Jacob ran away from his problems
in the land of Canaan to rebuild his life but Laban was a crafty man
who got Jacob into even more trouble by first marrying off Leah and
then Rachel in return for fourteen years of service. Jacob continued
his folly by using their two female slaves as concubines and these
four women became the mothers of the men who would one day become
the heads of the tribes of Israel. Obviously, four women vying for
the affection of one man would lead to conflict amongst themselves
and their children.
Jacob served his time and left Laban with his large family and an
equally large herd of cattle, angry at the man who had stolen so
much time from him. Jacob's life shows human weakness, divine
intervention, and how God will turn all things around for good to
those that love him. He never became perfect before the Lord but God
slowly changed him into the man He wanted him to be. |