-- AUGUST 12, 2012
The Epistle to the Hebrews
Part 2: Jesus and the Angels |
The apostle Paul was determined to
make sure that Jewish readers understood that Jesus was different
than the angels and that none of them could claim an equal footing
with Him. Yet this is precisely what Lucifer did when he declared
that he could be like God and replace Him. This type of thinking is
insanity since creation can never replace the creator. Pastor John
also shares the viewpoints of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons,
Judaism and Roman Catholicism in relation to Jesus and then examines
the Bible to see what it has to say on the matter. God is eternal
and so is Jesus. Any person who denies His divinity has the spirit
of Antichrist operating in them. Jesus is supreme and there are no
angels who have the same power and glory. Jesus is the Creator; all
things were created by Him and continue to be sustained by Him. The
same folly that overtook Lucifer is now being perpetuated by mankind
in thinking that creation can take place without a Creator. Only one
viewpoint is factual and you need to make up your mind where you
stand on the matter. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
Copyright © 2012 – European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
The sermon outlines, audio and video files
are the property of European American Evangelistic Crusades. Permission is granted to post these data files in their entirety on a
web page or ftp site as long as it is not altered or edited in any way. The
audio and video were recorded at Resurrection Life of Jesus Church (RLJC).