Volume 17, Issue 1

When Cain murdered his brother Abel, he
used a crude weapon that could have been a stone, club or a knife. Since
that first murder, Satan and his fallen angels have consistently
introduced new weapons for mankind to wage war or to murder individuals.
back in history, we see the development of weaponry with swords,
daggers, axes, spears, clubs, catapults, chariots and bows and arrows.
The discovery of black powder brought about more sophisticated
projectile weapons such as the rifle, pistol and shotgun. Sailing ships
were eventually equipped with cannons, which made it possible for
mankind to fight on the oceans, lakes and rivers. Ships became more
efficient with the steam engine; they could be built larger, carry more
weapons and were not dependent upon the wind anymore.
the discovery of smokeless gunpowder came the modern rifles, pistols,
machine guns, mortars and artillery of different kinds, including
rockets. The combustion engine gave the weapon producers a new platform
as they did not have to rely upon horses to pull artillery pieces
anymore and could make self-propelled cannons, tanks and vehicles with
machine guns mounted on them.
goal of the military industrial complex was to develop advanced weapons
that could kill mankind faster and more efficiently.
World War I, the armament industry on both sides of conflict decided
that the guns and cannons could not kill people fast enough, so they
introduced chemical warfare and soldiers were suddenly dying in massive
numbers as mustard gas swept over the battlefields.
With the
development of airplanes, the military industrial complex mounted
machine guns and bomb racks on the airplanes and made the killing more
efficient from the air.
World War I, there was such an outcry from people around the world that
the political leaders met and agreed to outlaw chemical weaponry.
Chemical weapons were not used in World War II, but the military
industrial complex in all the warring nations increased the efficiency
of their weapons with the addition of aircraft carriers, submarines,
heavy four engine bombers and fast fighter aircraft.
Incendiary bombs were used by the Allies as well as the Germans to
create firestorms in cities that resulted in the deaths of tens of
thousands of civilians. The most infamous firebombing was of the German
city Dresden just a few weeks before the war ended. Hundreds of
thousands of refugees were killed in that firestorm.
incendiary bombs were nothing compared to the two atomic bombs which
were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
It took hundreds of heavy four engine bombers to create a firestorm with
incendiary bombs while a single bomber dropped an atomic bomb that
killed more than half a million civilians.
The wars
in Korea (1950-1953), Vietnam (1945-1975), the invasion of Iraq
(1990-1991); the second invasion of Iraq (2003-2011) and the war in
Afghanistan (2001-present) were fought with conventional, chemical and
biological weapons.
COLD WAR (1945 – 1991)
World War II ended in 1945, the Soviet Union turned on England, France
and the United States and the relations between these countries cooled
considerably to the point that there was a state of political and
military tension. It was termed as “cold” because there was no direct
large scale fighting between the two sides. Both sides realized that a
nuclear attack would be mutually destructive and they also realized that
a conventional war would be a disaster that neither side could win.
The cold
war was fought using Special Forces, spies and covert operations by
aircraft and submarines. Thousands of service men were killed on both
sides, but no one complained, since each side was equally guilty of
waging covert war.
weapons could not be used, since they were outlawed. Political leaders
in the East and West began to think about a weapon that could be
unleashed without leaving a trace.
The evil
mindset of using disease as a weapon has existed for centuries. Because
technology was in a primitive stage, the different warlords of kings and
emperors used rodents to spread disease to the enemy nations. The
British Army used small pox as a weapon against the
Native American Indians by handing out free blankets that had been
used by people with small pox. Since the disease was non-existent in
North America, the Indians had no immunity and entire Indian tribes were
wiped out without a shot being fired.
Biologists were later able to develop cultures of bacteria and viruses
and observe them through the microscope.
Soviet leaders like Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, searched for ways
to kill large groups of people as effectively as possible and saw
bio-weapons as a golden opportunity to kill many people and the source
would be untraceable.
Stalin ordered a biological war laboratory to be built at the Leningrad
Military Academy even though the Soviet Union had signed the 1925 Geneva
Convention which outlawed the use of chemical and biological weapons
during war. The loophole in this treaty was that there was no
prohibition against using them on civilians during peacetime. The Soviet
military command ordered the development of typhus into a biological
weapon in 1928. Typhus is a bacterial disease which spreads naturally
through lice and fleas. As a biological weapon agent, it would be
dispersed via aerosol through an artillery shell or sprayed from an
Once the
typhus concoction had been developed, it was tested on inmates in the
Solovki prison camp on the artic island of Solovetsky. A gulag prisoner
in the Soviet Union had no value and the death of an inmate was
considered acceptable since he would be replaced with a new prisoner.
wanted to guarantee that if a deadly agent was developed in one of his
laboratories, there was also a vaccine to protect him and his troops.
The task to develop a vaccine was given to a laboratory near Moscow,
which became known as the Red Army’s Scientific Research Institute of
Microbiology in 1933. E.N. Pavlovskii (1884-1965) was initially the head
of this laboratory, and when Nikita Khrushchev became the ruling
dictator over the Soviet Union in 1958, he began to dismantle Stalin’s
personal network of power in the Soviet Union. Pavlovskii published a
medical article detailing the horrors of the biological warfare that
Stalin had unleashed on millions of people living in the Ukraine and
Central Asian Soviet Republics.[1]
Pavlovskii revealed that during Stalin’s purges in the 1920’s to 1940,
biological research had developed 253 subspecies of Ixodes ticks, which
carried tularemia, brucellosis, relapsing fever, encephalitis and other
Due to
the German attack on the Soviet Union, all biological and chemical
warfare laboratories and production centers were moved to the city of
Kirov, which was located west of the Ural mountains and out of range for
the German war machine.
Adolf Hitler ordered the attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941,
the Soviet army could not mount an adequate defense as the German panzer
divisions sliced deep into their territory. As the Germans began to
close in on Stalingrad in 1942, Stalin ordered a biological attack on
the German war machine and the germ agent used was Tularemia, which
causes fever, loss of appetite and septicemia (serious infections of
lung, abdomen and urinary tracts). Once it has been unleashed, it only
takes 3-5 days before the people exposed to the biological agent succumb
to the disease if it is left untreated. The result was that thousands of
German soldiers died and the offensive was temporarily halted.
German intelligence service did not have advance knowledge of this
escalated warfare and it is highly probable that the Red Army used
biological weapons to weaken the German army divisions and eventually
defeat them later on.
the war was over in 1946, the Soviets built a biological weapons
production center in the city of Sverdlovsk, also located in the
vicinity of the Ural Mountains.
tempo of increased biological warfare continued in the Soviet Union and
a biological weapons factory of smallpox was built in the city of
Zagorsk, close to Moscow in 1947.
was building from several nations to curtail the research and
stockpiling of biological weapons, as a result, the United States, Great
Britain, Soviet Union and 19 other nations signed the Biological Weapons
Convention to outlaw these weapons in 1972. In 2014 there are 170
nations who have signed this treaty.
the treaty, the Soviet Union continued to build facilities that
researched and produced biological weapons. It is estimated by western
intelligence services that there were 52 such facilities in 1973 and
some 50,000 people worked on the secret biological warfare program. It
is further estimated that the yearly production of weaponized smallpox,
rabies, typhus, anthrax and other diseases was around 100 tons.
like in the United States, the biological programs in the Soviet Union
were spread out to make it difficult to pinpoint their research and
production. Here are some of the Soviet agencies that were involved:
All the
different institutions involved in biological warfare were under a
directorate (umbrella) called the “Biopreparat,” which was headed by a
government department of disease control and incorporated in the
Biopreparat to mislead Western political leaders.
the 1980’s, the Soviet Ministry of Agriculture developed various types
of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest on cattle, which were then
Those of us who were adults during the last century remember the
terrible outbreak of this disease which affected cows in England and the
slaughter of hundreds of infected animals to stop the spread of it. It
cost the British farmers millions of dollars in lost income, as other
nations refused to import meat from England for a number of years.
produced were the African swine fever which targeted pork production and
Psittacosis disease which is geared for killing poultry.
A year
before the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, a production line to
manufacture smallpox on an industrial scale was built in the city of
Koltsovo located in Southwestern Siberia. This was carried out at the
large biological research center in Koltsovo and was called the State
Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, also known as the Vector
Institute. The facility was a very large with multiple buildings,
storage facilities and security fences. This important compound is
guarded by a full regiment of the Russian Army, consisting of some 2,500
officers and soldiers.
In the
early part of 1990, the Soviet Union even exported weaponized smallpox
to Saddam Hussein in Iraq in order to shore up his defensive capacities.
the Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991 and Boris Yeltsin became
president of the Russian Federation, he admitted that during the era of
the Soviet Union that there had be en
an offensive biological weapon program. Yeltsin deliberately omitted
that the program had not been dismantled even though the governments of
Russia, Great Britain and the United States had signed an agreement in
1992 to end all such programs. Twenty-two years later, the world is
faced with a belligerent Russia led by Vladimir Putin, who is determined
to restore the territories lost when the Soviet Union dissolved. Putin
has ordered a massive armament build up, which also includes an
aggressive offensive biological weapon program.
Kanatzhan Albekov of the Soviet army was the First Deputy Director of
Biopreparat from 1988-1992. He resigned from the agency when he realized
that the Russian Federation would continue the same path as the old
Soviet Union with the production of biological weapons. He is not an
ethnic Russian, but a Kazakh, born in what today is Kazakhstan. He did
not hold Russian citizenship and used this situation to flee Russia and
defect to the United States with his family in 1992 and changed his name
to Ken Alibek.
was a leading scientist with knowledge of the Soviet/Russian biological
offensive warfare program and was received with open arms by the United
States government just like they did with the German scientists in
1945-50 under “Operation Paperclip.” He was being debriefed by CIA
agents and American biological warfare experts upon his arrival in the
U.S. He revealed just how massive the Soviet biological offensive
warfare program had been, including details of the different facilities
and their production capacity. Alibek also testified at several
congressional hearings, but for some reason the media chose not to
report on this matter and the American people were kept in the dark as
to the lethality of the Soviet/Russian biological weapons. A nuclear
bomb destroys infrastructure and organic matter but a biological weapon
only eradicates the people of a nation. The only thing necessary is a
Alibek and his family arrived in the United States and became American
citizens, he went to work at the George Mason University (GMU) as a
professor of Medical Microbiology. GMU is the largest research
university in the state of Virginia with 34,000 students in 2013. Alibek
became the driving force to develop an innovative biodefense graduate
education program at the university and he also spearheaded the
upgrading of GMU’s biosafety to level three (BSL-3) and was able to
secure a $40 million grant from the Federal and state governments to
construct a new facility for this purpose.
had been disturbed when he worked as a scientist in the Soviet Union
with biological offensive weapons. Over time it became clear to him that
the United States government also wanted to go beyond bio-defense and
start to research and produce its own biological weapons. As a result,
he resigned from GMU in 2006 and is working with AFG Biosolutions in
Gaithersburg, Maryland. He is the President, Chief Scientific Officer
and Chief Executive officer of this corporation.
It is
obvious that Alibek is still a main player in the bio-engineering field.
He started MaxWellBio (MWB) in 2006, a pharmaceutical company based in
Washington D.C. This corporation has several sub-corporations and
affiliates in the United States and the Ukraine.
According to Alibek, his goal is to establish a new large scale
high-tech pharmaceutical laboratory in the Ukraine, filled with the
latest cutting edge equipment and capable of producing prescription
drugs. Construction began for the large sprawling MWB campus in the city
of Boryspil, close to Kiev, in April of 2007. The facilities were
completed in 2008. It is interesting to note that the international
airport for Kiev is located in Boryspil and one of the biggest airports
in Eastern Europe as more than six million passengers passed through it
in 2008. It is also a connecting hub for flights to Eastern Europe, as
well as to former Soviet republics and the Middle East.
rapid and growing success of Ken Alibek leaves me with several questions
that beg answers:
can a former Soviet army colonel accumulate the necessary finances
to build a state of the art pharmaceutical campus in Ukraine?
Working as a professor at George Mason University would have given
him a salary of around $500,000 per year, but that does not
translate into the 100 million dollars necessary to build such a
facility. There is a fierce competition among the huge
pharmaceutical corporations, and if they had known that Alibek was
going to build a huge facility in Ukraine and produce cheap generic
drugs, why didn’t they lobby to block any private financing?
Could it be that the CIA wanted a modern offensive biological weapon
production center outside the United States in order to keep
Congress from finding out what is really going on? After all, the
CIA rented prisons for its rendition program after 9/11 in nations
like Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Thailand, etc., where so-called
“terrorists” were taken and mercilessly tortured. How convenient to
have a state-of-the-art facility in the Ukraine to manufacture
biological weapons.
Alibek was the top Soviet scientist when it comes to offensive
biological weapons. Any director for an intelligence service would
spend a lot of money to hire a man with these credentials. We know
the Soviets were more advanced in offensive biological warfare since
they used their own population to test their bio-weapons. It was
done on a much smaller scale in the U.S. Did Ken Alibek pretend to
get upset at GMU about the weaponization of biological agents as a
cover story to mislead anyone from digging further?
Japanese government under its Emperor was a sadistic evil government
which linked Japan with Nazi Germany in 1936, when Japanese ambassador
Kintomo Mushakoji and German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop
signed an anti-communist pact between the two nations in Berlin.
The pact
included a military cooperation and joint development of future weapons.
Since both Japan and Germany had conducted extensive research into
biological weapons, the two nations started to share research and
material with one another. German U-boats would be used to transport the
different biological pathogens that had been developed in the different
Japanese army invaded Manchuria on September 19, 1931. Emperor Hirohito
and his government falsely decreed that they had liberated Manchuria
from China and installed a puppet regime of local Manchurians who were
controlled by the local Japanese army commander.
Hirohito and the Japanese government decided to build a secret
state-of-the-art chemical and biological warfare testing center in the
province of Pingfang. The project was started in 1934 and the complex
was completed in 1939.
Japanese government had originally named the facility, “Epidemic
Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army.” The
name of the complex was changed to Unit 731 in 1941. The prison camps
were filled with prisoners of war from Russia, China, South East Asia,
America and from captured British soldiers.
complex can best be described like a Nazi concentration camp
encompassing a cluster of buildings, which made up the laboratory
complex, surrounded by prison camps. It was built in an uninhabited area
and the local population was prohibited from entering the area. The
official explanation was that the Japanese government had built a large
lumber mill and declared it a military zone for security reasons.
Japanese government allocated the necessary funds to build this facility
which included centrifuges for human testing, high pressure chambers for
testing how much pressure a human could survive on board a submarine and
low pressure chambers for the pilots of the Japanese air force. Walk-in
freezers were built to test what exposure to extreme cold would do to a
human being. Since a large numbers of prisoners would be killed on a
daily basis, huge incinerators were built that could quickly cremate the
dead bodies.
different laboratories and surgical buildings were equipped with the
latest equipment available on the world market. Housing for doctors,
nurses and other medical staff were constructed, which also included
living accommodations for the secret police, prison guards and the
military units protecting the complex. It had its own airport with a
number of pilots and aircraft from the Japanese air force to carry out
the experiments of the biological weapon systems.
addition, there was a large maintenance staff to keep the facilities
running, plus modern kitchens to feed the personnel and their food
scraps were given to the prisoners.
Unit 731
was linked with the Japanese medical educational system, and during its
nine years of existence, Japanese medical students from different
universities and other medical schools in Japan were required to spend
time at Unit 731 as part of their medical training. Thus the entire
medical student cadre who went through its medical education from 1936
to 1945 was exposed to the inhumane treatment of prisoners. After the
war ended in 1945, just about every doctor who had graduated during this
time period became part of the Japanese health system. It was not until
the early 1980’s that the last of the doctors from this time of horror
finally retired from the Japanese health system. This meant that all
professors at the different universities and medical schools in Japan
had been at Unit 731 and were allowed to teach the next generation of
doctors in Japan up through the 1980’s.
there was a need for more prisoners to be experimented upon, the
Kempeitai (Japanese military police unit) would simply find and abduct
people. They routinely supplied 600 victims per year to the camp.
Thousands of the prisoners died at the hands of the Japanese doctors and
their medical staff and those that survived were scarred for life.
commander for Unit 731 was Japanese General Shirō Ishii, chief medical
officer of the Japanese Army. Ishii had spent two years in the West and
came back convinced that the United States, England and Germany were
developing biological and chemical warfare programs and Japan therefore
needed its own programs to meet the challenge.
had been building between the United States and Japan since the early
1930’s. General Douglas MacArthur, who was the Field Marshal of the
Philippine Army since the foundation of the Commonwealth of the
Philippines in 1935, had said the United States could send Christian
missionaries to Japan and lead them to Christ or combat forces would
eventually be needed.
biological and chemical warfare research centers in Manchuria did not
come into being by some mid-level Japanese military officer. It was
Emperor Hirohito who issued an imperial decree after being briefed on
the need for this type of research in 1936.
Vivisection is surgery conducted for experimental purposes on a living
organism, to view living internal structure. This horrible and painful
practice can be done to a human or an animal. General Ishii gave the
orders to perform vivisections on men and women who had been brought to
his prison camps. The prisoners were first infected with different
diseases used in biological warfare. In order to get the best result on
the testing of nerves and muscles controlled by the brain, he ordered
the procedure to be done without anesthesia, which meant excruciating
pain for the person enduring the surgery.
At Unit
731 a person would be seated in a chair. His legs, arms and torso would
be tied to the chair, so that he was to be immobile. Before he was
strapped to the chair, his hair was shaved off and he was stripped of
his clothing so that the doctor and his staff could observe any part of
the body they wanted to study. A special tray fastened to the legs was
then positioned around his neck and snapped in place. Fasteners from the
tray were then positioned around his head, so that he would be unable to
move the head.
mouth would be taped shut so that he could not scream. The procedure
would start once the person had been put in this “vise grip.” First a
saw was used to saw through the skull and remove it from the head and
expose the brain. Then the doctor would start to probe and cut different
parts of the brain to measure what effect it had on the body. By the
time the “surgery” was over, the patient had died under the cruelest
circumstances ever devised by a diabolic doctor and his staff. Other
times, victims were chained to an operating table.
vivisections were not limited to men and women but were also conducted
on children and infants.
In 2007,
Japanese Army Surgeon, Ken Yuasa, made a public confession to the war
crimes he had committed. He had not been at Unit 731 but had worked at
Japanese field hospitals in occupied Chinese territory. He stated that
he was afraid during his first vivisection but the second one was
easier. By the time he was doing his third, he had no problems in doing
the procedure. Thousands of Chinese men and women were killed by
vivisection at Unit 731 and in the many Japanese field hospitals located
all over China.
Ishii and his staff had worked diligently to develop offensive
biological warfare agents of different contagious diseases like the
bubonic plague, cholera, and anthrax. To test the delivery system,
prisoners were tied to stakes and germ releasing bombs were set off to
test its efficiency. Chemical weapons were also tested in the same
was a high rate of displaced Chinese civilians due to the advance of the
Japanese Army. Fleas that had been infected with different diseases were
used to infect clothing and other supplies and subsequently air dropped
over the refugees. The hapless Chinese people were infected and in turn
spread the disease to others, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of
thousands civilians.
coastal city of Ningpo was targeted in 1940 as low flying Japanese
aircraft flew over the city spraying it with infected bubonic plague
fleas. In 1941, as the battle raged around the city of Changde in the
Hunan province, Japanese aircraft again sprayed the area with infected
fleas. More than 400,000 Chinese died of the different plagues. Just
like Stalin had done in the Soviet Union, tularemia was spread to
civilian Chinese people.
research done at Unit 731 sounds like a chapter out of Dante’s hell with
suffering so great that it is hard to describe, let alone understand it,
because the average human being doesn’t possess a criminal mind.
Prisoners were told that they were going to be vaccinated but were
injected instead with venereal diseases. Some male and female prisoners
were infected with syphilis, others with gonorrhea and left untreated to
see how long they would survive. Female prisoners were constantly raped
by the Japanese guards.
Legs and
arms were amputated in order to study blood loss. Sometimes amputated
limbs were reattached to the opposite side of the body to see if the
body would accept the re-attached limb. Some prisoners’ limbs were
frozen and then amputated. Other prisoners had parts of their bodies
frozen and thawed. This was done to study what happened to untreated
gangrene and rotting.
was no end to the testing General Ishii ordered. He had a virtually
unlimited supply of people at his disposal and there was no end to the
horrific pain and suffering inflicted on the prisoners while they were
wanted to know what would happen if the stomach was removed and the
esophagus were connected directly to the intestines. Removal of organs
from living patients was common and people only had part of their brain,
lungs liver, kidneys, etc., removed and then were observed to see how
fast they would die.
were some prisoners who were denied food and only received water. Others
were denied food and water while others were only given water. This
testing was done to see how long it would take for a person to die under
these different circumstances.
Prisoners were also placed in high-pressure chambers to simulate high
altitudes for Japanese air force pilots to discover the maximum altitude
a pilot could survive if he had to abandon his aircraft. Other prisoners
were subjected to tests to see how much pressure a submarine sailor
could take before he would die. Prisoners in the high-pressure chamber
never survived the testing and died under excruciating pain.
was also testing conducted to determine how long a human being could
live in extreme hot or cold temperatures. They were dressed in different
clothing to determine suitable protection for Japanese soldiers, sailors
and air crews in order to protect them from fires or from exposure to
low temperatures. The testing took place in heated or refrigerated
enclosures. The prisoners of these tests did not survive either.
experiment conducted was to find out the survival rate for a Japanese
pilot if his aircraft had been hit and began to spin. A prisoner was put
in a large centrifuge and the rate of spinning would increase until the
prisoner died.
prisoners were injected with animal blood to see if it was a suitable
replacement that could be used in surgery for wounded Japanese soldiers.
General Ishii wanted to find out just how much X-ray radiation a
technician could be exposed to before he died. Prisoners were exposed to
radiation until they died in order to determine a safe rate for hospital
weapon agents were tested on prisoners in enclosed chambers with
windows. The staff would then watch the result to see how long it would
take for the prisoner to die.
Ishii wanted to know if sea water could be used instead of a saline
solution; prisoners were injected with sea water, which led to their
Prisoners that survived testing were either incinerated in a furnace, or
if there was no incinerator available, they were buried alive. There was
no concern for the pain and suffering of the victims before death came
to them.
was ongoing testing where prisoners were infected with bubonic plague,
cholera, smallpox, botulism, anthrax and a variety of other contagious
diseases. Needless to say, all the prisoners involved in this testing
died excruciating deaths as the diseases ravaged their bodies.
technical staff at Unit 731 designed special bomb shells of porcelain
that were filled with different disease agents and used by Japanese
pilots to bomb areas held by the Chinese forces trying to hold back the
Japanese army.
officially surrendered to the United States on September 2, 1945, after
atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both the Soviet
Union and the United States were aware of the Japanese biological
warfare section known as “Unit 731” and it became a race to capture the
Japanese doctors and scientists.
and his military commanders knew that Japan was beaten when the second
atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 7, 1945. Nevertheless,
Stalin ordered more than one million of his soldiers to invade Manchuria
on August 8th and take as much territory as possible before
the Chinese/American forces could liberate it.
Japanese government, urged by Emperor Hirohito secretly surrendered to
the United States on August 10th and the fighting was finally
Prior to
surrender, orders were sent to destroy the complex of Unit 731, kill all
the prisoners and the Japanese researchers were ordered to commit
Ishii and most of his staff had shown no mercy on the prisoners they had
violently killed through their experiments, but they refused to
prematurely end their own lives. They had seen the United States
leapfrogging from one island to another in the Pacific; it was clear
since the early part of 1945 that it was only a matter of time before
Germany was defeated and they knew that Japan would fall next.
were well aware of the fact that they would be viewed as war criminals
in the eyes of the other nations. Something had to be offered to the
United States in order to save their lives and receive amnesty.
German missile detachment under Wernher von Braun and German
intelligence General Reinhard Gehlen had been preparing since June of
1944 to save their lives by offering the Americans their knowledge in
return for amnesty.
Wernher von Braun |
Reinhard Gehlen |
Ishii and his staff boxed up all the medical data from 1936 to 1945,
including all research and test results of their bio-warfare experience.
Ishii knew that the Soviets were going to turn on the United States as
soon as the war was over and that both sides had extensive bio-warfare
research programs. General Ishii preferred to deal with the Americans,
so before Soviet troops reached the area of Unit 731, Ishii and
thousands of the staff fled south to surrender to the American Chinese
low ranking staff members were captured by Soviet troops as they raced
south from Siberia. They were put on trial for war crimes in December of
1949 in the city of Khabarovsk. It was obvious that they had been
interrogated harshly during their four years of captivity to reveal all
they knew about Unit 731 so the Soviets could incorporate the Japanese
bio-warfare research into their program.
person familiar with World War II knows that the Nazi’s convicted of war
crimes at Nuremberg received harsh sentences with the death penalty in
many cases. Even though the 12 staff members of Unit 731 confessed to
bio-warfare testing on civilians, they only received a 25 year prison
sentence. Seven years later they were released and sent back to Japan.
It is obvious that a secret deal had been worked out.
American intelligence service during World War II was known as the
Office of Strategic Service (OSS) and its head was Major General William
“Wild Bill” Donovan. At one point there were 13,000 people working for
the OSS. Donovan knew the Soviets would be the next enemy as soon as the
war was over and he had been working on a plan since 1943 to extract as
many German intelligence officers, scientists and weapon specialists as
possible. His spy network in China and Manchuria had informed him of the
bio-warfare project in Manchuria and he made it clear to General Douglas
MacArthur that he wanted to capture as many Japanese researchers of Unit
731 as possible.
Chinese government under the leadership of Chiang-Kai-Shek, the
president of China, wanted to try the Japanese of Unit 731 as war
criminals and execute them, but the American military and intelligence
services brushed him off and when General Ishii and his staff managed to
reach the American troops coming north.
General Ishii and his staff had experimented on thousands of Russian
POWs, Stalin put in a request to have Ishii and his staff interrogated
by NKVD agents. OSS agents intervened and the order was given that Ishii
and his staff be sent to Japan and held in an American prison camp.
Edwin Hill, a microbiologist and the director of the American
bio-warfare program at Fort Detrick, along with Dr. Joseph Victor, flew
on an American Air Force plane to Japan as soon as Ishii and his staff
were in American custody and interviewed 22 of the Japanese bio-warfare
researchers. Ishii had brought with him a large number of documents and
some of these were taken back to Fort Detrick. As Dr. Hill and his staff
went through the documents, they realized that it had been written in
such a way that that they needed to be deciphered. Ishii had done this
purposely in order to have a bargaining chip to save his own life.
military leadership of the American bio-warfare program ordered General
MacArthur to negotiate with Ishii and his staff in order to get their
cooperation in deciphering the documents from Unit 731.
staff of General MacArthur concluded that in order to obtain this
“invaluable information” from nine years of research, it did not matter
how horrible the acts had been, it was necessary to secure this
information to safeguard a future threat from the Soviet Union.
MacArthur at this time had been appointed Supreme Commander of the
Allied Powers (SCAP) by President Truman and ordered to form a military
government of Japan and booted out the Soviets in the process as they
tried to occupy a piece of Japan. Even though there were British forces
in the occupation force, MacArthur was in reality the sole ruler of
Japan until it gained its independence in 1952.
set up military whorehouses in the nations they occupied and the women
forced to work as prostitutes were called “comfort women.” MacArthur
realized that with more than 300,000 American military personnel in
Japan, one of the ways to control the men was to set up a system of
licensed whorehouses in every location where there was a military base.
Japanese families sold their young daughters to the operators of the
whorehouses because food was scarce and jobs were hard to obtain. In
this way the U.S. Army was no different than the Japanese Army had been
in treating the general population.
whorehouse system operated until January 21, 1946, when MacArthur issued
a decree to end the licensed whorehouses and private operators took
over. These whorehouses are still well-known to any service men
stationed in Japan or on shore leave.
criminal side of MacArthur came to light with the formation of the
International Military Tribunals for the Far East (IMTFE), which
convened in Tokyo on April 29, 1946, and lasted until November 24, 1948.
On May
6, 1947, MacArthur wrote a military memo to his superiors at the
Pentagon in Washington D.C. that it was possible to gain much
information from Ishii and his staff if the files from Unit 731 were
classified as “intelligence information.” They could effectively be kept
secret from any legal prosecution of war criminals and any information
about Unit 731 would not be available for the IMFTE. Furthermore, in the
final deal offered to Ishii, neither he nor his staff would be charged
with war crimes if they fully cooperated. Ishii and his staff accepted
the deal in 1948 and it was officially signed by MacArthur.
All the
files of Unit 731 were transferred to Fort Detrick in Maryland and
deciphered for American bio-warfare research. General Ishii spent some
time at Fort Detrick to share with the American researchers his
knowledge gained through torture and death.
Ishii and his staffers were later employed at hospitals and research
centers in Japan. They lived out their lives without ever having to pay
for their crimes against humanity. Rest assured though, there is a
future court, where someone like MacArthur won’t be able to save them at
the Great White Throne Judgment when Jesus will judge humanity. Not only
will they be sent to the Lake of Fire, but they will be given additional
torment for the atrocities they committed while they lived on earth.
“And the devil
that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,
where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented
day and night for ever and ever.
And I saw a great
white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and
the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
And I saw the
dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened:
and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written in the books,
according to their works.
And the sea gave
up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the
dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to
their works.
And death and hell
were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And
whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into
the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:10-15)
MacArthur committed treason against the United States when he decided to
shield Emperor Hirohito and the entire imperial family from being
implicated at the war crime trials. This also included a number of other
influential Japanese officials. Instead of looking for justice for the
Americans who died at Pearl Harbor, the Marines who died on the beaches
and the more than 400 American POW’s who vanished at Unit 731, MacArthur
ordered his military legal staff to work hard to alter documents and
make sure that no war criminal was allowed to point a finger at the
emperor, his family and the other people MacArthur was protecting.
soldiers that had been imprisoned in Japanese POW camps were forbidden
to share what they had gone through at the hands of the Japanese.
his years as the ruler of Japan, MacArthur made sure that nothing leaked
out to the American media, but 66 years later, top secret documents have
been declassified and researchers have been able to find the diabolical
truth that was suppressed for so many years.
In 2002,
the communist government of China held an International Symposium on the
Crimes of Bacteriological Warfare by Japan in World War II. It was
symbolically held in the city of Changde, one of the sites of the flea
spraying attack. It was estimated that the Unit 731 caused more than
580,000 Chinese deaths in this area. Whatever the numbers, the men and
women of Unit 731 have blood on their hands and so does General
MacArthur and the military lawyers who shielded their crimes against
In my
next segment we are going to look at the German bio-warfare programs and
then examine the American bio-warfare program with the knowledge gained
from Unit 731.
“And GOD saw that
the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The earth also was
corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God
looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh
had corrupted his way upon the earth.” (Genesis 6:5, 11-12)
"Therefore my
people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and
their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with
thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth
without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their
pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. And the mean man
shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the
eyes of the lofty shall be humbled…” (Isaiah 5:13-15)
“Woe unto them
that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a
cart rope: That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that
we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw
nigh and come, that we may know it! Woe unto them that call evil
good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for
darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto
them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own
sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of
strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for
reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth
the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom
shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD
of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah
“For the wrath of
God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God
hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the
things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that
they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they
glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in
their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of
the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man,
and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore
God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own
hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves…” (Romans

Volume 17, Issue 1 |