How could a vibrant apostolic
church end up dead just a few hundred years after its inception? As
soon as John, the last apostle had left the earth, Satan launched
major attacks against the church. These could be likened to malaria,
which once a person contracts it, strikes hard the first time and
then lays dormant for a number of years, only to flare up again,
disappear, and comes back time and time again. Gnosticism attacked
the deity of Jesus by saying that He never came in the flesh, His
body was an illusion and there never was a death on the cross. This
kind of doctrine destroys the foundation of salvation and is still
with us today in a multitude of false religions. As the Christian
leadership fought Gnosticism, the Devil introduced a second heresy
that the coming of Jesus was imminent. Montanus predicted a specific
date and the movement fell apart when appointed time passed. These
are but two lies from the devil over the years that keep coming back
just like malaria. Satan doesn't have any new programs; everything
he does is just a rehash of what he has done in the past, hoping
that people will continue to foolishly repeat the same mistakes. |