
had been attacked by the United States. Adlai Stevenson the U.S.
ambassador to the UN lied and stated that U.S. armed forces would not
“under any conditions” intervene in Cuba and that the U.S. would do
everything in its power to ensure that no U.S. citizen would participate
in actions against Cuba. It would be a few hours later that Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and Stevenson found out that the CIA had lied to them
about the invasion. President Kennedy referred to Stevenson as “my
official liar.”
Raul Roa |
Adlai Stevenson |
Dean Rusk |
Since Castro knew the invasion was imminent, he wanted to make sure that
all the sympathizers would be taken out of the equation. The same day the
Cuban police started to round up some 200,000 Cubans, known to oppose
U-2 reconnaissance photos on April 16th showed that most of the
Cuban air force was intact and that the attacking B-26 bombers had missed
most of its targets. The CIA was planning a new attack on the 17th
but President Kennedy realized that the whole world would be watching the
United States attack Cuba. Instead of calling off the entire operation, he
cancelled the air attacks and allowed Castro to have his air force almost
intact. This would later cause much carnage as the Cuban infantry landed
on the beach at the Bay of Pigs. This was the first terrible mistake by
President Kennedy.
Late on April 16, 1961, the Brigade 2506 invasion fleet assembled on
“Rendezvous Point Zulu,” which was located about 40 miles from Cuba. The
cargo ships were chartered by the CIA and disguised under the flag of
other nations like Liberia and Nicaragua. There were five cargo ships in
this flotilla and some of them came from New Orleans where they had picked
up military supplies. In addition, there were two American LCI’s (Landing
Craft Infantry) with heavy armament had been outfitted at Key West,

Guarding this invasion force were seven American Navy destroyers which
followed them to point Zulu. A Navy taskforce had been assembled off the
Cayman Islands consisting of the aircraft carrier USS Essex, commanded by
Admiral John A. Clark, the helicopter assault carrier USS Boxer, plus four
destroyers and two submarines. Another navy ship, the USS Northhampton, a
command and control ship plus the carrier, USS Shangri-La, were also
operating in the area.
Thus the CIA had prepared its forces and the U.S. Navy had assembled
enough firepower to secure a landing on Cuba and wipe out all resistance
from the Cuban air force. However, once the seven invasion ships left
point Zulu, they would be without the escort of the U.S. Navy destroyers,
which stayed behind. The only U.S. Navy ship traveling with the invasion
fleet was the USS San Marcos, which was a landing ship dock that carried
three LCU’s (Landing Craft Utility) and four LCVP’s (Landing Craft,
Vehicles and Personnel). This ship stayed with the invasion fleet until a
point three miles off the Cuban coast, where it unloaded its seven landing
The CIA command, the U.S. Navy command, and the top brass at the Pentagon
all knew that this invasion was doomed to fail and that the men sent
ashore would be killed or taken captive. The invasion could have been
called off but it was not. Just after midnight on April 17th
the invasion began with frogmen landing on the beaches to set up lights to
guide the invasion force. A total of 1,500 men were landed on the beaches,
in conjunction with five American C-46 and one C-54s dropping
While the CIA trained Cuban invasion force was fighting to survive,
including a number of so called “American advisors,” Secretary of State
Dean Rusk gave a press conference. He stated:
American people are entitled to know whether we are intervening in Cuba or
intend to do so in the future? The answer to that question is, no. What
happens in Cuba is for the Cuban people to decide.”
Rusk learned the truth after the press conference that there was indeed an
American operation and became so angry that he broke rank with President
Kennedy and publicly urged the president to stop the attack on Cuba and
avoid further embarrassment. What the American people didn’t know was that
President Kennedy had been heavily involved in the planning of the
invasion and that from the day he took office on January 20, 1961, he had
been in favor of taking out Fidel Castro.
April 17th at 12:15AM EST, Kennedy received a message from the
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in which he rebuked Kennedy then
threatened with Soviet intervention on the side of the Communist regime in
Cuba. It became clear to Kennedy and his advisors that the cover up plan
they had devised to make it look like Cubans opposing Castro were doing
their own thing was destroyed and that the whole world except the American
people knew that this was an American military campaign to overthrow
Kennedy then made another mistake, instead of using the U.S. Navy to
extract the invaders and save them from further harm, he allowed the
operation to continue without support from the U.S. Air Force or the Navy.
The U.S Air Force General C.P. Cabell in charge of the invasion wanted the
U.S. Air Force to intervene and save the invasion force which was in a
life or death struggle. Dean Rusk and McGeorge Bundy (left), Special
Assistant to the President, and others pressed Kennedy to ground the U.S.
Air Force. The result was that the Cuban air force was able to dominate
the skies and two of the invasion ships were sunk.
Heavy fighting continued while support from American B-26 aircraft, manned
by Cuban pilots, tried to stem the tide. The last air attack was launched
by five American B-26s, manned by CIA contract air crews from the Alabama
Air National Guard. But it could not change the outcome on the ground as
Cuban tanks, artillery and aircraft drove the invaders back to the
beaches. Late on April 19, 1961, two American destroyers moved close to
the shore to evacuate the fleeing Cuban invaders, and from the 19th
until April 22nd, navy reconnaissance flights were flown over
the war zone.
April 21, the U.S. Navy added two more destroyers in the search and rescue
mission aided by one submarine and a PBY Catalina flying boat. The
shooting war was over but the nightmare for captured invaders had just
Fidel Castro was a hard core communist and ordered hundreds of executions
between April to October 1961. A number of American military advisors were
killed on the spot when they were captured. Many Cubans, whether they were
part of the invasion force or not, were rounded up and killed. There were
1,204 soldiers from Brigade 2506 who were captured and in May, 1961, Fidel
Castro offered to release them in exchange for 500 farm tractors. The deal
fell through and on March 1962, the remaining 1,179 invaders from Brigade
2506 were put on trial and sentenced to 30 years in prison. On April 14,
1962, 60 wounded and sick soldiers from the brigade were released and
taken to the U.S. On December 21, 1962, a deal was cut so that with a
ransom of $53,000,000 in food and medicine, 1,113 men from the brigade
were released and sent back to the U.S. More than 1,000 family members
were allowed to go with the men. On December 29, 1962, President Kennedy
attended a “welcome back” ceremony for Brigade 2506 veterans at the Orange
Bowl in Miami, Florida.
President John F. Kennedy was no hero; instead, he was a liar just like
99% of all political leaders. He was in on the planning for the invasion
and made the final decision to go ahead with it but pulled support away
from the men he had sent into combat and then he was not ashamed to attend
a welcome ceremony for the men whom he had harmed with his policies.[4]
Why would the president act like this? The truth is that he was never in
charge of the White House; there were unseen hands that ruled, and he was
told like every other president since Woodrow Wilson on what to do, what
to say and how to say it. He was an actor and played his role well until
he came up with the brilliant idea of having the United States print its
own money and bypass the Federal Reserve Bank. On June 4, 1963, he issued
an executive order to bypass the Federal Reserve Bank and for the Treasury
of the United States to continue issuing silver certificates and to start
printing United States Notes instead of saying Federal Reserve Notes.
Kennedy signed his own death warrant when he issued an executive order
that was contrary to what his handlers wanted. It was because Kennedy
tried to bypass the Federal Reserve Bank and the Jewish power behind it
that resulted in his public execution in Dallas, Texas on November 22,
The assassination was a joint operation by the CIA and the FBI. Any
American who is somewhat educated has come to understand that there was a
giant cover-up in order to protect the people who ordered this execution.
Should you trust the CIA or the FBI? Only a fool would trust agencies that
have proven over and over again to be corrupt and turned against the
American people.
we have any records of the United States government instigating attacks in
our nation in order to justify an action of war? Yes, and I am not
thinking of Pearl Harbor in 1941 but something that happened in 1961. Very
few people have ever heard about Operation Northwoods. It was not until I
was doing research on terror projects by the U.S. government that I found
out about this horrible project.
“Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false-flag plan, proposed
within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or
other operatives to commit apparent acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to
create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba. One plan was to
‘develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other
Florida cities and even in Washington.’
operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings
and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the
terrorist acts on a foreign government, namely Cuba.
plan stated: The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would
be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering
defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and
to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the
Western Hemisphere.
“Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed
by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense.
other proposals were listed, including the real or simulated actions
against various U.S military and civilian targets. Operation Northwoods
was part of the U.S. government's Cuban Project (Operation Mongoose)
anti-Castro initiative. It was never officially accepted or executed.”[5]
Here is a list of the steps of the operation which were proposed by a
joint effort of the Pentagon and the CIA:
“A series of well coordinated
incidents will be planned to take place in and around Guantanamo to give
genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces.
Incidents to establish a credible
attack (not in chronological order):
Start rumors (many). Use clandestine
Land friendly Cubans in uniform
‘over-the-fence’ to stage attack on base.
Capture Cuban (friendly) saboteurs
inside the base.
Start riots near the base main gate
(friendly Cubans).
Blow up ammunition inside the base;
start fires.
Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage).
Lob mortar shells from outside of
base into base. Some damage to installations.
Capture assault teams approaching
from the sea or vicinity of Guantanamo City.
Capture militia group which storms
the base.
Sabotage ship in harbor; large fires—napthalene.
Sink ship near harbor entrance.
Conduct funerals for mock-victims (may be in lieu of (10)).
United States would respond by
executing offensive operations to secure water and power supplies,
destroying artillery and mortar emplacements which threaten the base.
Commence large scale United States
military operations.”
President Kennedy wanted to start
building his legacy and knew that he had to put any attempt to attack Cuba
on the backburner since he was taking on the Federal Reserve Bank and the
emerging war in Vietnam that he had also inherited. His action on the Cuba
question made his assassination more urgent as the World Government
leaders recognized Kennedy had ceased to be a team player.
“President John F. Kennedy
personally rejected the Northwoods proposal. A JCS/Pentagon document (Ed
Lansdale memo) dated March 16, 1962, titled MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT, 16
MARCH 1962, reads: ‘General Lemnitzer commented that the military had
contingency plans for U.S. intervention. Also it had plans for creating
plausible pretexts to use force, with the pretext either attacks on U.S.
aircraft or a Cuban action in Latin America for which we could retaliate.
The President sai d bluntly that we were not discussing the use of military
force, that General Lemnitzer might find the U.S. so engaged in Berlin or
elsewhere that he couldn't use the contemplated 4 divisions in Cuba.’ The
proposal was sent for approval to the Secretary of Defense, Robert
McNamara (right), but was not implemented. Kennedy removed Lemnitzer as
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shortly afterward, although he
became Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in January 1963.
“The continuing push against the
Cuban government by internal elements of the U.S. military and
intelligence community (the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban
Project, etc.) prompted Kennedy to attempt to rein in burgeoning hard-line
anti-Communist sentiment that was intent on proactive, aggressive action
against communist movements around the globe. After the Bay of Pigs,
Kennedy fired then CIA director Allen W. Dulles, Deputy Director Charles
P. Cabell, and Deputy Director Richard Bissell, and turned his attention
towards Vietnam.
Allen Dulles |
Charles Cabell |
Richard Bissell |
“Kennedy also took steps to bring discipline
to the CIA's Cold War and paramilitary operations by drafting a National
Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) which called for the shift of Cold War
operations to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the U.S. Department of Defense
as well as a major change in the role of the CIA to exclusively deal in
intelligence gathering. Kennedy was notably unpopular with the military, a
rift that came to a head during Kennedy's disagreements with the military
over the Cuban Missile Crisis, shortly before the presentation of
Northwoods. Personally, Kennedy expressed concern and anger to many of his
associates about the CIA's growing influence on civilians and government
inside America.”
When we look back at these
historical plans that were never implemented, wouldn’t it be possible a
few generations later for the plans to be dusted off, change the names,
and set in action the destruction of the twin towers in New York, an
adjacent building and the bombing of the Pentagon. In 2001, the target
attacked by the United States was not Cuba, but Afghanistan and Iraq. I
will explain more about this later.
When the Soviets under the
leadership of Khrushchev found out that Kennedy was vacillating on an
attack on Cuba, they decided to strike, and on October 8, 1962, they
started to build missile bases in Cuba which were going to be outfitted
with nuclear warheads. This forced Kennedy to declare a blockade of Cuba
in order to stop Soviet ships from delivering parts and missiles to the
island. It almost came to a nuclear war, but the Soviets backed down in
the end when Kennedy officially declared that the U.S. would not invade
Cuba and that all American nuclear missiles deployed in Turkey would be
withdrawn. But in order to hammer home the terrible plans that the
Pentagon and the CIA had drawn up, let me quote journalist James Bamford’s
“Operation Northwoods, which had the written
approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats
carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of
violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and
elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes
would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on
Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the
public and international backing, they needed, to launch their war.”
The war in Vietnam was built upon
lies even before it started. There was an issue that developed in the fall
of 1945 when Japan surrendered. Korea was occupied by Japanese troops and
the U.S. Pacific Command didn’t have sufficient troops on hand to take it
over. A decision had been made in Yalta in February 1945 where Joseph
Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt had met and decided
how to carve up the world after the war. It was decided that Korea was to
be divided, with the North given to the Soviet Union and the South to the
United States.
A third conference that year was
held in Germany at Potsdam where Harry Truman replaced Franklin Roosevelt
and further concessions were made to
the Soviets. It is noteworthy that Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese leader was
kept away from these conferences, since it had been agreed that China
would be handed over to the Communists.
Up until this time, the Soviet
Union had not declared war on Japan and left the American, British and
Australian’s to battle the Japanese forces. Since the Soviet Army had
taken very heavy losses against the Germans, the World Government had kept
the Russians out of the fight with the Japanese. But there were some
territories which Stalin wanted and after the first atomic bomb had been
dropped on Japan on August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on
Japan. Just seven days before Japan surrendered, a million man Soviet army
rolled into Manchuria and down into Korea. The Japanese army in Manchuria
was demoralized and could not put up any resistance. A sea attack was also
launched and the Japanese islands of Kurile and Sakhalin were taken. The
Japanese troops were pushed south until the Soviet army suddenly stopped
at the 38th parallel because of the agreement crafted at
Potsdam. Had the Korean people known what was about to happen they would
have exploded in anger.
Joseph Stalin |
Winston Churchill |
Franklin Roosevelt |
Korea had once been an empire but was annexed by Japan in 1910 to be a
province. Millions of Korean men during WWII were taken to Japan to work
as slave labor in the Japanese war production and hundreds of thousands of
Korean women were forced to work as prostitutes for Japanese soldiers in
the different war zones. As a result, the Korean people hated the
Japanese. The American
military command had no soldiers to control the southern part and
strangely requested that the Japanese army in the south continue its
occupation until American troops were available. For the next three weeks
the Japanese troops carried an arm patch indicating they were taking
control for the United States of America. No one asked the Korean people
if they wanted to take control themselves.
Then another strange event took
place as the weapons, ammunition and equipment for the invasion of
Japanese mainland were not needed with the end of the war. They were
stored on pacific island bases but weren’t needed after the atomic bombs
were dropped and Japan quickly surrendered. These supplies for a one
million man invasion army were divided into two parts with half of it
given to the Soviets in North Korea who used it to build up the North
Korean communist army. Five years later this army would wreak havoc on
South Korea and be responsible for the deaths of more than 50,000 American
soldiers in the Korean War.
The second half of these supplies was sent
to Vietnam and given to the communist forces under the command of Ho Chi
Minh. The man that would lead a war against the United States in the
1960’s was given a start with American military surplus material and
suddenly had enough weapons for half a million men.[9]
By now the reader must be
thinking, this does not make sense. How can this be? Let me give you
another overview that will show you the depravity of the people who are
now in the process of waging war with the people in the world and
attacking us with the swine flu:
North Korea was jointly created by
the United States and the Soviet Union and its army equipped with American
surplus war material. This was a crime against the Korean people and the
American people.
The European Rothschild family
totally dominated nations in Europe during the 19th century and
basically set the policies for these nations. Since much raw material for
industry is found outside Europe, many nations started colonies. This is a
nice way of saying they set out to steal land from people living in Africa
and Asia, force the population to work as slave labor and sent the raw
material back to Europe. England took great chunks of Africa like Egypt,
Sudan, Kenya, Rhodesia and South Africa. In Asia they had made a colony
out of India, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Burma and leased Hong Kong for 99
years. France conquered Morocco, Algeria, Chad, Madagascar, and a number
of small African nations on the west coast of Africa. In Asia they had
subdued Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Portugal had taken Angola and
Mozambique in Africa. Belgium and France had divided Congo in half.
Holland had taken Indonesia. Germany had taken Tanganyika, Ruanda,
Burundi, German Southwest Africa, Kamerun and Togoland. Italy had taken
Eritrea, Libia and a number of other smaller islands.
The Rothschild’s were more than
happy as the governments of these colonial nations extracted an enormous
amount of gold, silver, copper, diamonds and raw materials like oil and
iron ore. Native men were conscripted into military service, and during
the different wars in Europe, these conscript units were brought to Europe
to fight for the Rothschild’s. The profit of all this trade and industrial
output went into the pockets of the Rothschild’s who became wealthier each
In 1888 France sent troops to the
three nations that made up Indochina (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) and
subdued them. The official language became French and the Roman Catholic
Church was invited to convert the people. Their young bright students were
sent to France to learn the French way of thinking and then sent back to
become part of the colonial government. In a few years a wealthy class had
been developed from the native people who were more than happy to oppress
their own people in order to live the rich lifestyle.
In 1890, a boy was born near the
central Vietnamese city of Vinh and was given the name Nguyen That Thanh.
When he was older, he changed his name to Ho Chi Minh. His father was
involved in the resistance movement against the French colonial rule, and
at the age of 21, he was sent to France to get a higher education and
ended up as one of the founding members of the French Communist Party. He
became a hardcore Communist and demanded that all colonies in the world
should be liberated and become communist nations.
From France he moved to Moscow,
where he stayed until 1924. From 1924 to 1941 he lived in Canton, China,
then back to the Soviet Union, then in Brussels, Belgium, then back to
Paris. Minh lived in Thailand from 1928-30, then went back to Russia and
then to China where he recruited exiled Vietnamese men to form the
Indochina Communist Party. History books do not tell us who paid for all
the trips Minh made? Who paid for his upkeep and what passport did he use?
In 1941, Minh went back to Vietnam to fight the Japanese occupation army.
Here are some more strange events
for you to consider. When France capitulated to Germany in 1941, it was
divided into two parts. One became a German occupied province and the rest
was ruled by a German puppet regime, called the “Vichy Government.” This
government lined up with Germany and the French troops in Indochina became
loyal to the Vichy government and thus welcomed Japanese troops to operate
freely in Indochina, since Germany and Japan were allies. France at this
time had 50,000 soldiers in Indochina and for the next three years they
fought against insurgents who were trying to attack the Japanese troops.
So when France was invaded by the
Allies in June 1944, and shortly liberated thereafter, the Vichy
government fell. The Japanese didn’t do anything until March 9, 1945, when
they started a mass roundup of French soldiers and began to kill them.
French women and children were used as human shields by the Japanese
soldiers and rape of French women became the norm. Only six thousand
managed to flee north to China.
Even more strangely the American
spy organization known as OSS was given orders in 1944 to start supporting
Ho Chi Minh and his communist armed forces. American military advisors and
military supplies were air dropped to boost the Communist forces. The
American government then promised Minh, that if he would help to fight the
Japanese, the United States would turn over Vietnam to Minh and his forces
when the war was over. It was a marriage made in hell.

With the collapse of Japan in
August 1945, the communists under Minh took over Hanoi. General Vo Nguyen
Giap was the military commander for the communist forces, which later
became known as “Vietminh.” American advisors had trained and equipped
this army with top of the line American military hardware.
Stranger still, after the
surrender by Japan in September 1945, non-communist Chinese troops were
ordered into Vietnam to control the northern part. It had been decided at
Potsdam that Vietnam was going to be divided up into two parts, using the
16th parallel as the border.
Chiang Kai-shek was the leader of
China at this time and was involved in a bloody civil war with the
Communist forces under the control of Mao Tse-tung. But in Vietnam the
Chinese non-communist troops co-existed in harmony with the Vietminh. The
official spin on this project was that the Chinese troops were there to
take control of the surrendering Japanese and send them back to Japan. But
it was in the south that the real action was played out.
Chiang Kai-shek |
Mao Tse-tung |
Vo Nguyen Giap |
Vietnam was a French colony freed
from Japanese control and British Major General Douglas D. Gracey showed
up with 1,600 men of the 20th Indian division. His official
orders were to capture and disarm all Japanese soldiers and send them back
to Japan and then let the local Vietnamese population form their own
government. Instead of following his original orders, he declared martial
law in all Indochina south of the 16th parallel and used this
martial law to proclaim that Indochina was going to be given back to
France as a colony.
The surviving French troops who
had been held in prison camps were released and re-armed and the surviving
French colonial government officials put back in power. The power of the
unseen hand materialized again as the British general didn’t have enough
troops to secure his area, so instead of sending the Japanese troops home,
they were re-armed and given the order to control the Vietnam ese. But even
that was not enough because General Gracey didn’t have enough British
officers to command the Japanese troops, so they were sent out under the
command of their own officers. Japan still had a sizeable air force in
Vietnam and General Gracey used it to ferry British and French troops to
different points in Vietnam. During the month of October, 1945, the French
General Philippe Leclerc (right) arrived with one thousand soldiers. In
time his forces were built up to 25,000 men. By early 1946, the French had
poured in enough troops that the British troops left Vietnam and all
Japanese soldiers were disarmed and sent back to Japan.
The people in Indochina were
double crossed by the world leaders. They had been promised independence
from France once WWII was over but this promise was never kept. It had
been a lie from the beginning and the hated Japanese troops were used for
almost half a year to suppress the population in order to buy time so that
France could send in fresh troops from Europe.
In order to stall and build up its
forces in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh was invited to Paris, where negotiations
took place to free Vietnam from France and set up a Vietnamese Communist
government. But in October 1946, France adopted a new constitution and
broke off all negotiations so that war would again break out in Indochina.
When Minh returned to Vietnam, General Giap had built an army of 60,000
men who had been trained by Japanese officers and soldiers who refused to
return to Japan and had deserted to the Communists.
Look at this unlikely combination
in which a Vietnamese Communist army under the command of Japanese
officers and equipped with the latest American weapons was headed by Ho
Chi Minh, a former member of the French Communist Party and an American
ally during WWII. Does that seem illogical?
I am sure you are trying to
understand why France got involved in Vietnam and why so much money and
effort was spent to keep Vietnam as a colony. The answer is that Napoleon
wanted to establish himself around the world and the great rubber
plantations in Vietnam produced rubber, which is used to make tires. Thus
we find the same underlying interest of the World Government and its
bankers to import cheap raw material, in this case rubber, to keep cars,
trucks, airplanes and military vehicles running.
The administrations of Roosevelt and Truman supported
Joseph Stalin and his communist regime in the Soviet Union. But strong
support was also given to the French General Charles DeGaulle fighting
communists in France after the war was over. In China support was
given during the war to Chiang Kai-shek who was fighting Mao Tse-tung
and his communist forces. In North Korea and Vietnam, American support
was given to the communists. This clearly shows that the presidents of
the United States were not in control but were puppets of the World
Government. The American media at this time didn’t discuss these
issues and the American people were kept in the dark.
When Germany surrendered in May
1945, millions of its soldiers were taken for slave labor. The majority of
them ended up in Soviet slave labor camps but England also snatched
hundreds of thousands for slave labor to rebuild the bombed out cities in
England. France took control of half a million German soldiers and
officers, but instead of using them exclusively as slave labor, they were
given the option of joining the French Foreign Legion or becoming slave
laborers in France and being shipped to Vietnam to fight the Communists.
For the next seven years, German troops under the command of French
officers and American weapons fought Vietnamese soldiers under Japanese
command also using American weapons.
But there was to be more treason
and betrayal. When the Japanese surrendered in August 1945, the United
States had more than 100,000 ground troops in China equipped with tanks,
artillery and air support. The U.S. also had a strong naval fleet off the
coast of China. President Truman had been told that China was to be handed
over to Mao Tse-tung. Orders were sent to the American military commanders
in the field to stop supporting the Nationalist Government of Chiang
Kai-shek and turn over as much equipment as possible in the withdrawal to
Mao Tse-tung and his communist forces. The battle for China was over in
1948 as the Nationalist forces had been driven to the coast. However, the
World Government wanted to make sure that they had a counterforce in case
Mao Tse-tung did not behave and the U.S. Navy evacuated Chiang Kai-shek
and millions of his troops (including their families) to the island of
Formosa which later became known as Taiwan. The navy then put a protective
ring around Formosa and a number of small islands which has kept the
Communists out to this very day.
Once China was lost in 1948,
President Truman received new orders to stop supporting Ho Chi Minh in
Vietnam and support the French colonial government instead. The communist
forces of Minh controlled most of Vietnam by the end of 1953, and in March
1954, the battle for the fortress Dien Bien Phu began. After fierce
fighting the fortress was taken by the Communists on May 7, 1954.
President Truman was told to put pressure on Congress so that it would
declare war on the communists in Vietnam but it refused as the Korean War
was just winding down.
In the meantime peace negotiations
were held in Geneva, and on July 21, 1954, an agreement was signed calling
for the division of Vietnam into two military zones with the 17th
parallel as the border, which later became known as the DMZ (demilitarized
zone). The communists were to withdraw north of the border and the French
forces south of the border. It was also agreed that in 1956, elections
would be held in both zones so that the people could choose their own
government. They never did take place because President Eisenhower and the
South Vietnamese leaders refused to participate because they didn’t think
that they could win an election. Instead, two dictatorships developed with
Ho Chi Minh in the north and another in the south under the auspices of
the American CIA. The regime in the South was very unstable with nine
different governments until a military takeover by Air Vice Marshal Nguyen
Cao Ky. The CIA was very busy mopping up after the different governments
and a number of political leaders were murdered by the CIA.
The Communists under Ho Chi Minh
had now developed two military forces. First the North had its own armed
regular forces and the “Viet Cong” was created with people from the North
and South in order to wage war in the South.
In 1959, when Eisenhower was
president, the CIA had established secret bases in the South where they
trained young men from South Vietnam for covert intelligence and sabotage
raids into North Vietnam. They were air dropped by American aircraft or
landed by American submarines until 1969.
Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy
had full knowledge of the history of Indochina and should never have sent
American troops to Vietnam but they had no choice as the World Government
dictated that the wars in Vietnam would continue. In 1960, the United
States officially had 700 military advisers in South Vietnam and by 1963
their numbers had risen to 17,000.
With the French and British
military out of South Vietnam their governments were told it was time to
start supporting North Vietnam and it didn’t take long until the harbor in
Hanoi was filled with ships from France and England unloading their
military cargo, which was then used to kill young American soldiers in the
South who had been drafted and sent to Vietnam. When President Kennedy was
executed by the CIA, the war in Vietnam was going badly for the South and
Vice President Lyndon Johnson (right) was told to send more troops. But
the American people didn’t want to enlarge the war and a cause was needed.
Remembering the Dieppe raid and the Bay of Pigs, Johnson gave orders to
the CIA to create a situation that would warrant America declaring war on
North Vietnam.
The CIA had been training frogmen
among the commandos of South Vietnamese conscripts and they were
transported in teams of ten by American submarines to the Gulf of Tonkin
where they were to attack and blow up North Vietnamese naval installations
on the coast. Just outside the three mile international border, American
destroyers had been slowly sailing up and down the coast. The frogmen had
created all kinds of havoc for the North Vietnamese, who responded by
sending out their own small naval vessels on the second, third and fourth
of August which started to attack the American warships with torpedoes.
This is the cause President Johnson had been
waiting for and called for a joint session with Congress in which he made
a speech with great indignation that the “rotten” North Vietnamese had
attacked American warships in international waters without warning or
provocation and committed an act of war. The stupefied Congress either
bought into this lie or accepted it to save their own political lives and
the infamous “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” was passed by both houses on
August 7, 1964. Johnson ordered massive bombing of North Vietnamese naval
installations. Several years later, as the American public became
increasingly disillusioned with the Vietnam War, many congressmen came to
see the resolution as giving the president a blanket power to wage war,
and the resolution was repealed in 1970.[10]
But the war did not go well for the South
Vietnamese and on March 7, 1965, the first American combat unit landed at
Da Nang consisting of 3,500 marines. By July 1965, the combat troops
numbered 75,000. In 1968, the troops in Vietnam numbered 510,000 men.
There were 50,000 men drafted every month in the United States as
resistance and demonstrations to the war increased with hundreds of
thousands people in the streets. The war became increasingly unpopular
after the Tet
offensive when the Viet Cong suicide attacked 100 military targets in the
South and the pressure on Congress increased to get the U.S. out of
Fresh negotiation began in Geneva,
Switzerland on May 13, 1968 between the U.S. and North Vietnam. The South
Vietnamese government was invited to be part of the negotiations as a
sidekick. The same strategy was then used as we see today in Iraq and
Afghanistan with training local troops and handing the war over to them. A
cease fire was agreed upon by all parties in January of 1973 giving the
United States 60 days to withdraw its troops. The North continued its
attacks on the South during the next two years and South Vietnam fell in
1975. Ho Chi Minh died in 1969.
Four U.S. presidents lied about
this war to the American people. Kennedy and Johnson were democrats while
Eisenhower and Nixon were republicans. But we cannot solely lay the blame
on these four men for blame must also be laid at the feet of Congress, the
Supreme Court, the military brass at the Pentagon and the American media
which initially was a willing mouthpiece for the government. It is obvious
that there are forces outside of the United States which dictate the
policies of our nation and very few political leaders dare to speak up.
By 1995, American businessmen were back in
Vietnam as the communists welcomed them with open arms. As of 2009 the
United States is the largest market for Vietnamese products and a number
of American corporations have built factories in Vietnam. The death of
more than 55,000 American soldiers with more than 100,000 suicide deaths
of American Vietnam vets and the hundreds of thousands of American drug
addicts from time spent in Vietnam means nothing today. It is simply
business as usual. The Vietnam vets are now 54 and older and will soon be
retiring from their jobs and join the elderly. The new Obama health care
will take care of them by limiting medical care and making sure they die
quickly. Do you still trust the
American government when they tell us that the swine flu vaccine is safe
and good for your health?
People born after 1970 have no
understanding of how the war destroyed the moral fiber in America, since
they only have access to the lies presented in movies, TV programs and
text books used in the public schools. Since I lived through this period
of history as an adult, I want to share with you how it really was to live
in America at that time.
There were no personal computers,
no Internet, no cell phones and gasoline cost around 35 cents a gallon. We
did not know that the World Zionist Federation existed and thus we had no
clue that this political organization was ruling, not only all nations in
the West, but also the Soviet Union and China.
The Cold War was at its zenith and
we were constantly reminded that the communist’s controlled all East
European nations and that they had made great inroads in Central and South
America, Africa and Asia. The American propaganda repeatedly told us about
the domino effect that if Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam fell to the
communists, they will continue to take Thailand, Burma and India. Soon
they will be taking over the Middle East nations and then there would be
no oil for the rest of the World. Thus it was in the best interest of
America that the communist threat be defeated in Vietnam.
The CIA held complete control over
the “Reader’s Digest,” publication and each month glowing reports were
published about the American military heroes and the ugly communists. It
was a publication geared towards the conservative and Christian population
in the United States, and made us hate the “commies” and wish death upon
the Viet Cong.
We demanded the bombing of North
Vietnam and cheered when President Johnson gave orders for B-52 carpet
bombing. Every night the three television stooges on NBC, ABC and CBS
devoted at least 15 minutes of a 30 minute newscast with the latest from
Vietnam. We saw the aircraft carriers sailing up and down the coast of
Vietnam slinging out screaming fighter bombers and we cheered them on
because we knew they would be hitting the commies. When we saw pictures of
shot down American pilots paraded in Hanoi, we moaned and groaned in pain
for these heroes that had been taken captive by the Devil’s hordes.
We were not told much about “Agent
Orange” and the destruction of forests in Vietnam nor did we know about
what it meant to pacify a hamlet until the trial of Lt. Kelly for having
murdered an entire village. We didn’t know that it was the norm to pacify
villages by wiping out all men, women and children. We didn’t understand
the impact of drugs on the soldiers in Vietnam nor did we fully understand
what it meant when the U.S. military command sent thousands of American
soldiers to Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand and Japan for some rest and
recreation. We didn’t know that the whores were lined up to comfort the
“poor boys” from Vietnam and give them pleasure before they were sent back
to the killing fields.
We were greatly enraged when the
protest rallies began on the streets in America. These rallies were led by
left wing radicals, commies, marxist-socialistic scum and we cursed them
for not standing with America in this “great and just war.” We didn’t
understand that we were the real fools, not the radicals on the streets.
Every Christmas the Hollywood stars would line up to join Bob Hope to
bring some Christmas to the boys in Vietnam who were risking their lives
to keep America free. Television would show clips of these events with
scantily clad American actresses singing and dancing before the dazed
Many American televangelists and
prominent preachers would travel to South Vietnam to save the souls of
these poor boys who were plied with alcohol, heroin and whores surrounding
their bases. We righteous Americans would shed tears over this and
increase our donations to these preachers, who were doing such a great
job. The American government knew that they had to keep the support of the
religious right and permitted evangelical denominations to send
missionaries to Vietnam where many people were won for Christ and churches
were organized. This was the highlight for us Christians but we didn’t
know that the church in Vietnam would soon be suffering as the communist’s
wreaked havoc on it.
Yes, the religious right of
America lived in “La La land” and our great hero was Senator Barry
Goldwater (right) from Arizona who tried to run for president against
Lyndon Johnson but was smashed by the no good “left wing media.” We didn’t
know that he was an American Jew who was told to run for the presidency
and keep the right wingers busy for awhile. As a young man, I sent money
to his campaign thinking I was actually helping to save America.
When Saigon fell in 1975, we cried
when we saw the people trying to walk up to the roof of the American
Embassy and felt that the world had come to an end. We had been dumb
enough to believe the words of American presidents, senators and
congressmen until our eyes were opened many years later and we realized
how foolish we were!
The people in Vietnam didn’t have
much of a choice as communism was forced upon them after WWII and those
who wanted to free Vietnam from communism never had a chance. The million
man army in Laos made up of the Hmong people was abandoned by the CIA and
only a few thousand made it out to Thailand where they had to sit in
refugee (death) camps until the United States took them in. They had
believed the lies of the American government and the millions left behind
were brutally butchered by the communists.
Hundreds of thousands of South
Vietnamese had worked with the Americans or served in the South Vietnam
Armed forces were abandoned and ended up in re-education camps run by the
ruthless communists. Thousands set out on boats and rafts and were rescued
at sea and were known as the “Boat People.” Today there are millions of
Vietnamese and Hmong living in the United States, uprooted from their
nation by a war that was fought for nothing. Yes, we the American people
were fooled and the morale of our nation was given a mortal blow!
The second wave of the swine flu will have come and gone by the time you
read this article and now the people in power are preparing us for the
third wave which they say will show up in April of 2010. It is simply
amazing how they know the timeline of these nasty viruses and it is
obvious that these people know more than us regular folks. A number of
people have asked when I am going to discuss the swine flu and why do we
have to read so much history?
Well, most of you would not believe me if I just came out and told the
true story behind the swine flu. You would reject the truth because you
would think to yourself that people cannot be so evil; it seems
unbelievable. Therefore, I am working like a prosecutor in a court case,
in which I lay out the evil past of the people in charge of the United
States and the world, and when I am done presenting my facts, I will
proceed to present the real truth behind the swine flu.
Please be patient if you already know what I am presenting as irrefutable
evidence of a great evil upon mankind. If you were unaware, take the time
to educate yourself and verify it. Most importantly, don’t take any
vaccine shots of any kind, since they are harmful to your health.
Volume 14, 2009 |