-- FEBRUARY 27, 2011
Music & Testimonies and the Sermon are
available on Cassette,
CD, MP3 and DVD.
Even So, Let Your Will Be Done
Charles Thorell |
Satan has meddled with everything
that is precious to God. He is busy wreaking havoc on the earth and
counterfeiting everything the Lord does with the intent to destroy
God’s work. In teaching us to pray, Jesus said “For thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.” With that in mind,
Pastor Charles encourages you to be consistent in your walk with the
Lord, because it is your love for God that will cultivate
consistency and help you in times of trouble. So when the hard times
come, you will be able to say, “Even so Lord, let your will be done
here on earth and let your kingdom reign in me!” We will then be
able to look at Satan’s interference in our lives and still know
that God is in control! |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
Copyright © 2011 – European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
The sermon outlines, audio and video files
are the property of European American Evangelistic Crusades. Permission is granted to post these data files in their entirety on a
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