If you're living through a
spiritual onslaught, it can feel like you're just treading water and
barely surviving. The good news is that believers in Christ have
been given power from God but the problem is that many Christians
are drifting like a boat with no motor and their life cannot be
described as one of victory.
Christians should be able to intervene and exert spiritual power in
all areas of life. Elisha moved in the Spirit and was not
intimidated when it came to matters of health, politics and his
personal safety. The end result was that friend and foe alike had
great respect for God.
Our situation today is not much different as we have ungodly
political leaders, aggressive homosexuals and people who are hell
bent on living life however they choose. So what can we do about it?
Jesus promised to give His disciple's power; you just need to make
up your mind if you're going to use it. God wants His people to move
in the supernatural. This is not limited only to a time of crisis,
but God wants us to wield spiritual power all the time. That is the
difference between a victim and a victorious overcomer. |