DO I REALLY WANT A REVIVAL ? February 27,2000 A Christian is someone who has been born again: John 3:3-7
BONUS SCRIPTURE: I Peter 3:18 CHRISTIANITY IS ALL OR NOTHING! John 6:32-71 Men build religions - 2 Kings 17:6-41 GOD IS BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS John 13:12-20; Matt.11:25-30 GOD’S RELATIONSHIPS ARE BUILT UPON AGAPE LOVE John 13:34-35; John 15:9-27 A revival is to live in God’s love relationship. But God is a jealous God who will not share us with the world! James 4:1-5 Man must make a choice - to live a worldly life - or to walk a close walk with God. It is impossible to have both! Matthew 6:24 You cannot watch ungodly television programs, movies, attend bars, take drugs, dance to ungodly music, etc. and at the same time try to hold the hands of Jesus. Ephesians 5:1-16 Each Christian must make a choice, Jesus or the world. James 4:6-10 Jesus spoke on this subject to the Church of Ephesus - Revelation 2:1-7 Are you willing to come back to your first love today? Revelation 3:20-22 If you decide to choose the world, this is the word that shall be spoken of you in the day of Judgment: THEY FEARED THE LORD AND SERVED THEIR OWN gods, AFTER THE MANNER OF THE NATIONS WHOM THEY CARRIED AWAY FROM THENCE. Do you have an ear with which to hear ? |