THE KINGDOM OF GOD John S. Torell March 9, 2003 CHAPTER NINETEEN Part 3 To properly understand salvation, we must understand how a wedding was done at the time of Christ.
At the marriage feast of the Lamb, our wedding garments will be the righteousness of Jesus. Revelation 1:5-6; 19:8-9
Salvation is by grace - Ephesians
2:4-10 Matthew 7:18-23 Man is not holding God - IT IS GOD HOLDING MAN! John 10:27-30 1John 5:10-15; Revelation 21:8 Human life begins at the moment of conception. The differences between a one day old child in the womb of a woman and a 20 years old person is the size of the body and the development of a person’s abilities. If we understand this, we can understand Philippians 2:9-16 When Jesus died on the cross, he died for the sins of all men, NOT JUST THE ELECT! Thus from the very beginning of the creation of man, all men and women have their names written in the Book of Life! But only those who have believed in the Messiah - Christ and repented of their sins while they were still living on earth, shall not have their names blotted out! Romans 5:6-21 - for all men Blotting out - Exodus 32: 31-35; Psalms 69:28; Revelation 3:5 When God saves a man, He forgives the past, present and future sins! Do you have an ear to hear with? To be continued... |