-- FEBRUARY 6, 2011
Music & Testimonies and the Sermon are
available on Cassette,
CD, MP3 and DVD.
What is Worship? |
Most people go to church to meet
friends and be entertained rather than have an encounter with the
Lord. Seeker friendly churches cater to the selfish desires of
people; whereas, God is seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit
and in Truth, and this begins with obeying His commandments. Praise
and worship can be done through singing, prayer, tithing and reading
the Bible but God never intended for His church to become a
spiritual amusement park, rather it’s a place where His children can
boldly come before the throne of grace. God is holy and the Bible
specifies how He wants to be worshiped. Any deviation from these
instructions will drive away the Holy Spirit and cause a church to
operate in the flesh with programs and entertainment. If God doesn’t
show up in a church service it will be a dead meeting; therefore,
let’s give God the worship that is worthy of Him! |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
Copyright © 2011 – European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
The sermon outlines, audio and video files
are the property of European American Evangelistic Crusades. Permission is granted to post these data files in their entirety on a
web page or ftp site as long as it is not altered or edited in any way.