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TO LEARN Moses learned that skills are gifts from God, who gives certain gifts to certain people, in order for God to get his work done - Exodus 31:1-6; 35:30-35 When God gives a gift to a person, He also gives the joy to go with it. When you are doing something you aren't gifted for, you have frustration instead of joy. When you operate in your gifts, you have tremendous pleasure in what you are doing. When the people of Israel came out of Egypt, they were not a nation, but an ethnic group having lived in Egypt for more than 400 years. Egypt had a corrupt political system, with a law system rejected by God. The book of Leviticus is the blueprint for the new nation, birthed when they left Egypt, covering all the needs to build a nation. God gave them Spiritual Laws, Sacrificial Laws and Practical Laws. These were not suggestions, these were LAWS! Deuteronomy 28:1-15; Matthew 5:14-19 There are three things God requires of us: to hear, to understand and to obey. God wants to bless us. Are you willing to obey? (End of Part One) Every possible detail was covered by the Lord, down to a signal system for the entire camp system, consisting of some 3 million persons - Numbers 10:1-10 The second year in the wilderness, Moses told God that he could no longer bear the burden of the nation; it was too much for him. God heard his request and gave him 70 elders to share the burden - Numbers 11:1-17 Moses was still learning not to underestimate God - Verses 18-25 Moses had to deal with jealousy in Joshua - Verses 26-30 The judgment of God fell on the people who had lusted - Verses 31-35 THE GREAT TRAGEDY 1. They were all given a chance - Numbers 13:1-2; 25-33 2. The majority of the people rejected the Promised Land - Numbers 14:1-12 3. Again Moses had to intercede for the people - Verses 13-20 4. But judgment fell - Verses 21-38 5. When they tried to take the land in their own strength, it failed - Verses 39-45 REMEMBER THIS! Do you have an ear with which to hear? To be continued . . . . For The Full Sermon, You May Order The 90 Minute Cassette Tape for $5.00. Use The Code RLJ-790 European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: dovem@eaec.org