The events that led to the gradual
destruction of the Church in the Roman Empire were not an accident
but a premeditated act carried out by the Devil. In the early days
of the Church there was no central human leadership because
Christians relied upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the love
of God compelled them to share the Gospel wherever they went. The
power of the Holy Spirit hindered Satan's work and made it difficult
for Christians to be deceived.
Eventually the Devil realized that he could reuse the
same plan that had been used to destroy the nation of Israel, but
with a new twist. If Christians could be separated from the Holy
Spirit and the Word of God, then they could also be lead into
idolatry; this would invoke the wrath of God, and at the same time,
cause them to abandon their soul winning. Satan also wanted to
create a religious institution that would be used to enslave mankind
in false worship which we know today as Roman Catholicism. History
has revealed the playbook that Satan is using, are Christians
willing to stand up and resist the evil? |