PASTORS OUTLINE THE BROTHER OF THE PRODIGAL SON May 16,1999 The Pharisees and the Scribes believed that they were more righteous than the rest of the people in Israel. THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE HAD BLINDED THEM, AND THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND, THAT NO MAN IS RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD! Isaiah 64:6; Rom,3:23 Jesus did encounter this
problem when he walked on this earth and he address it. Luke
18:9-14 When sinners encountered Jesus, they either repented or
rejected Jesus. Luke 19:1-10 The brother of the prodigal son, is a typical example of people who cannot rejoice when a sinner is converted. This teaching was directed at the Pharisees: 1. The younger son wanted to
go his own way, the older brother did not warn him. Luke 15:11-13 Jesus never told us if the older brother ever repented of his anger and bitterness. The human sinful nature is to ask for mercy for yourself but demand justice for others. Luke 9:51-58 There is only one reason why Jesus came to this earth, to pay for the sins of all human beings - Rom. 4:1-12. To call all people to repentance Matt.9:10-13 Mark 2:1-17 If a person is taking advantage of God's grace, the Lord himself shall handle that person, because VENGEANCE BELONGS TO GOD! Hebr.10:26-31 Saul of Tarsus was a
murderer. Acts 7:54-60; 8:1-4 REMEMBER: OUR GOD IS A GOD OF MERCY! LET US WALK WITH GOD IN HIS MERCY! Psalms 103:1-12 |