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22 April 2001
God has given man a free will. Man has a choice; he can use this will to serve God or rebel. Adam and Eve chose to rebel. Genesis 3:1-6

Abel chose to obey God; Cain chose to rebel - Genesis 4:1-8

Hidden anger is present in every human being at birth. It is fed by two sinful emotions - a desire to have my will done regardless of circumstances and the fear of losing control. This is part of the sinful nature of Satan, imparted to man as a result of the fall in the garden of Eden. Isaiah 14:12-14

        As a result of hidden anger, marriages are lost and relationships broken.  John 3:16

Let us follow the life of king Saul of Israel:

1. As a young man he was well liked - 1Samuel 9:1-2

2. He was a thoughtful young man - 1Samuel 9:5-10

3. He was humble - 1Samuel 9:18-22

His call to become a king was supernatural, and God gave him a new heart (a new anointing) 1 Samuel 10:1-10

His downfall started with fear, which was a result of UNBELIEF! 1 Samuel 10:20-26

The Bible records HIDDEN ANGER in Saul - 1 Samuel 10:27

After his first military victory, he showed mercy - 1 Samuel 11:11-15

But two years after he became king of Israel, FEAR TOOK OVER HIS SOUL!  1 Samuel 13:6-14

Then came a public humiliation for Saul - 1 Samuel 14:36-46

By now fear had taken over the mind of Saul, and it led to disobedience: 1Samuel 15:13-26

He was now rejected by God who took away the Holy Spirit from him: 1 Samuel 16:14-15

Now the HIDDEN ANGER began to manifest: 1 Samuel 18:6-13

Then Saul used his own daughter to snare and destroy David - 1 Samuel 18:20-29

Fear feeds anger, and by now Saul was besides himself -- David had to be killed: 1 Samuel 19:1-12

Fear brings anger, which leads to insanity - 1 Samuel 19:18-24

Saul had now become insane, his temper totally out of control - 1 Samuel 20:25-34

For a moment sanity returned to Saul - 1 Samuel 24:8-22

But it was only temporarily - 1 Samuel 26:13-25

By now king Saul had a reprobate mind, and when nothing else worked out for him, he went to seek advise from the Devil - 1 Samuel 28:4-19

The next day Saul died - 1 Samuel 31:1-7

Victory over hidden anger comes when we surrender our wills to God - Matthew 5:1-9 and live in forgiveness and the love of God! 1 John 4:17-21

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