If you listen to the radio or
watch television, chances are that have heard someone preach the
Gospel. With thousands of Christian radio and television stations,
the probability of hearing the truth mixed with false doctrine is
high and results in confusion among the listeners. Salvation is the
core of the Gospel, and any deviation is fatal to the person
developing it and for the people who buy into it. The Gospel message
is simple; it is faith in Jesus that makes it possible for a person
to repent of their sins and trust Him to be their Savior, who
through grace, bestows salvation upon the person that calls upon His
name. In short, we are saved by grace through faith; that is true
conversion and exactly what Jesus and the apostles taught.
In this message, Pastor John shares six of the most damning heresies
being propagated today concerning salvation and also provides the
antidote by showing you what Jesus and the apostles taught in the
New Testament regarding true and false conversion. Are you a true or
false convert? Have you received the truth of Jesus or a lie from
the Devil? The world has many thoughts on life after death but there
is only one truth and your eternal destiny will be determined by
what you choose to believe on earth. |