This message is going to be a summary of the many sermons I have preached on the subject of "SPIRITUAL GROWTH." I am going to briefly touch on the many hindering elements facing Christians on a daily basis: 1. Can’t forgive and forget - Matthew 6:14-15; 18:21-35; Mark 11:22-26; 1 John 4:20-21 2. Hurts are still lingering, with grief and sorrow - Luke 23:27-34 3. Inferiority and insecurity - Matthew 26:36-68 4. You can’t love yourself - Psalm 103:1-18 5. Never measuring up to other’s expectations - John 21: 19-22 6. Failure - Psalm 51:1-19 7. Self destruction - Jeremiah 20:7-18 8. Trying to impress and please others - 1 Samuel 15:13-31 9. Still eating junk food and lack of exercise - Romans 12:1-2 Remember: NO BODY - NO MINISTRY! 10. Lack of Faith - Hebr.11:1-6; 1 John 4:17-19 11. The spirit of Fear - 2 Tim.1:7 Do you have an ear with which to hear ? Life is too short for
grievances If there’s something
to forgive A sermon preached with conviction and fire from the Lord is worthless, unless it moves the hearers into repentance and actions, that will change their daily lives! European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: dovem@eaec.org