What happens when the Word of God is ignored or lost?
The result can be seen in the early Church as Christianity continued
to spread throughout the Roman Empire and also begin a slow descent
into apostasy. The lack of Christian Jews created a vacuum that was
filled with Christian Gentiles who were poorly educated and set
forth all manner of theology and doctrine. This meant that the
knowledge of God, His Laws, salvation, water baptism, the baptism of
the Holy Spirit, living a holy life and the destiny of mankind as
presented by Jesus and the apostles, was lost to much of the early
church and paganism was mixed with Christianity. The lack of Bibles made it hard for pastors to train
new believers. When coupled with the decline of the Roman Empire and
vicious persecution, it made the Christian leadership desire peace
with the Roman government, which would lead to the Roman Empire's
embrace of Christianity, but the cost would be high. The merger of
faith and politics as Roman Catholicism cast a dark shadow over the
world that would not be lifted for a long time and the Devil
congratulated himself on a job well done. |