PASTOR'S SERMON NOTES TO MOVE WITH GOD WHEN HE IS MOVING August 23, 1998 Some day God will release the forces of the Antichrist - 2 Thess.2: 1-9 This release is a judgment upon all people who have rejected the Love of God! Verses 10-12; Rev. 11: 16-19 The believers in Christ should be rejoicing that we finally are moving into this period of history! 2Thess. 2: 13-17 The people of Israel lived in Egypt for 430 years. Ex. 12:40-41 When the time came for them to leave, it happened during the night in less than six hours - Ex. 12:29-33 God had told them to prepare for a hasty exodus - Ex. 12: 6-13 The antichrist system will be a GLOBAL SYSTEM, which will dominate all nations.
There will be a tremendous spiritual struggle at the beginning of
the reign of the Antichrist. Daniel 11:32-35 EVENTS TO REMEMBER On May 1, 1776, Satan openly began his quest for a World Government. He had chosen three men, JACOB FRANK, a Cabalistic rabbi in charge of a World Religion, MAYER AMCHEL ROTHSCHILD, a Cabalistic rabbi in charge of World Finances and ADAM WEISHAUPT in charge of World Policies (head of the Illuminati). 72 years later the Cabalistic Jews Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto, followed by Das Kapital, written in 1867. Fifty years later the Cabalistic Jews struck Russia, and through a bloody murdering campaign created the monster that we remember as the "Soviet Union." It lasted 73 years. China was raped by the Cabalistic Jews in 1948, and they still have that nation. Adolph Hitler and a small group took over Germany in 1933, and built a massive war machine in less than six years, and plunged the world into World War II. The Communists and the Nazis were able to take control, because each nation had been brought to a stage of chaos. China was devastated after World War II. ON JANUARY 1. 2000, THE WORLD WILL MOST LIKELY BE THROWN INTO A CHAOS THE LIKES OF WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EXPERIENCED BEFORE! What the believers in Christ do not know is, WILL GOD, AT THIS TIME, ALLOW THE FORCES OF SATAN TO STRIKE AND TAKE OVER? HOW DID JESUS PREPARE HIS FOLLOWERS? 1. Jesus prayed for them and
for us - John 17:1-21 AS A CHURCH, WE MUST NOW