February 25 ,2001 Moses came to understand that because of man’s sin few would live out their full lives on this earth - Psalm 90:7-12 Moses also recognized that unless God makes us glad, it is all down hill - v.13-17 TO DWELL IN THE SECRET PLACE OF GOD IS TO BE IN HARMONY WITH GOD - Psalm 91:1-16 NOT BEING CONTENT IS THE ROOT OF ALL SINS! Isaiah 14:12-14 The following emotions WILL BE birthed in a soul that is CONTENT! A: FAITH Hebrews 11:1-3Faith must have an object to believe in! To a Christian it is not an object but a person, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER! Isaiah 46:9-13 God has given us His Son as a surety for our faith. Hebrews 1:1-14; 6:13-20 What did the Son come to earth to do? TO BRING SALVATION, HEAL THE SICK AND DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL! Luke 4:14-21; Acts 10:38; 1 John 3:8 Did Jesus do this kind of work on the earth? Luke 7:1-23 What did the disciples do? Matthew 10:1;7-8; Luke 9:1-2; 10:1-3; 9; 17-22 What is the Word for us? Matthew 28:16-20 Greater works than these shall you do . . . . John 14:1-27 Did it work for the early church? YES! Salvation - Acts
2:32-43 We know that all these supernatural deeds worked for Jesus; they worked for his apostles; but how can we be sure that they will work for us???? They will work for us when we make up our minds to believe God and trust in His Word, the Bible! Mark 11:22-26 After all, God is not a respecter of persons. Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11 Do you have an ear with which to hear ? European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: dovem@eaec.org For The Full Sermon, You May Order The 90 Minute Cassette Tape for $5.00. Use The Code RLJ-757