Who am I? What does the future
hold for me? These are some questions that everyone asks themselves
as we search for purpose. David was a shepherd and a poet that loved
to play the harp and worship the Lord. Later he became a man of war
and was selected by God to be the second king of Israel and
eventually consolidated Israel into a dominant military power. But
there was a dark side in that he lusted after women and committed
murder in order to have the woman he desired.
God never looks to the outside of a person; instead, He is
interested in your soul. David showed his greatest strength in many
of the Psalms when he repented of his sins and that is why God
refers to him as a "man after my own heart." King David was sinful
like everyone else and was far from the perfect man but God still
called him into service. God hasn't changed over the years and is
still calling men and women in service. Will you accept God's call
today? |