No human being is immune from
sickness and injury; it is something we deal with from the time we
are born until the day we leave this earth. Pastor John shares what
he has learned about negative emotions and how they have the power
to make you sick. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with
what you see? God doesn't make junk and yet that is what many people
see when they look in the mirror. The person you see is a
composition of all the people you have met in life and in this
message we will examine how you view yourself. Therefore, if you are
angry, harbor bitterness and refuse to forgive those who have
wronged you, more than likely your emotions will affect your body
and cause it to break down over time. Fortunately, God has retrofit
program built around Jesus Christ that deals with sickness and
injuries. God will help you get rid of the past and discard the
shackles that Satan has put on you. Jesus is God's solution for the
restoration and healing of your soul and body! |