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Part Two 

Compiled by John S. Torell

June 23, 2002
So you have been through deliverance and are set free from turmoil and unrest.  You felt so light, so free and empty of all ugliness. But as the days go by, it seems like unseen cob webs are stretched around you and your joy level is going down. Your loved ones are telling you that they see no change, you are just as nasty as ever and your deliverance did not take. Demons are whispering to you that God does not love you and that there is no hope for you. Have you lost your deliverance?   NO!  But the Devil is contesting your freedom and trying to bind you up again. Let us now look upon some of the spirits (not the same as were cast out of you) Satan is sending to snare you again.

                ACCUSING SPIRITS (Dealt with in Part One)

These are powerful demons which can be likened to "stealth fighters." They try to get close to their target without being detected, and once the damage is done, leave as quickly as possible. These demons will cloak themselves as righteous spirits of judgment, and refer themselves to the following Bible verses: Fruit inspectors - Matthew 7:16-20; Moral church police - 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

Jesus knew that critical spirits would attack the church, and he spoke about it in Matthew 7:1-5

The apostle Peter took upon himself to correct Jesus, the Son of God, and he was promptly put in his place by Jesus himself - Matthew 16:20-23

For some reason, many people who have been set free from alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs are extremely intolerant of other people who do the same. They demand absolute perfection in others, and if they cannot find it, the person attacked is severely condemned.

                This goes against the Word of God - James 1:19-20

Family members are often ruthless against each other. We must come to understand that there is certain doctrinal truth, like the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17), which cannot be altered and then there are choices which God allows a believer in Christ. Romans 14: 1-23

The Pharisees had no intention of repenting from their sins. To defend their positions, they severely criticized Jesus. Jesus could see right through them and he addressed them hard in Matthew 23:1-33.

Christians must also come to understand, that a new born baby in Christ or a person who has just been through deliverance, needs to be nourished and taught. This person is not ready to "straighten up" everybody in the Church. They must understand, that just as a patient who has been operated on for cancer by a medical doctor, is in no condition, a few days after the surgery, to teach the doctor " how to do surgery." Ephesians 4:11-18


1. A person who has been delivered from any type of substance abuse usually has spent all his money and effort on the drug. Therefore he/she usually has few material possessions, drives an old run down car and in most cases has lost employment. Once they begin to know other people in the church, the spirit of jealousy and envy strikes them, and they develop resentment over the fact that other people have homes, good cars, nice jobs, etc. Critical spirits get hold of them, and suddenly they are attacking other church members accusing them of being greedy and worldly. What they do not understand is that other church members might have walked with the Lord for years and spent their money wisely, not wasting it. If the delivered person gives himself time, in due time, God will bless him also. Galatians  6:6-9

2. Men and women who have come out or are still in "bad" marriages, tend to develop jealousy and envy of couples who have good solid marriages. Again, critical spirits will move in and criticism starts. Statements like this one are common: "It is easy for you to serve God and have a good time." This is followed by a barrage of complaints of how bad things are "because I do not have a good spouse."

3. A person who is struggling with any kind of sinful habit, will be merciless with others.

4. A former substance abuser tends to go overboard on health food and drinking water.

He/she will have a zero tolerance in this area. He/she does not think it through, so you smoked and drank for 30 years, and now, just because you have changed, everyone must at once change, or you will hound them with criticism. Do you remember the love that was shown to you, while you were still struggling? Look at what Jesus said: John 17:5-22

5. Most baby Christians will knit-pick and move into perfectionism. They have moved from one extreme to the other. This creates "dragged out hell fights" between spouses.

The issues are so petty that they are "laughable," but they cause havoc in families.

God looks at the heart. That does not mean that we can disregard God’s laws. Romans 3:23-31 But majoring in physical deeds and missing the spiritual truth makes a person into a modern day Pharisee.  Matthew 15:1-20 

            Let us remember James 3:8-18

Do you have an ear with which to hear ?

                                                                                                                To Be Continued . . . .

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Posted:  01/06/2020

E-Mail:  dovem@eaec.org


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