Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
By Darl Dinger
The Bible was written
And its words are true,
Life saving instructions
Just for me and for you.
Be kind to one another,
Be helpful to enemies and friends.
Being helpful as you can,
Before your life on earth ends.
Now Jesus made a statement,
It was for you and me.
You must be born again.
If heaven you wanted to see.
You were born on this earth,
You were born in sin.
That is why Jesus said,
"You must be born again.
Born by water
And born by blood.
That is why it is written
In God's Holy word.
The spirit is calling,
Don't make him wait.
If you take too long
You will enter hells gate.
Jesus died on the cross
Your sins to atone,
So you can miss hell
And call Heaven your home.
Only believe in His word,
The atonement He has done.
This maybe your last chance
To be accepted by God's only son.
Jesus is calling
Why should you wait?
It won't be long
Before He closes Heaven's Gate.
Volume 14, Issue 1 |