-- OCTOBER 2, 2011
Walking in Faith
Part 8: The Enforcer |
In looking at the life of Moses
from the viewpoint of faith, his mother risked her life to save the
life of her son and God honored that faith. Moses was nurtured and
raised in the palace of Pharaoh and this adopted Hebrew slave boy
could have become the next king of Egypt but he chose to follow the
God of his forefathers and reject the Egyptian way of life. In doing
so, he went from being a prince to a shepherd and spent the next
forty years tending sheep and keeping his faith in God while the
dream of helping his people slowly died. Then he had an encounter
with the burning bush and realized that God’s ways of doing things
were different than his own and it took great faith to confront
Pharaoh in his palace. God taught him about midnight faith long
before the red sea experience and Moses learned to hang on and watch
God work things out. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
Copyright © 2011 – European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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