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Letters to the Ministry




A few days before Christmas, I paid a routine visit to my cardiologist, he checked and found no real change in my condition. “Come back in four months was the verdict. Then he added something that on reflection really shook me up. He suggested that I should, with my loved ones, consider the possibility of termination of my life. Now being 90 years old, 91 soon after you get this letter, I have no illusions about the length of my life. As a Christian, I am prepared to meet my Lord, but only when He decides to call me unto Himself. But there is being touted among Western lands, especially the idea of putting people “to sleep” if their condition and advanced years might justify termination and ease problems of care and cost especially costs both social and individual.

A writer for the Chalcedon “Think Tank” located in the Sierra Mountains in California in the latest (NOV/DEC 2009 Issue) of their magazine “Faith For All of Life” made an analysis of HR 3200, then the House Version of the Health Reform Bill. They found six references in Subtitle C, Section 1253 of the Bill. Typical wording: “…the reasons why the development of such an order is beneficial to the individual and the individual’s family and the reasons why an order (to terminate-jmc) (end-of-life-counseling) should be updated periodically as the health of the individual changes. (P. 426 of the Bill).

And there are more than the six statements referred to.

The writer for Chalcedon noted: “HR 3200 glaringly reflects the messianic pretensions of the welfare state. This is not authority as delegated to the state by God: it is the state pretending to be God.”

The State of Texas has been wrestling with this subject for several years and in 2006-2007 tried to get a consensus on end-of-life procedures. No  consensus was reached at that time. Jerri Ward. An Austin pro-life attorney told of one session. She said for the kind of end-of-life planning we see in HR 3200”  every time I went into that meeting room (where the committee was meeting) I felt like I was confronting evil.” “I saw the face of evil in their utilitarian mindset.”

As Charles Krauthammer (not a Conservative) said in part: “and when you include it in a healthcare reform whose major object is to bend the cost care downward, you have to be a fool or a knave to deny that it’s intended to point you gently in a certain direction, toward the corner of the room where stands a ghostly figure, scythe in hand offering release.”

I am fully aware of the necessity of death, but I do not want the decision for my passing to be made by some white-coated doctor of uncertain belief nor by any of the phalanx of bureaucrats up to and including ethically challenged Kathleen Sebelius from Kansas, who is now the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

If the Health Reform Bill passes as now seems likely, it should be repealed by a new Congress made up of friends of the Constitution, that Constitution which has contributed to America’s not list greatness.

For God and Country,

Joseph M. Canfield

Dear Pastor Torell,

I have not been in touch for quite a while but you once phoned me when I was living in Kansas. We had a mutual acquaintance with Paul Cunningham. I see by the books you offer we also both know or know of Howard Pittman. I have several pictures of him and I together. He came every year to the little church I attended in Omak Washington. I had him and his wife to my house for lunch. He is a very kind and loving man.

I am writing just to let you know how very much I appreciate the tremendous amount of research and writing you have done. It was one of your newsletters almost 4 years ago that the Lord used to start teaching me about dispensationalism and Christian's misplaced loyalty to Zionism. I never knew how that newsletter got to my mail box, but I am very glad it did. Since that time I have devoted most of my spare time to the study of the Word and what is going on in the world, sometimes spending whole days researching. What a joy it is to find the truth!

I will ever be grateful for all I have learned through you. May the Lord's blessing be overflowing to you and your family.

In the Son,



Volume 15, 2010




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