Human beings have the surprising
ability to do extraordinary things. In the case of King David, it is
astonishing that a lowly shepherd would write psalms that are still
being used three thousand years later. We look at the outside of a
man but God looks at the heart and saw a man who would be faithful
in the assignments given to him. David was the youngest of his
brothers and had the unglamorous job of taking care of the family's
sheep but he took pride in being a shepherd and used his free time
to develop skill with the sling, but also with the harp, which he
used to worship God and cultivate a deep love for the Lord. In fact,
he played the harp so well that people spoke of his great playing.
David's psalms are a portrait of the challenges he faced and how he
called out to God in times of distress but he also showed us how to
worship God in times of joy. This is an uplifting message about a
man after God's own heart. |