We are
down to just a few weeks before the 2012 American presidential election
and the media is doing its best to whip everyone into a frenzy by
releasing news polls that show where the candidates stand. Most people
don’t know this is part of the campaign strategy of the unseen hands
behind the candidates to tell the people how to vote. With their massive
campaign of polls, the mass media is essentially saying the election is
a foregone conclusion because Obama is going to win, so why even bother
to vote? The conclusion is that there is no need for Republican voters
to show up at the polls.
In 2009,
I wrote an extensive article about Barack Obama entitled, “The
Obama Election Charade” and later that year wrote another article
entitled, “The
Perfect Manchurian Candidate.” In February of 2012 I
wrote yet another article entitled, “The
Election Charade Continues.”
After reviewing these three articles, I felt there wasn’t a whole lot
more to say about the 2012 election. Obama and Romney both have Jewish
handlers and it doesn’t matter to them who wins the race; each candidate
is dedicated to the defense of Israel and putting Israeli interests
before American interests. They are deeply connected to the banking
industry in New York and none of them poses a threat to the tightening
control of the American people.
should a Christian vote for when your choice is devil number one or
devil number two? There isn’t a whole lot of difference right? Actually,
there are differences that do not depend as much upon the candidates as
the political parties they represent. There are a large number of born
again Christian leaders in the Republican Party with a very small
minority in the Democratic Party.
If you
want to know the philosophy of any organization you must ask the
following questions:
Who are the leaders in the
What are the goals of the
What people group is targeted by
the organization?
Where does the money come from?
Prior to
1815, there were two major political parties in the United States, the
Federalists and the Democratic - Republican Party. The Federalist Party
ceased to exist after 1815. There was a power struggle in the
Democratic-Republican Party in 1824; the end result was that the party
split and the group that pulled out unsuccessfully supported Andrew
Jackson for president in 1824. The splinter group was more successful in
the 1828 presidential election when Andrew Jackson was elected president
and the splinter group officially named itself the Democratic Party.
Weishaupt sent his agents early to America, and by 1815, most of the
freemasonic lodges had been infiltrated by the Illuminati. He was always
looking for people that had flawed characters to be recruited by his
agents and Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United
States, was one such man.
At the
age of 13 he had been captured by the British and almost died of small
pox. His mother and two brothers were killed during the revolutionary
war. As a law student in Salisbury, North Carolina, he was known for
being a hard drinker who liked to fight and commit vandalism when he was
was a politician first in the Tennessee’s Constitutional Convention,
served briefly in the U.S. Senate and also as a Congressman. After
serving as an attorney in 1801, he was able to buy himself a commission
in the Tennessee militia and was appointed the rank of colonel. In 1802
he was appointed the rank of major general.
became a Freemason in 1800 and most likely was recruited by the
Illuminati. His deeds as a general and a judge on the Tennessee Supreme
Court indicate that he was following the policies of the Illuminati.
He was
active as a general during the war of 1812 with the British and repelled
an invasion at New Orleans by a British force in 1815. He also fought
the Indians with great cruelty and was responsible for the forced
removal of large number of Indians from their land. Jackson had a large
plantation and owned more than 300 slaves who worked his cotton fields.
As a
general, he ordered the execution of numerous of his men for disobeying
orders or showing mutinous behavior. Jackson’s personal interest was
dueling, and he was involved in more than a hundred of them, killing a
number of people he challenged. His personal habits were of heavy
smoking and drinking.
was also the president that introduced the “the spoil” system to the
federal government, which meant that when a new president took office,
all the directors of the different cabinets were fired and the new
president brought in his cronies, who in turn could bring in their
cronies. This is a guaranteed system to produce corruption that has
worked for the last 180 years.
This is
the man that the Democrats revere and refer to as the founder of the
Democratic Party and set its future policies.
opened up the Democratic Party for the Illuminati, and if we compare
what the Illuminati did in Europe, there is no doubt that these events
and policies came from this sinister organization. An op-ed by Jeffrey
Lord in The Wall Street Journal on August 13, 2008, reviewed the history
of the Democratic Party from around 1840 through 1964 and showed how it
has been sanitized to fit the current leadership of the party. This is
the history that has been removed:
There is no reference to
the number of Democratic Party platforms supporting
slavery. There were six from 1840 through 1860.
There is no reference to
the number of Democratic presidents who owned slaves.
There were seven from 1800 through 1861.
There is no reference to
the number of Democratic Party platforms that either
supported segregation outright or were silent on the
subject. There were 20, from 1868 through 1948.
There is no reference to
“Jim Crow” as in “Jim Crow laws,” nor is there reference
to the role Democrats played in creating them. These
were the post-Civil War laws passed enthusiastically by
Democrats in that pesky 52-year part of the DNC’s
missing years. These laws segregated public schools,
public transportation, restaurants, rest rooms and
public places in general (everything from water coolers
to beaches). The reason Rosa Parks became famous is that
she sat in the “whites only” front section of a bus, the
“whites only” designation which was the direct result of
There is no reference to
the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to
Columbia University historian, Eric Foner, became “a
military force serving the interests of the Democratic
Party.” Nor is there reference to University of North
Carolina historian Allen Trelease’s description of the
Klan as the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”
There is no reference to
the fact Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th
amendments to the Constitution. The 13th banned slavery.
The 14th effectively overturned the infamous 1857
Dred Scott decision (made by Democratic pro-slavery
Supreme Court justices) by guaranteeing due process and
equal protection to former slaves. The 15th gave black
Americans the right to vote.
There is no reference to
the fact that Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of
1866. It was passed by the Republican Congress over the
veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a
Democrat before joining Lincoln’s ticket in 1864. The
law was designed to provide blacks with the right to own
private property, sign contracts, sue and serve as
witnesses in a legal proceeding.
There is no reference to
the Democrats’ opposition to the Civil Rights Act of
1875. It was passed by a Republican Congress and signed
into law by President Ulysses Grant. The law prohibited
racial discrimination in public places and public
There is no reference to
the Democrats’ 1904 platform, which devotes a section to
“Sectional and Racial Agitation,” claiming the GOP’s
protests against segregation and the denial of voting
rights to blacks sought to “revive the dead and hateful
race and sectional animosities in any part of our common
country,” which in turn “means confusion, distraction of
business, and the reopening of wounds now happily
There is no reference to
four Democratic platforms, 1908-20, that are silent on
blacks, segregation, lynching and voting rights as
racial problems in the country mount. By contrast the
GOP platforms of those years specifically addressed
“Rights of the Negro” (1908), opposed lynching (in 1912,
1920, 1924, 1928) and, as the New Deal kicked in, spoke
out about the dangers of making blacks “wards of the
There is no reference to
the Democratic Convention of 1924, known to history as
the “Klanbake.” The 103-ballot convention was held in
Madison Square Garden. Hundreds of delegates were
members of the Ku Klux Klan, the Klan was so powerful
that a plank condemning Klan violence was defeated
outright. To celebrate, the Klan staged a rally with
10,000 hooded Klansmen in a New Jersey field directly
across the Hudson River from the site of the convention.
Attended by hundreds of cheering convention delegates,
the rally featured burning crosses and calls for
violence against African-Americans and Catholics.
There is no reference to
the fact that it was Democrats who segregated the
federal government, at the direction of President
Woodrow Wilson upon taking office in 1913. There is a
reference to the fact that President Harry Truman
integrated the military after World War II.
There is reference
to the fact that Democrats created the Federal Reserve
Board, passed labor and child welfare laws, and created
Social Security with Wilson’s New Freedom and FDR’s New
Deal. There is no mention that these programs were
created as the result of an agreement to ignore
segregation and the lynching of blacks. Neither is there
a reference to the thousands of local officials, state
legislators, state governors, U.S. Congressmen and U.S.
Senators who were elected as supporters of slavery and
then segregation between 1800 and 1965. Nor is there
reference to the deal with the devil that left
segregation and lynching as a way of life in return for
election support for three post-Civil War Democratic
presidents, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson and
Franklin Roosevelt.
There is no reference that
three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights
Bill in the U.S. House came from Democrats, or that 80%
of the “nay” vote in the Senate came from Democrats.
Certainly there is no reference to the fact that the
opposition included future Democratic Senate leader
Robert Byrd of West Virginia (a former Klan member) and
Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., father of Vice
President Al Gore.
Last but certainly not
least, there is no reference to the fact that
Birmingham, Ala., Public Safety Commissioner Bull
Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and fire hoses on
civil rights protestors, was in fact--yes indeed--a
member of both the Democratic National Committee and the
Ku Klux Klan.
Reading the DNC’s official
“Party History” of the Democrats and the race issue and
civil rights is not unlike reading, “In Through the Looking
Glass:” “ ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather
a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to
mean--neither more nor less.’ ”
Here’s this line from the DNC:
“With the election of Harry Truman, Democrats began the
fight to bring down the final barriers of race . . .”
Truman, of course, was elected in 1948, and to his great
credit he did in fact, along with then-Minneapolis Mayor
Hubert Humphrey, begin to push the Democrats towards a
pro-civil-rights stance. This culminated in the passage of
the 1960’s civil rights laws legislation that redid what had
been done by Republicans a hundred years earlier but undone
by the Democrats’ support for segregation. But the notion
that “Democrats began to bring down the final
barriers of race” raises the obvious questions. What were
these barriers doing there in the first place? And who
exactly was responsible for creating them?
(1) Acknowledges that
slavery is incompatible with the basic founding
principles recognized in the Declaration of Independence
that all men are created equal;
(2) acknowledges the
fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and
inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow;
(3) apologizes to African
Americans on behalf of the people of the United States,
for the wrongs committed against them and their
ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and
(4) expresses its
commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the
misdeeds committed against African Americans under
slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human
rights violations in the future.
What word is missing here?
You got it. The word
“Democrat.” Never mentioned anywhere. As with the DNC
website, all these terrible things--somehow, apparently, it
seems, so they keep hearing--happened. Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Cohen
and their fellow House Democrats just can’t understand how.
But, you know, whatever. They are sorry. Really.
Are they? Let’s take them up
on this.
After all those Democratic
platforms and conventions that championed slavery and
segregation, what do you think the chances are they will use
the occasion of Mr. Obama’s nomination to have the
Democratic platform formally apologize for the active,
frequently violent and decidedly official support of the
Democratic Party for slavery, segregation, lynching, the Ku
Klux Klan and all the rest?
Better yet, do you think
they’ll pass a resolution promising to use the funds raised
from all those Jefferson-Jackson Day fundraisers to pay
reparations for slavery? (Did I mention that while the DNC
discusses party co-founders Jefferson and Jackson, it
neglects to mention that between them the two owned an
estimated 360 slaves?)
Will the NAACP and other
groups seeking reparations from nongovernmental entities for
their role in supporting slavery (companies like Aetna,
Wachovia and Chase along with educational institutions like
Brown University) finally zero in on the prime historical
mover behind some of the worst chapters in American history?
Will they sue the Democrats?
The Democrats are poised to
nominate a black man for president of the United States. But
will they apologize for slavery? Will they start paying
reparations not from tax dollars but from their own dollars
for what they have done?
Do they have the guts to
publicly admit what serious history records of their deeds?
Are they capable of running a campaign without playing the
race card as they have played it for the better part of two
centuries? Can they even escape the race psychology that has
indelibly branded them as America’s Party of Race?
Or, when it comes to their own
responsibility for race relations in America, will they
order up more of what, under the circumstances, is a very
appropriate word for the DNC website?”
leadership of the Democratic Party since the 1900’s has consisted of
wealthy east coast families. The Kennedy’s are one such family who hold
a socialistic/Marxist view. There has never been a poor Democratic
national leader, as a matter of fact, the majority of them are
multimillionaires. All of them have made fortunes in the business world
or inherited their wealth. Barack Obama became wealthy by the time he
was elected senator from the state of Illinois and Nancy Pelosi and her
husband are wealthy business people from the San Francisco Area. Dianne
Feinstein and Barbara Boxer are two American Jewish senators from
California, both are multimillionaires and so is Senator Harry Reid from
Nancy Pelosi |
Dianne Feinstein |
Barbara Boxer |
Harry Reid |
There is
nothing wrong with working hard and becoming rich but why are all these
prosperous people leaders in a party that wants to strip the wealthy of
their fortunes and distribute them to the working class? There is only
one answer that makes sense and that is that they will exempt themselves
if they succeed in forcing these policies on other people. This is how
business was and still is run in Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam and other
socialist/Marxist dictatorships.
If we
look behind these leaders, there are other groups behind the scenes with
their own leaders, who are not generally known to the American people.
First, there is a number of American Jewish organizations that are part
of the Democratic machine like the World Jewish Congress, the American
Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith and a number of lesser known Jewish
organizations. This explains why most American Jews always vote
democratic. Then there is the media and entertainment industry with
Hollywood at the center. Since most of the people running it in the
United States are Jewish it should not come as a surprise that money is
flowing into the coffers of the Democratic Party from these people and
corporations, including Hollywood stars coming out to endorse democratic
candidates and policies. Since the media and entertainment industry is a
promoter of a sleazy lifestyle, it makes sense for them to support a
party that rejects the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus Christ,
and makes money through moral filth.
there is another group of organizations called labor unions. Since the
early part of the 20th century, they have been controlled by
criminals from the Italian and Jewish mafia. Some of the most well-known
leaders were Jimmy Hoffa, Bugsy Siegel, Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein,
Frank Costello, Carlo Gambino and Vito Genovese.
mafias or crime syndicates control the Long Shore Union, the Teamsters
and a majority of other American labor unions. Chicago is famous for the
grip the mafia has on the Democratic Party machine. Let’s not forget the
gambling industry in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and Reno and a number of
other American cities. The American pornography industry is in the hands
of the Jewish mafia and centered in Hollywood. Prostitution and drugs
are controlled by the different mafias, including the Mexican and South
American mafias which are making inroads into the United States.
Thus the
different mafia’s in the United States are funneling money to the
Democratic Party through the labor unions since they deem it to be more
lenient toward their criminal activities.
There is
also the National Education Association (NEA) is responsible for the
deterioration of the American Public schools and the National
Organization of Women (NOW) is a hard core promoter of abortions with
its liberation of women agenda. Both of these groups are solidly behind
the Democratic Party.
Most of
the politically active homosexuals are deeply involved in the Democratic
Party and there are a number of very militant homosexual organizations
that are putting a lot of pressure on Democratic political leaders. Gay
& Lesbian Activist Alliance (GLAA), Gay Activist Alliance (GAA) and Gay
& Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) are some of the better
known militant homosexual groups.
small but vocal and militant group is the American Atheists who have
aligned themselves with the Democratic Party.
Each of
these groups has been able to put some of its members into local and
national leadership of the Democratic Party.
major goal of the Democratic Party is one that was set by the Illuminati
some 200 years ago and that would be to turn the United States into a
socialistic/Marxist dictatorship, which in time could be merged with
other similar nations and form the platform from which the Antichrist
can rule.
One such
step to a socialist/Marxist society is to socialize the medical
establishment and force every doctor and nurse to work for the
government in a measured health care system.
might remember that in the mid 1990’s President Clinton commissioned his
wife to push for a federal government health care system but it was met
with too much resistance and the effort failed. However, with Obama in
the White House, the race has been on to create a national health care
system. With the Democratic Party controlling both the Senate and the
House of Representatives, it became reality as the Democratic Party
machine steamrolled the Republican lawmakers. The people in America are
in for a rude awakening with “Obama care” as a new law.
Democratic leaders were finally able to gloat how every American will
have access to good health care. What they didn’t tell the American
people is that the cost will be astronomical and they had to make cuts
Rattner is a top Democrat strategist who served as Obama’s lead
auto-industry advisor who believes there must be death panels, which
will determine how long care is to be given to terminally ill patients
or injured persons with a small chance of surviving. He wrote that the
Obama-health-care plan cannot survive financially, unless death panels
are created, that will determine when a patient is to be terminated
through the humane methods of starvation or a dose of lethal medication.
If you
think this line of thinking is far out, you need only examine the
Swedish health care system to see that they have death panels and
terminally ill patients are killed in order to save money.
socialist/Marxist society cannot exist in a nation with a strong
Christian church proclaiming biblical truth. Karl Marx recognized this
fact and his disciples took great steps to root out the Christians in
the Soviet Union and all the Eastern European communist nations from
1945 until 1990. China is known for its systematic persecution of
Christians and so is Vietnam, Laos, Cuba and North Korea.
Democratic Party cannot yet outright persecute Christians and hold them
in prison, so a soft method has been used. Using the judicial system in
the United States, where the judges are controlled mostly through
membership in Freemasonic lodges, lawsuits were brought against prayer
and Bible reading in public schools. A 1962 Supreme Court ruling stated
that teacher led prayer and Bible reading was forbidden in public
that time, numerous lawsuits have been filed by different groups and
argued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that has removed the
Ten Commandments from display in public schools and government
buildings. Public displays of crosses have also been removed because the
courts have ruled them to be unconstitutional on public land.
In 1973,
the Supreme Court ruled that abortion upon demand is legal in the United
States. Many of these court cases were directly or indirectly supported
by the Democratic Party through their agents.
The 2012
Democratic administration in California in October of 2012 passed a ban
on psychotherapy aimed at making gay or lesbian teenagers straight. It
is now a felony for a mental health practitioner to counsel a homosexual
to turn away from a sinful lifestyle and go back to a normal sex life.
not forget that the Clinton administration started to push for
homosexuals to be able to serve openly in the armed forces and freely
proclaim their deviate lifestyle. It was the Obama administration that
broke the final barrier and now any soldier can openly be a homosexual
and practice his sexual deviation while in service of the nation.
future agenda for the Democratic Party is to legalize prostitution,
marijuana and other recreational drugs, child pornography and sex
between adults and children. You might think that I’m joking but the
North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and
pederasty advocacy organization in the United States that works to
abolish age of consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with
minors. This organization is lobbying the Democratic Party to take up
their cause. Add to this hate laws which are used against Christian
preachers who challenge the immoral lifestyles of homosexuals and other
sexual deviants.
If you
want to find out where the Democratic Party stands in 2012, you need
only revisit their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina this year.
When the platform was presented to the delegates, all references to God
had been removed. The Romney campaign picked up on this and made it an
issue so that Obama intervened and forced the committee to re-write the
platform and insert the name of God. When this was presented to the
delegates for ratification, more than half stood and screamed out their
disapproval. Obama did not do this because he loves God; he did this to
take away a point from his presidential challenger.
Furthermore, when the Democratic convention began in Charlotte, 56
Christian Churches wanted to show Christian love to the delegates and
had put together small baskets with Carolina Pralines, a letter of
welcome and also offered help in transportation. The Democratic National
Committee (DNC) strongly rejected this act of hospitality and declared
that the values of the Democratic Party were opposed to the stand the
Christian churches had on homosexuality, abortion and women’s rights.
One week
prior to the convention, 100 churches in the Charlotte area sponsored a
prayer rally that was attended by some 9,000 Christians. They were told
to pray that God would have an influence on the Democratic convention.
Obviously, even if God sent the Holy Spirit to speak to the leadership
and the delegates, they refused to listen, and instead hardened their
hearts in defiance against God.
Once the
convention was underway, 200 Muslims showed up at the convention site
and asked for permission to pray. Without hesitation, the DNC leadership
welcomed them with open arms.
leadership knows that strong Christians will not vote for them.
Independent thinking Americans will not vote for them either and
therefore they are targeting members of different labor unions, people
on welfare, Jews, women in general, the black community, the Latino
community and young people attending colleges and universities. In
California, it is interesting to see that people living in the big
coastal cities are mostly democrats, while people living in the inland
are mostly republicans. Thus we can see the liberal education in public
schools have produced a segment that is liberal and leaning toward
I have
dealt with this issue in previous articles listed in the beginning of
this write up, but I want to repeat that the money comes from labor
unions, rich American Jewish billionaires like George Soros, Bill Gates,
the movie stars in Hollywood and American Jewish bankers and
Currently many prominent black American pastors are speaking up and
urging their people to leave the Democratic Party. They are using strong
language and telling their people that the values of the Democratic
Party are in total opposition to what the Bible teaches.
If you
examine the facts I have brought out, there is no way a born again
believer in Christ can embrace the Democratic platform and vote for any
of their candidates. Every sin that Satan has promoted for the last
7,000 years has been adopted by the people who make up the Democratic
Party and they are working hard to make it mandatory to be “politically
correct” and join them. Although the Republican Party is not a Christian
party, it has a large Christian membership that has been able to insert
Christian values into the platform. If you are an honest Christian and
willing to find the truth, check out what I have presented and you will
see the truth. Then you will have to make a decision to stand against
the people of Satan or join them?
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide
is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many
there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is
the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good
tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil
fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not
forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by
their fruits ye shall know them.”
(Matthew 7:13-20)
Volume 15, Issue 6 |