Home Page Weekly Messages Index UNDERSTANDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD 4 November 2001 When the people realized that they would not be permitted into the tabernacle of God, they panicked and thought that they were all going to die - Verses 11-13 Aaron and his sons were now told that part of their service for the Lord was to bear the responsibility of sin for the nation - Numbers 18:1-7 This responsibility before God and man is still with us today - but now our High Priest is not Aaron, but Jesus Christ, who the redeemed on this earth represent - Hebrews 8:1-13 When a believer in Christ is in a back-slidden condition, he will still be a minister, but shall bear his iniquity. However his access to God is cut off! Ezekiel 44:1-23 Each believer in Christ is now a priest before the Lord - 1 Peter 2:1-25 As priests of God we are not to focus on building our own kingdom, but the Kingdom of God. Luke 12:22-40 The Levites were not permitted to own land, once they entered into the Promised Land. They were to live by the tithe of the eleven other tribes - Numbers 18:20-24 A believer in Christ should come to understand that he does not own anything on this earth. Instead he should understand that he is a steward (manager) of God’s property which has been leased to him for a certain time - Luke 12:41-48 A man’s body has a maximum lease of 120 years, then it will be taken back - Genesis 6:3 The lease can be shortened if the terms are violated by the man (woman) - Galatians 6:7-9 At the end of the lease, there will be a full audit - 1 Corinthians 3:11-23 How is your lease program progressing? Do you have an ear with which to hear? To be continued . . . . For The Full Sermon, You May Order The 90 Minute Cassette Tape for $5.00. Use The Code RLJ-793 European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: dovem@eaec.org