Sickness has been a scourge of the
human race since the fall of Adam and Eve and God's promise to send
the Messiah also included mercy on the human race by sending relief
through His prophets for the sick and afflicted. Jesus brought
salvation and performed many miracles when He came to the earth as
the Messiah and it was because of His great love for the human race
that He healed everyone by casting out demons, raising the dead,
making the blind to see and causing the lame to walk. Healing did
not originate with Jesus but dates back to the time of Adam and Eve
because sickness was part of the curse that came through their
rebellion. We are susceptible to sickness, and if there is healing
available for us through Jesus, why not use this gift from God?
Jesus hasn't changed and He told us that healing was to be part of
the ministry until His second coming. As a Christian, are you in the
healing business? Remember, it's not so important how you begin your
life after salvation, but how you finish it! |