What does God want from you? That
can be a difficult question to answer if you don't know what God
wants from your life. Assuming you're a Christian, is God pleased
with your work in the Kingdom of God? We only have a short time on
this earth and salvation, water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism,
obedience, living a holy life and walking in unconditional love are
all important to God. The first point is so significant that
skipping it negates the rest. Yet if you ignore the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, it becomes hard to live a holy life, and of these
things, the hardest task can be to love God and your fellow man,
which also includes yourself. Pastor John also examines God's
responsibility in convicting people of their sins, making sure the
new birth takes place, baptizing believers in the Holy Spirit and
giving you the power to live a holy life. On the other hand, man is
responsible for responding to God's invitation, being baptized in
water, seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit and living in
obedience. This is a message about how your life can be different
when you're walking closely with the Lord. |