What happened to the early church set up Jesus?
Twelve men were selected to become apostles, but unlike many
churches today, they were not told to run the Church like a
corporation with a board of directors and a CEO. Instead, they
worked, prayed and made decisions together. Hundreds of churches
were planted throughout the Roman Empire. Each one was independent
and this system of leadership continued for 200 years. The ruling
power of each church was in the capable hands of the Holy Spirit,
who was there to guide, convict and call out new leaders. But as
apostasy crept in, each generation of new leaders took the Church
further away from the Holy Spirit and closer to a state church run
by a supreme bishop in Rome. The road to the papacy had been laid
and the corrupted Church was only a shell of what it once had been.
The dark ages were about to begin but Jesus’ promise that gates of
hell would not prevail against His church would still hold true as
it would be supernaturally resurrected time and time again through
the power of the Word of God. |