1 - October 6, 2002 This leaves Lucifer (the Devil) only one option: whatever control he is to exercise must be on the planet earth. Jesus has informed his church and warned us about this. Revelation 12:7-17 For some 7000 years two kingdoms have been built on the earth, THE KINGDOM OF GOD and THE KINGDOM OF SATAN, and they have been at war for this time period. Both are now in the final mobilization for their last battle which will destroy the kingdom of Satan once and for all and remove Satan from all activities and place him in the Lake of Fire where all his fallen angels, other demonic entities and all people who choose the Devil over God, will spend eternity. Revelation 20:7-15 The main battle in this long war took place when Jesus walked on the earth in a body of flesh. First the Devil tried to kill baby Jesus - Matthew 2:1-18 When this did not work, Satan tried to recruit Jesus - Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus refused to be compromised, and now began a three and one half year battle that would culminate with Jesus on the cross! A war is fought in several areas; financial, taking away manpower, demoralizing people, sending in spies and infiltrating traitors who will destroy from within. The final outcome is that the victor will be able to take control of territories and rule them. The Devil needed a human vessel to betray Jesus. He was restricted by God from using his fallen spiritual power to snare Jesus - Luke 22:1-6; Mark 14:10-11, Matthew 22:15-22 Spies were sent to Jesus - Luke 20:19-26 Jesus knew that he was infiltrated - Matthew 22:15-22; John 13:18-32; Matthew 22:15-22, John 13:18-32; Matthew 26:46-50 The Jewish leadership had set up a rigged trial in advance to try Jesus - Matthew 27:1-35 The pressure on Jesus was extremely heavy - Matthew 26:36-43; Luke 22:39-46 On the cross the Devil used all the pressure he could muster to break the Spirit of Jesus, but he failed to break him - Matthew 27:45-49; John 19:28-30 Even after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Jewish leadership continued to lie - Matthew 28:11-15 But they could not keep Jesus in the grave. Once and for all Lucifer was defeated and the keys of hell and death are now in the hands of Jesus - Revelation 1:12-18 All power in heaven and earth now belongs to Jesus - Matthew 28:18-20 Lucifer did not know that the cross would be his defeat - 1 Corinthians 2:1-8; Colossians 2:8-15 Yes, the war has been won, BUT THERE ARE STILL BATTLES LEFT BEFORE JESUS COMES! Do you have an ear with which to hear? To be continued . . . . For The Full Sermon, You May Order The 90 Minute Cassette Tape for $5.00. Use The Code RLJ-841 European-American
Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. Posted: 01/06/2020 E-Mail: dovem@eaec.org