THE VALLEY OF DECISION August 20, 2000 A child who is rebellious against his parents and the Word of God is building a foundation on sand that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Not applying himself in education or starting sexual encounters outside marriage will create great problems in the future of the person. Matthew 7:24-27 Daniel made a choice that not only impacted his life for the next 61 years, but the lives of people living since that time: Daniel 1:1-21 FATAL DECISIONS 1. Lucifer - REBELLION - Isaiah 14:12-14 2. Adam and Eve - DISOBEDIENCE - Genesis 3:1-13 3. Terah - IDOLATRY - Genesis 11:24-32; Joshua 24:2 4. Achan - TAKING AND KEEPING CURSED OBJECTS - Joshua 7:1-13 5. Absalom - BREAKING GOD’S COMMANDMENTS - Exodus 20:12; 2 Samuel 15:1-11 6. The rich young man - REJECTING CHRIST - Matthew 19:16-22 Each one of us must make decisions on a daily basis. Am I following Jesus as I make my daily choices? John 6:59-71 By our words we shall be judged - Matthew 12:36-37 Remember God while you are young ! Ecclesiastes 12:1 Choose you this day . . . . Joshua 24:1-27 Do you have an ear with which to hear ? European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: