WITH GOD BRINGS TOTAL HEALTH December 31,2000 Moses came to understand that because of man’s sin few would live their full lives on this earth - Psalms 90:7-12 Moses also recognized that unless God makes us glad, it is all down hill - v.13-17 TO DWELL IN THE SECRET PLACE OF GOD IS TO BE IN HARMONY WITH GOD - Psalm 91:1-16 NOT BEING CONTENT IS THE MOTHER OF ALL SIN! Isaiah 14:12-14 The following sinful emotions are birthed in a soul that is not content! 1. ANGER!
The people did not live up to Moses’ expectation - Exodus
32:15-20 2. RAGE! Since Cain did not get God’s approval, he took out his rage on his brother. Genesis 4:3-8 King Saul could not stand that someone else was better than he, so he was filled with rage. 1Samuel.18:1-15 3. JEALOUSY! This is the most destructive force in human lives, it has destroyed friendships, marriages, nations, business relations, etc. Proverbs 6:27-35; Song of Solomon 8:6 4.
ENVY! A deadly soul disease,
that is worse than a fast moving cancer. 5. COVETING! Leads to theft, lying and murder. Exodus 20:17; 1 Kings 21:1-6 None of the above five sinful emotions leads to any solution! Rather, they discredit the person having them, and cause people around them to lose respect for the person, and look down on the person. The person harboring any of these five sins will lose all respect in the spirit world, both from God and his angels, and from the demonic world. James 4:1-6 WHAT IS THE REMEDY? A) Each Christian must be willing to renounce these five emotions and proclaim that having any of them is UNACCEPTABLE. James 3:14-16 B) Humbly come to the Lord in
repentance and ask him to rebuild us in his image! Remember the Words of Jesus! Matthew 5:1-9 Do you have an ear with which to hear ? To be continued . . . . European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: dovem@eaec.org For The Full Sermon, You May Order The 90 Minute Cassette Tape for $5.00. Use The Code RLJ-752