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15 July  2001
We must come to understand that even when we have had a spiritual break through, the Devil will not yet let go. He is determined to challenge you over and over again to see if he possibly can break you by wearing you down. 2 Peter 5:7-9

                Satan was not yet ready to let Job go!

1. Zophar was now attacking the record of Job, a blatant unfair lying attack, where he accused Job of oppressing and forsaking the poor, when the truth was that Job had been a champion of the poor, the weak and downtrodden. Job 20:4-5; 19-29

2. Job stood his ground, and would not state something that was a lie! Job 21:27-34

3. Now the Devil activated Eliphaz , accusing Job of having great wickedness, and listing evil work that Job was accused of having done. Job 22:1-10; 20-23

4. The demonic spiritual pressure is now building, and Job feels abandoned and that he is not able to connect to God and present his case as it really is: Job 23:1-17

5. Now the Devil is bringing out his heavy artillery - speaking through Bildad he is now trying to place doubt about salvation, to shake Job. Job 25:1-6

6. Job is responding back by displaying a tremendous insight concerning hell and other spiritual truth about creatures living under the water. Job 26:1-14; Revelation 12:12; Revelation 13:1

7.  Job is refusing to surrender his righteousness.  Job 27:1-11

8. In this chapter Job displays a tremendous education and understanding of mining, refining of ore to metal. Job knew that under the surface of the earth it is molten lava, red hot fire, he knew about coral reefs and gems from Ethiopia. Job 28:1-6; 18-19

9. To defend himself, Job now went back in his memory into the past, trying to re-live his life again. Job 29:1-25

10. Then Job turned the attention to the young generation coming up. Job 30:1-31

11. In this chapter Job is telling his so called friends that he had made a covenant with his eyes, he was not to commit adultery. Job 31:1-12

At this time during the intense spiritual battle, Job is not able to know physically that he is going to be vindicated and restored, but he is standing his ground in FAITH, BELIEVING THAT SOME DAY HE SHALL BE SET FREE FROM HIS AFFLICTIONS.

Job was standing on the spiritual law of sowing and reaping, that some 2000 years later the apostle Paul would write down for us! Galatians 6:7-9

Do you have an ear with which to hear ?

                                                                        To be continued . . . . . .

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Posted:  01/06/2020

E-Mail:  dovem@eaec.org


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