RLJ-720OL A PEN OF IRON WITH A DIAMOND POINT June 11,2000 1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 4:1-5; 2 Peter 2:1-3 Many Christians will openly live in sin and not even feel any remorse over it. 2 Peter 2:12-22 WHY?
The nation of Judah refused to repent and yet God called a prophet into service. Jeremiah 1:1-19 One Hundred Thirteen (113) years earlier God had called another prophet into service, and told him from the very beginning that the people would reject the Word of God. Isaiah 6:1-13 The Devil is a master in twisting the truth - Isaiah 5:13-24 The prophet Hosea lived some 700 years before Christ and the description of Israel at that time is no different than the condition on earth today! Hosea 4:1-6 God has been judging America for the last 50 years, but few people have seen it. Jeremiah 16:1-7 God said, DO NOT PARTY WITH THE SINNERS! Jeremiah 16:8 WHAT IS THE SIN OF AMERICA? 1. The generation that came out victorious from World War II forsook God! Jeremiah 16:9-11 2. The baby boomers became worse - Jeremiah 16:12-13 3. Instead of seeking and trusting in God, people are trusting in themselves. Jeremiah 17:5-6 Jesus hit a brick wall when he came to this earth - Matthew 13:10-15 Jesus told his disciples what they needed in order to break through - Acts 1:4-8 What happens to the master will happen to the disciple - John 15:17-27 THE SOLUTION 1. Putting all our trust into God alone - Jeremiah 17:7-8 2. Only God can cure the soul of a man - Jeremiah 17:9-10 3. God is waiting for us today! If you are not supping with Jesus today, are you willing to open the door now? Revelation 3:14-22 Do you have an ear with which to hear ?