-- MAY 20, 2012
Come and join us as we praise the Lord through
music, testimonies and lift up those who need help in prayer. Songs this week include:
He'll Stand By Me
I've Anchored in Jesus
Exalted, O God
Had Compassion On Me
Jesus Paid It All
The Lost Son
Charles Thorell |
God is a Father to all believers
in Christ and it doesn't matter if you are man or woman, bond or
free, Jew or Gentile, we are all one in Christ. In the parable of
the prodigal son, Jesus was trying to reconcile the grace offered by
God (father) to the publicans and sinners (younger son) with the
attitude of the Pharisees and scribes (older son) who were not happy
to see sinners come to repentance. The younger son had separated
himself from his father and was in a state of death until he was
convicted of his sins and decided to return to his father's house.
He came home with a contrite heart and Jesus told us how the father
ran to meet his son and welcomed him with a hug and a kiss, showing
us God's desire to forgive sinners and the grace that He lavishes
upon us. The older brother was angry and tried to deny his brother's
pardon and the gifts bestowed upon him but the father gently rebuked
the older son by reminding him that this was his flesh and blood who
had been dead in sin and lost to the family but now he was found and
a reminder that God extends grace and forgives sinners. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
Copyright © 2012 – European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
The sermon outlines, audio and video files
are the property of European American Evangelistic Crusades. Permission is granted to post these data files in their entirety on a
web page or ftp site as long as it is not altered or edited in any way. The
audio and video were recorded at Resurrection Life of Jesus Church (RLJC).